Tree of Savior Forum

Thoughts on KTOS Patch Cleric Changes


Stone Skin block bonus reduced to SPR0.5 from SPR4
Heal tiles expire after 10 seconds, instead of the previous 40 seconds.

Stone Skin
While I understand that SPR4 was a bit high, making it SPR0.5 seems like it undermines the point of any SPR investment, because CON gives 1 block per point.

SPR already seems like it has limited uses in TOS, and while it shouldn’t be as situational as it has been, this just seems like the ‘Good Stats Club’ has a ‘No SPR Allowed’ sign out front.

While I would like to see some changes to SPR come eventually, it seems a flat SPR*1 would make the most sense here, so investment in SPR wouldn’t feel like back-pedalling when compared to CON.

While this will negatively affect Cleric C2, by removing all unused tiles sooner, I feel it is a bigger hit to Cleric C1, because now they can’t precast their tiles, and rely on the CD to keep them at full health.

This kind of forces you to go Cleric C2, if you didn’t feel forced already.

Perhaps the heals need to be buffed to their old effectiveness, or something similar, to warrant the tile-duration loss. That would make C2 useful for healing full parties with a single cast, and C1 capable of the same, with both casts on overheat.

… Anyway, that’s my 2 cents. What are your thoughts?

EDIT: Please note that these changes are currently only on kTOS, and are not currently present on iTOS. Patches are not always the same between kTOS and iTOS.

These changes only apply to Team Battle League (PvP Modes), PvE is not affected as it is mentioned.
##ONLY <--------------------------

Please don’t delete it to prevent misinformation.

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Didn’t realize that! I totally missed that. Thanks Gwenyth, I’ll make a note of it at the top of my post to avoid misinformation.