Tree of Savior Forum

Three simple suggestions to improve the Halloween event dungeon

There are over 8 million threads about the event already but w/e, here’s my 2c while I afk to fish waiting for the stupid dungeon to open again.

  1. Shorten the length of the dungeon

It’s annoying when you have a lot of candies and get killed, losing all of them, but you know what’s the worst? Dying after playing this stupid dungeon for 10~14 minutes only to end up with jack all to show for it. If you’re doing the dungeon three times daily that’s also 45 minutes of your life wasted on this event. That’s way too much time to be spending on something where there’s no guarantee you’ll be rewarded for your efforts at all.

If the dungeon was only, say, 5 minutes long I wouldn’t be quite as bothered if I lost everything even at the last minute. I’d only have wasted 5 minutes of my life per run instead of 15. Not such a bad deal. You can still get a sizable candy count within 5~10 minutes of total play (especially if you’re taking out other players) so changing the 15 minute event window into three 5 minute event windows would alleviate a lot of the stress from playing the event. Let people enter 9 times a day instead of 3 if you want to keep the same total playtime.

  1. Remove the PVP aspect or add an alternate no-PVP version of the same event dungeon

I’ve sworn myself to a life of peace and I have no trouble at all collecting candies this way, I usually end up dying a few times in the middle but I still finish with 100~150 candies almost every time, the PVP aspect is completely unnecessary and without it I’m confident 300 candies would be a snap. Add bigger monsters that give more candies/do more damage and make it so people can’t hit eachother anymore.

I know the intention was to be like agario but let’s face it, agario just plain doesn’t work with ToS’s netcode and the stakes are way too high for a minigame where you can lose ~14 minutes of progress in an instant.

  1. Reverse the hitboxes for attacking (low candy player = big hitbox, high candy player = small hitbox) and/or add a cap to how much of your total candy you can lose in one hit

Having a high candy count basically makes you an invincible steamroller of death, crushing every player in your path just because you can. No one can do more than tickle you and you can oneshot or twoshot basically everyone. It makes trying to play this game extremely frustrating if you fall behind because you have basically no chance of ever catching up, and those players can and will murder you just to keep you from hitting 300 (and so their buddies can leech, usually). Right now their only disadvantage is being slower, but that doesn’t mean much when you’re cornered or being attacked from multiple sides at a time.

So, let’s fix that. Lower count players should have the larger hitbox, allowing them to attack from a slightly safer distance to make up for their weakness in strength. As they increase their candy count, the hitbox shrinks instead of growing. This change alone would make fighting high candy count players much fairer, I think, because it would be viable to hit&run to get chunks of candy off them without it being total suicide. However, they’re still able to do significantly more damage to lower count players so it would be a risk vs reward sort of deal.

We can also limit the number of hits it takes to kill a player. Right now you can get oneshot by anyone with double your candy count. That’s stupid, especially when you consider jerks camping spawn points to smack down 5 candy players instantly. Instead, let’s say you can only deal up to 33% of a player’s total candy count in damage, rounded up. This not only makes attacking 5 candy players a waste of time, it makes it much harder to wipe a player down to nothing before they can escape. You still take significant losses if you get hit by a 300 candy player, but unless you get hit several times you’ll still be able to escape with a respectable candy count. It also means low candy players stand to lose less by taking risks.

also unrelated but the damage calculation should be changed to (candy÷2)+1 because right now if you end up with 1 candy you do 0 damage and can’t kill monsters, sadface.

ANYWAY those are my thoughts, maybe if we throw ideas into the void enough someone from IMC will actually decide to change something about this godforsaken event,


Choose a flat terrain map to work on.

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cry more


To be fair, if you put yourself in a corner then that is a mistake you made. There are plenty of spots on the map with multiple exits.