Tree of Savior Forum

Thrust Continuous Attack

The swordsman class needs to have a boost. 5% Continuous Thrust is ludicrously bad for the attack.

I think it should be increased to a maximum of 20%. Why?

  • Swordsmen have a low sp pool. Even if they wanted to spam thrust, they can’t spam it long. And even then, with an output of 20%, they won’t get continuous thrust all the time.

  • All the other classes have insane damage dealing abilities whereas swordsmen have damage dealing abilities but at an incredibly lower scale.

  • Thrust doesn’t do much more damage than a base attack, unless someone decides to invest a whole ton of money. And even then, the sp pool is limited and only so many thrusts can be done

  • The thrust is typically single target. It can hit multiple targets but it has a very narrow range so it typically hits only 1 target.

  • The thrust is the only beginner skill that does not have overheat

I am being serious here. The swordsman has no real damage dealing abilities. Its only saving grace is that it is a natural tanker (I have never died yet, in my entire career as a swordsman) but it can only deal real damage is short bursts. The rest of the time, its auto attack at a snail pace.

Increasing the maximum continuous thrust won’t give the swordsman an incredible power over the other classes but it would give them a competitive edge in dealing a bit of damage at the mercy of RNG.

You must be joking right?


iirc, Thrust’s ContinuousAttack attr. only add 15-20% bonus if it procs.
Thrust:Bleeding doesn’t even work, when used together with Restrain.

Only good thing out of 3 circles of Swordsman is Restrain and PB, the rest are all ■■■■.

You’re misinterpreting/misunderstanding what I wrote. Or you haven’t read my post entirely.

The swordsman has damage dealing abilities like the Catar Stroke (believe it or not, it is really good) but these skills are not only far and few in between rankings, they are also inferior to other classes’ abilities.

You also have to take into account that swordsmen have to go up to the enemy to attack since they have little to no kiting ability.

Being able to further upgrade the pierce:continuous thrust doesn’t really upset the balance intended but it also gives the swordsmen a slight edge in single combat, especially in the early levels.

Not everybody is happy to wait until class rank 8 to get a better melee class that actually deals a decent damage to same level monsters in pve.

I understand exactly what you’re saying, Swordsmen have some underlying issues that were never addressed. They just cranked the damage up at R8 without addressing them.