Tree of Savior Forum

Thoughts on Rune Caster

Does anyone else feel disappointed with the rune caster changes? Reduced casting time is a good thing right?
Well nope… The description of the rc says it takes “time to draw power from the symbols but they contain enormous power” . Not only does the class lack power but it’s even losing its aesthetic appeal. With this patch it feels like we won’t be getting any more changes for a long time for RC. Frankly, I don’t see why anyone would want to bother to go for rc considering how frustrating and annoying it is to complete the hidden quest. And to top it off it doesn’t offer almost anything. The few builds rune caster fits in is the pp+iw combo and now with the dmg nerf to rune of ice you’re much better off with shinobi for a similar combo. Elementalist lost frost cloud now and hail was also slightly nerfed making it hard to make use of rune of ice Rune of giants is still underwhelming… In a game where you have to combine different classes to make a build, a skill which limits the skills you can use from other classes defeats the point. It’s not like it gives you anything either …you’re just a little bit less squishy. The damage of rune of destruction and justice still isn’t anything special either.
The only good thing I see in the update is the new attribute for rune of destruction and the changes to rune of protection which lets you steer away from wizard leaving room for other circles like enchanter for enchant lightning. You can’t have it 100% of the time either so great…
I wish they would do something similar like what they did to shinobi and make rc more viable for all kinds of builds. Or at least give some kind of decent damaging skill to use while they are a giant buff bot.

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Rune Caster for support is very popular.

Offensive rune caster is pretty underwhelming though, I agree

I think, for support, its pretty good, if you combine it with Linker, to share Rune of Protection. You have Rune of Destrucion to break mdef, and Rune of Ice to boost elememe’s Hail. That would be your role as Rune Caster. If you combine it with Linker3, then you have more mdef break and matk boost for all the party with Spiritual Chain. Then you can choose Chrono or Thauma and the build ends up pretty solid IMO.
Or use it as a farmer…

Underwhelming, no other word can describe it. The sad truth it’s that the changes to some skills don’t make any sense, rune of ice duration it’s not enough to fit 2 rotations of hail (kinda but you miss some time) and the dmg increase it’s nothing amazing tbh, they also tried to make rune of protection “good” by adding the attribute the huge problem it’s that they decided to ■■■■ that up by reducing the duration of the skill if you choose to take the attribute, why? we already have gazing golem card so what it’s the point, if they are concerned about pvp just change the duration in PVP and that’s it, and i’m not asking for 100% uptime but come on. Rune of justice still sucks, the damage it’s too low and IMO it needs a secondary effect or damage increase, not much to say about that. As for rune of destruction, oh dear the set up for the MDEF reduction it’s not worth it IMO, it only lasts for 10secs and while you can refresh it by using it again the truth is it’s very slow… from a support character point of view, we can say its ok tho. IMO rune caster offensive skills should have no cast time at all.

And last thing, the stupid quick cast attribute it’s OUTDATED ASF. take a look at thaumaturge’s quick cast attribute and then compare it to a friggin HIDDEN CLASS for god’s sake. All in all it’s a shame, this class will be always a very gimmicky one tied to very specific builds with no versatillity at all. Guess we will have to “enjoy it” with the linker build for a while…

Maybe hidden interactions could make this class a little bit better

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To be fair, thauma QC still takes 3 ranks while RC only takes 1 rank. In addition QC was already built into the spell with 50% castime taken off the cast already (4sec down to 2sec) while STILL being able to cast it with QC again if you have it (down to 1sec).

Quite honestly I want to take 8sec to cast something (8sec being the original), but I want it to be some sort of “I win” button for successfully reaching those 8 sec. That’s me.

Here are somethings I want in exchange for those 8 sec:

  • rune of destruction: reduce the cast time and cd of meteor to 0 for 10sec. You can no longer cast meteor without rune of destruction.
  • rune of the giant: cast earth quake around yourself when you walk (in addition to jump AA)
  • rune of ice: all spells cast for the duration of the rune are ice property

The problem is IMC is using time “to deal damage” as a design for RC. That just just doesn’t work because literally every single class out now doesn’t (with exception to the new sage spell). If all RC spells where a buff that enhanced something else (like in my examples) it would feel way less underwhelming.

