Tree of Savior Forum

Tile Based Skill Targeting

as i anxiously await the beginning of the closed beta tomorrow, i can’t help but notice a slight issue while i try to figure out my character’s build…

whenever i see a skill that needs to be targeted over an enemy, i see that the skill circle originates over the player and must be moved over the monster with the arrow keys before it is used. i could be wrong, but that gives me the impression that there is no quick way to target tile-based skills. that seems to go against the nature of the skills themselves, to me. when casting a tile-based skill such as safety zone, one expects to be able to quickly save a teammate quickly before they die (similar to casting safety wall before an asura strike in ragnarok). tile-based skills are by design meant to be strategically placed and i see no reasonable way to do that in its current form.

is anybody else disappointed that we have to target these types of skills with the arrow keys? how are we supposed to make split second movements if we have to target with arrows while our movement is suspended? could we just implement the same exact targeting system ragnarok had? considering we’re using WASD to move and the mouse currently isn’t doing anything, that seems to be the most logical solution.

click tile based skill->skill circle shows up where your mouse is->move mouse to where you want to place the skill->click->cast

or am i missing something? i obviously haven’t played the game yet so let me know if this has already been addressed.

Kbeta tester here.

Well you could just change your controls to a mouse and click the tiles on the ground with your mouse to quickly make the skills instead of using the arrow keys. If I’m making an icewall for example, I click the tiles 5 times in the direction I want on the floor and make an ice wall. If I want to make a small one, I click one tile with a mouse. It’s really quick and easy.

That’s what I do anyhow.

Also the mouse is used for movement… you don’t need to use WASD or the arrow keys. I don’t use any of those buttons…ever.

Too many people asking questions without knowing anything about the game… and being worried over things that don’t even exist.

so you use the mouse scheme exclusively? you can’t use the wasd as well as the click to move can you? if there’s no method for me to target skills more efficiently while also using the wasd scheme, i just plan on using the oldschool click to move RO scheme because i’m already used to it. i can see that being pretty annoying to people who don’t like click spamming though.

With Mouse Control option you can move with Left Click and WASD, attack with Left Click and Z, bar slots are at 1 ~ 0 and ctrl + 1 ~ ctrl + 0 (extendable to shift too), jump on Space.