Tree of Savior Forum

Tokens Suck; some suggestions

i dont know if anyone cares, but i hate the whole pseudo subscription thing going on with tokens, they offer huge QOL and most of all are essentially selling power.
anyway im posting this just to share some ideas to make tokens less intrusive to actually playing the game, not counting on IMC actually listening, but im interested to see what people think

sell a different type token that works like exp tomes
in that they only time down while your out in the field/dungeon maps and not when your in towns or logged out
double the cost, and make them untradable
this ensures your getting everything out of the $ your spending, make them untradable so people wont RMT them.

i hate that i feel like im wasting money if i dont play the game while token buffs are running, simple as that.

nerf them…

attribute learning times
holy ■■■■ this is the dumbest QOL to gate behind tokens, the time it takes to learn some attribs is more costly than the silver cost…

just provide an option to learn them for free but spend time, or learn them by spending silver, the cost is steep af using both, what makes it worse is that attributes are directly tied to character progression, tokens are sucking the fun out of “making your dude stronger”

trade restrictions
IMC plz, your not gonna beat bots, let your players play…
let peasants have 10% comission fees and let them list 10 items ffs, they are poor enough…
give everyone player to player trading but restrict it to just 1 trade per day, so it still feels like your cucking the bots lol.

I like your attribute learning change. If you’re Token-less, it’s pretty stupid to have to wait 10h for one attribute, and at the same time you still spend millions of silver for it… (even stupider when during reset events they get reset and you have to re-learn everything).

For your first point, I don’t fully agree.
Double the cost ? 199 TP ? That’s 20$. There’s no way TOS’ VIP system is worth 20$. It’s not even worth the current 10$.
Most games are 5-15$ monthly, and they usually offer monthly cash currency (here it’d be TP), a good cash shop with a lot of items (and no RNG), more content, more EXP, more loot, or other important things like that.
Tokens only offer 1 extra instance run, +3 movement speed, special emots, a bigger warehouse with the possibility to put money in it… It’s really not much.
Most people are addicted to Tokens, but you can actually play no problem without it. This kind of difference isn’t worth 20$.

I still think Tokens need to be totally reworked and I agree with what you say, but for them to be worth 20$ (which is a lot for an MMO subscription, even if it’s a F2P game), they’d need to be improved a lot.

you didnt read it all lol, i was suggesting they make a different version(that exists with the current one) that doesnt time down when your logged off or in town, so you get the full 720 hours worth of buff time from the token

normal tokens still time down while your not playing, and most casual players play like 2-4 hour per day, so they are essentially getting way less time with their buff than the full 30 days.

I understood and read, which is why I said that I “don’t fully agree”. I don’t mind your hours-based system. I’m just saying that what you get from the Token isn’t worth 20$. Whether it’s hours-based or a monthly subscription is irrelevant. Unless you’re saying the fact it’s hours-based is worth 20$… which doesn’t make much sense to start with.

if you count for average play time, lets say 5 hours per day, your getting 4.8x more hours if you were to use a normal token

so its like your paying 4 bucks instead of 10 for a standard token, all in all its a price reduction but the customers payment is front loaded, and they dont have to worry about re purchasing another token if they dont play much,

if a harcore whale plays 12 hours per day they spend $10 per month and repurchase more frequently which is more fitting for their spending and playing patterns, while a casual can still get the most out thier money.

Do you buy your Token just because it’s a Token ?
You buy it for the benefits. It doesn’t matter if your Token is hourly based or monthly based. If the benefits don’t bring needed advantages, there’s no point in having it.
I’m not saying that it working only when you’re online is bad. I’m just saying that the current advantages the Token brings aren’t worth 20$.

If you seriously think that a Token that ticks only when you’re online is worth 20$ no matter what the benefits are… well, good for you, I guess.

i just explained to you why its not really worth 20$ if its hourly based though…its worth less in the long run, like i said the consumption rate of the token changes the amount a user plays…
i think if i reworded the scheme to be $4 dollars for 6 days (144 hours) you would’ve said nothing lol.

you keep talking about different benefits but i haven see you list anything lol? like what do you want from $5 dollars per month?

if it came down to them charging this low, then just remove tokens altogether and give its current buffs for free and just sell whale cubes for profit, if they want to squeeze out more money out of tokens then that hourly scheme im talking about its the best solution imo because it gives whoever buys it piece of mind, but ensures hardcore players are paying at almost the same rate as the tokens we have now.