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Also Rune caster is a red class. Its not supposed to be a support filler.
For me the advantage of a hidden class is that it offers something unique without much devotion like with other normal circles(for example: having to reach circle 3 to get a certain ability) and should be useful for many builds.
Rune caster doesn’t fit that at all.


This much :star_struck: this sums up RC since release

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I will be the only one maybe but I reallly like what they did with RC. It s not the OP one but I feel like It is reallly nice to use it time to time. I think most ppl are expecting too much of it. But most of hidden classes are more tools than core in a build ans I feel like it is the case for RC.

2 of the more powerful hidden classes require such devotion actually. Chaplain requires priest3 making it a “4 rank class” if you stop at just priest3 (adding krivis makes it a 7 rank class) while shinobi requires investing almost all the other ranks have a clonable skill.

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Rune Caster is an amazing single circle class, it has good damage and utility and can fulfill multiple roles. I laughed when someone compared a full support 3 circle class attribute to Rune Casters, good joke.

What other classes at one circle offers as much as Rune Caster does? Not many.

Buff it too much and it becomes Shinobi for Wizard, no thank you.

I really dislike the ‘this class is x color’ arguements. There are a fair amount of classes in the game that are a certain color and are or can be played opposite of what that color represents, tbh I wish they’d just get rid of them, skills being color coded is enough.


RC is really good with enchanter mario build :slight_smile: rune of giants and lightning hands x3


Not to mention even if a class is support, there are inevitably people that would like a DPS variant of the same class and vice versa…Predetermined roles are boring


When i referenced Shinobi what I meant is that it offers something to many other classes while not requiring to get a higher circle on shinobi itself(because there isn’t one obv). I’m not saying every hidden class is like this. It was just my opinion on how a hidden class should be.
And yes, sure Rune caster as a single circle class is okay but it’s hard to place it into builds since all it offers is some mediocre damaging skills with long cooldowns and buffs that don’t benefit the user like rune of giants. Rune of protection is good but it feels like it’s surespell 2.0, not to mention rune of giants also has the absolute -same- beneficial effects of it…
As someone who only started to play the game out of curiosity and interest in this class I just wish it was more… just more. It doesn’t have to be as op as shinobi. the buffs feel rushed and ruin the concept of rune caster which has a lot of potential.

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I only hope linker-RC people turn their Skilled casting attribute off when partying with Ele3.
They keep swapping my QC5 with their QC1, and thats VERY annoying

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at max level, the attribute does not decrease the duration of the skill.


Does it really override it? I didn’t know. I would open an issue for IMC and we could mark the GMs here and mention that

It does.
I was doing CM with link chrono RC and i need to keep casting my QC.
the problem is they share it with spirit chain.

I believe in you guys. Left open issue and Mark the gm . It should be this way.

Also, does you guys see the to work? I think it doesn’t. It supposed to work with any basic attack but for enchanter it might not work

Learn some english at least… (or maths)

  • Skills being cast cannot be interrupted by enemy attack when [Rune of Protection] is applied
    Duration of [Rune of Protection] decreases by *[10 - (attribute level 2)] seconds
    Max Level: 5

So, at maxed attribute level, the decrease is 10 - 10 = 0 sec

But yeah, i agree on some parts:

·Rune of Justice, they could add some more mechanics, also is proly the only [Holy] skill in the Wizard tree, it can be used along with Mastema

Mastema [Magic] - [Dark]
Summon the devil of hatred to attack enemies. Enemies attacked by this magic can take you as prior target, and will temporarily take extra damage from Holy property attacks

How much is that “extra damage” ? im about to test it now… just checking which could be good for a Warlock build that includes RC at rank 6

EDIT: is about x2 the damage, is pretty nice

Also yeah, Ice Rune should last way longer, Pyro has Agny neck, until we get an ice neck, we should get a better effect from Ice Rune

And Rune of Giants should have more skills being able to be used under that buff

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It doesn’t work with lightning hands. Even though lightning hands is an AA. Its probably a coding bug.