Tree of Savior Forum

Timed Exp Tomes

Please, make 4x~8x TIMED exp tomes team tradable… Not just me, but many players has 3 or 4 level 330 characters and those exp tomes from Master Cube will be lost. A complete waste. We could use it on our low level characters or create new one. Those exp tome will expire and be deleted.

Or atleast make the Master Cube team tradable so we can open the cube on our low level characters.

I think one solution for you is to save up those 4x EXP Tomes to craft a x8 EXP Tome ( which will become TS tradable after crafting it. )

Yeah i know, but those 8x one will be a complete waste… I know that timed itens are made to be used on the character u received it, but they could atleast make the masters cube team tradable =/

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