Tree of Savior Forum

[Tip] Thaumaturge Buffing Guide

This is a mechanic I would only suggest to very passionate buffers to use. This revolves around solobuffing without a linker3 or transmit prauna. However, there can be improvements by using that as well.

The ideal buff rotation is:

  1. Put on your CON equips
  2. Transpose
  3. Put on INT/SPR Equips
  4. Start buffing
  5. Swap to DPS Equips

Basically you can spoof INT by Transposing CON equips and changing equips to get more total INT otherwise. Removing CON equips while in transpose removes from your CON rather than INT.

This allows for more overall attack for you and your party. This mechanic really only became viable with the 5m buff timers, since the buff rotation becomes much longer and more tedious.

I can post example equipment sets later.

Video Example:

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Lot easier and affordable to just go full int with viena mace.

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Thanks for your post!

Being a thaumaturge main, that’s quite obvious but not optimal. My goal is to give ways to squeeze more stats out of the class as a whole.

Dont forget animus snapshot with transpose. Easy 800 magic amp!!

  1. wear INT/Hp recovery necklace
    2.) transpose
    3.) equip animus

bind the 2 necklace on quickslots

might as well mention to use swell brain first cause it gives int lol. I know it’s obvious but I’ve seen people use it last

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added video demonstration

I dont think this will work on my full INT thauma XD