Tree of Savior Forum

Tokens Should Not Be Tradeable

The Marketplace is already bordeline useless because of the ridiculous restrictions placed on it. Now (3 days in) people are trying to use tokens as currency rather than finding equivalent trading materials or make fair market prices.
The result is that free to play users get completely screwed because they cannot trade, while the market is full of overpriced items.

While it is probably too early to accurately make predictions, I can’t help but feel that the game’s economy will take a turn for the worse if this keeps up. A cash shop item should not be tradeable, not even once. Especially so if it will only benefit people who are already making use of the service it provides. It’s becoming an exclusive currency that only benefits premium users, quite literally segregating the normal players.

Even as a player that IS premium, it’s frustrating to see. The money is going into IMC’s pockets though, so maybe this is what they want.


What I don’t even…

Shouldn’t f2p players be happy that you can buy token off market? I don’t understand why you would think otherwise.

And the marketplace itself is the problem with the 48hours to withdrawn the gold you made off any sales; by the time 48 hours is up I probably wouldn’t need the silver anyway.


Not that much.
f2p players are unhappy to be unable to trade.

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And that is a problem with the system itself, if you can’t even buy tokens then it’s worst than what it is?

The problem is people aren’t putting them on the market, they’re just trading it with other premium users. People would rather take that route because the market is so bad.

The 48 hour clause on the market is a huge problem, but you also have to remember that F2P users can only list one item at a time to begin with. They lose out even harder. As it is both the trade system and market system are unfair, and tokens are another aspect of the problem.

No, because buying a token to be able to trade is plain retarded.

Normal players will not buy tokens for the sole use of trading.
They’ll buy one because they want bonus dungeons, AH advantages, etc…
Or they’ll not buy any and not trade, because they can bare it.
Or they’ll leave game.

It IS stupid.
There’s no guarantee though, that somebody out there somewhere isnt willing to make that trade if something rare enough is put on the table.
People that have that kind of money do exist.

Having tokens be tradable make IMC their own RMT. This is what IMC is saying:

“Hey, don’t buy silver from those RMT sites! Come to us, buy one of our tokens, and sell them for silver instead!”

They then hid things like trade, marketplace, and team storage behind these tokens as incentive to buy them, instead of just having the normal benefits of premium accounts, such as the better exp gain / faster move speed / better drop rates, etc Since trading is so important to player, they also hike up the price for these stupid tokens to $20 and those who can’t think for themselves fall into that.

Also note that tokens wont always be as cheap as they are. The more silver that exists in game, the more the tokens will cost. It will only get worst for those who are too young or don’t wish to pay an expensive fee for limited trading. Also, non-token users can sell more on the market, so they could get tokens a lot easier.

The entire Trade system, Market system, and Team Storage needs to be freed, as these are basic services of any MMORPG that this company is trying to monetize. Put your foot down and show you wont stand for this. Without players, there’s no game, so you gotta force change or show you wont support them if changes don’t come.

The game will slowly die otherwise and the only people who’ll play are the ones who aren’t affected by lack of trade, aka, people who play mmorpgs just to solo, and last I checked, being alone in a “massively multiplayer online” game defeats the purpose. When those few players cannot support the game on their own, the game will be forced to shut down.


All of token’s benefit is fine except the trade restriction, pretty much this game and BD are the only mmos that did this retarded trade restriction to prevent bots;

yet it never works anyway; they still sell gold somehow.

I don’t even know why ppl cry so much about thi, I remember that the only time I traded in icbt2 was for the sole reason of passing the item to an Alt, so far, I’ve had 0 issues with this trade restriction.
Ppl are selling Tokens in the Market, atleast in Orsha, so idk what’s the fuss all about, I love it how I can buy tokens from other players, it’s a win-win.

You win until there’s no one playing this game and it dies. People will leave because of these restrictions, and if people leave, the game will have to close. Please look at it from a wider viewpoint than yourself.

No they wont… They’ll most likely leave if the lag remains or if the queu problem isnt resolved, this is not thekind of thing that make players quit, there are just a bunch of whiny guys that take everything way too serious.

Uh, I’m definitely leaving by the end of the month I purchased if things aren’t fixed, and so are my friends since they feel the same way.

We’re trying to party and play together and we can’t even give each other items that drop. I want to be an Alchemist but I can’t even offer my services if they can’t give me items. I think Gem Roasting is the only one that can set up a shop, if the game still allows that.

You definitely do not know what you’re talking about if you think people wont leave. No people means no money, no money means no server.

You definely overexagerate about this stuff, like most of these forum guys that keep making topics about it.
If ppl are leaving the game because they are too lazy to buy a Token for 500K that lasts for a month, idk man…
Ifyou and your friends are leaving bc of that, I think you guys wouldnt last a month or two anyways, good luck on your next game!
Edit: Btw,give the game atleast 3 weeks for the market to settle, you guys are all basing your claims on nothing but conspiracy Jesse Ventura stuff lol

Nope , because the super high end stuff is going to be expensive as hell. Ppl will sell tokens so that they can get the super expensive items. That is p2w.

Its like the real life. Where normal ppl waste their health working hard so that the rich can get shiny toys for themselves.

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You have to realize this is real life, every game that has a currency is going to be like this.

If there isn’t a system then there will be alot more people that will use gold seller websites.

However with goldsellers that resource is limited and illegal. When you have a legal open system like this the p2w potential is limitless.

And you should know this is limited too because it’s just silver going through between players, it’s not generating it.

Pirating is also illegal, yet almost everyone does it; being illegal means nothing on the internet.

Since steam became a thing , I never pirated. Pirating is a result of poor platform . I don’t need to pirate , because I can get games for 2-10 euro on steam sale if I wait a bit.
In this day and age pirated stuff is so saturated with viruses , that you’d be mad to pirate stuff anyways. This is coming from an IT professional.

You’re right it’s shifting the wealth from the poor to the wealthy.
Creating the same real world structure where 1 % are in power and the rest work for the rich.
This system has been already proven to be faulty many times before.
This is not the first company to come up with this terrible idea

What they really need to fix is the inability to trade and the restrictions on the market all together. A player buying a token is no different from a player in another game (like Wildstar and I think maybe WoW???) buying a month’s subscription for in-game money from another player instead of from their RL pockets. Tokens being tradeable isn’t a bad idea in theory, especially when looking at it this way. What is bad would be all the restrictions on trading and the market, currently. That is what’s going to make the game economy go to crap and IMC needs to fix it.