Tree of Savior Forum

Thoughts on IMC restrictions from an ex-Goldseller:

i cant like this enough :frowning:
Hopefully someone “big” sees this and does something about it sigh a guy can only hope

that would still be much lower comparing to players who can craft and do quest, since I’m pretty sure program a bot to do collecting quest with random spawn is very difficult.

As long as we can lessen the amount of bots it would be easier to track and ban them.

I’m not saying this will eliminate bots completely (nothing can) but it should not be blatant like current.

It depends on the software employed. If you have a solid base with a good set of functions (this is not rare btw) telling the bot to kill 100 of mob x is a simple while line.

while x < 100
“you tell him to run around space you think is good here”
if that is done he proceeds to the next mob.

Exploring the map is basically letting him run waypoints. You do it once manually, mark down the spots that trigger “exploration” (they will be grateful for the reddit mod too :D) give them inaccuracy where you can so they deviate a bit on their way to the destination and accuracy where you must. You let them run all the points.

It is not that complicated, just a lot of work. I can only speak for myself though, but then again I never ran with 20 bots in a line like a retard with the pls ban me sign over my head.


You misunderstood my point. I’m not talking about kill quests, I’m talking about quests that require you to go to spot X and collect Y item Z times. I’m pretty sure unless you can write color recognition for each of those quest, making a generic bot for those quests would be very difficult.

We can just limit the market/trade access behind those quests and there would be very few spaces for bots to operate

I never ran with 20 bots in a line like a retard with the pls ban me sign over my head.

Ah that’s reminding me of that screenshot again. It’s annoying but actually cracked me up just looking at it. So dumb lol

You’re clearly an experienced gentleman about town - consequently, I could use your opinion! Mind reading a thread I wrote on locking market access behind actions players naturally make as part of normal gameplay that are tremendously difficult to automate?

I would love to hear what you think, and how you’d personally try to break my system, if you were still into that sort of thing.

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A proper bot platform comes in a way that you can read out your whole inventory. The hook up to the game and can see everything a player could see.

There is no more color recognition required. That is just if you work with AutoIt or similar crude methods.

Another method would be to check the quest step. Within the program it changes if you are still “acquiring” items you are on a different step than e.g. using the item that comes out of it or being finished. These can probably be detected already.

Don’t forget about the potential to exploit vendor services like Repair shops/Pardoner buff stations/Alch roasting etc. If the customer has one of those available on his account it would be my first method of trading because of the immediate handing over of silver at definable rates. No middle man. Just tax.

I’m interested by your post; most of the time, though, it’s good practice to include suggestions toward a fix. I mean you put in a line about getting in contact but (no offense meant) how do you expect for IMC to take your word on it without first displaying at least a couple ideas toward resolution first? There are likely (not my area of expertise but…) hundreds of deterrents available, starting with detection and ending with restriction, but you haven’t listed a single one. Even naming a couple examples of what you would do wouldn’t (or shouldn’t) exhaust your bag of tricks; I recommend updating the OP to reflect a few examples of things that have stumped you in the past or have made it very difficult at least. Perhaps things that have weeded out your competition but you managed to work past and how.

The odds of the botters taking the time to read your post aren’t that high, but, even if some do, it shouldn’t impact the value of the information you would be offering IMC. Basically what I mean is, so what if you list a couple examples and then they won’t work since the botters will know, you’ll still have proven the value of your ideas and will have more to offer that would still present counters.


That actually doesn’t work. One needs 2 days to be able to retrieve the money from a transaction, and that’s the time it takes for the staff to analyze said transaction. One person having 20 pieces of gear sold to retrieve money is kind of suspicious don’t you think?

And now regarding the methods for Token user:
“There’s no need to regulate trades where the goods being traded from each side are similar in value. However, an uneven transaction is observed whe trades are made between bots and seller’s accounts or between sellers and buyers”.
So the staff indeed is indeed regulating 1:1 trades, and that’s what all of the methods you’ve posted are about(Uneven transactions) so… I don’t really think you’ve thought this through.
The only real question tho is what are the measures that the Staff is going to take on the players that are caught under suspicious of RMT.


Darkon one thing is that I have little knowledge about how I actually ended up losing accounts. It isn’t like I could ask customer support about how they found out. :smiley:

Also I paid taxes and bought the games properly so what bothered me the most was if the accounts didn’t last long enough after the break-even point. The break even point of individuals that do not really pay (although I really doubt that they can dish out hundreds of accounts without paying) is of course a lot lower.

Bottom line is though that suggestions have to be fitting to what IMC can and wants to do. There is no clear-cut solution to the gold-seller problem or you would see it implemented somewhere.

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The staff didn’t say it is checking the 1:1 trades and personally I don’t believe they do.

What they probably meant was shifting currency by ridiculous transfers e.g. 1 wood for 2 mil silver, which technically works unless they cancel it manually. That is why I listed it at the top and also said, that the only thing they combat is this method.

As the staff correctly said you will mostly link 4-10 farming accounts to one seller account. That money has to be transferred from the grinding acc to the selling acc and yes that will leave a trace.

What they didn’t say is that gold-sellers abandon that system and sell from better hidden farming accounts directly if the pressure becomes higher.

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As much as we’d like them to staff don’t just browse and read every topic and reply on the forum ever created all days of the week. If you really want a reply to a topic and you think it’s likely to be in their interest to reply you should quote IMC staff directly to the thread for better chances :slight_smile:

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@Pappus Your thoughts on captcha system please? It’d be appreciated.

captcha is totally useless against bots as they can solve it by outsourcing, it just reduces their earnings by a minimal part

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I was never involved in a game with a captcha system, but I assume the guys behind the bot basis would solve that problem for their customers.

Most forum captchas are broken already. Most bots I know are even supervised so if the captcha could not be solved automatically you would probably just have the supervisor enter it manually.

The 2 day thing, you relize how futile thats going to be once the game goes f2p and has 10 times the players it does now? its just not going to work, None of their supposed crippling of the game to stop rmt actually drops any of it, there are still many easy ways to do it that aren’t watched. They might as well just remove the market and trade restrictions and be done with it, since it doesn’t do much to hurt gold sellers and all it does is annoy legit players. I really wonder what assclown at IMC thought the current system is a good idea in a gear based grind based mmo? Like there is a item i wanna buy now, when I can get my money out of market I can afford it, the problem? by the time 1 day 11 hours passes the item I want is most likely not going to be there anymore. You know this does now? tempts people to turn to gold sellers to get the item they want now in a trade insted of waiting days to finally get the money from market. Since the gold seller will just buy the item and trade it to the person. Like I said all these restrictions just make people wanna just buy silver even more than if they weren’t here. I just don’t get imc’s logic at all.

You need to remember western gamers have no patience and want everything now now now, you can thank easymode mmo’s like world of warcraft and that which hands everything out on a silver platter so easly for people not being willing to spend the time to get it.

In a side note i hope they remove the stupid potental loss and trade use loss when using team storage to transfer stuff to my own chars on the same server, it really needs to go.

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Ok thanks for the inputs.

@STAFF_John @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan Please tell the devs to read this thread.

Conclusion: the limitations are only bad for the legit player :confused:

Now this just isn’t true for anyone else than kids with access to their parent’s credit card. I doubt these players really aren’t that huge target audience as you make them sound to be.

I bet you don’t find an mmorpg there where there weren’t significant amount of old players left. And by old players I mean those who had the patience to play the same game for years.

And wow is so old mmo they have to hand out everything immediately to new or returning players because they are desperate to keep that mmo alive. No one would start playing and invest their time if they had to grind for years to get into the end game in it. I bet it wasn’t like that from the beginning.

You would be surprised when you knew what the target audience consists of. It isn’t underage kids with their parents credits cards I can tell you that much :smiley:


That’s interesting piece of info. Every time I’ve seen someone QQing after his main account was stolen after he tried to purchase power leveling, I thought they were definitely kids because of their behaviour and how naive they were overall :open_mouth:

Well I’ve seen only few of these situations over the years, so they aren’t statistically significant.