Tree of Savior Forum

Thoughts on final cleric build

Before I hang myself in this agony of decisions. Assuming Tos would have r10, here’s my current build path and the future build. I don’t really want to re roll considering this would be my 19th re reroll if I did + considering the fact that I am completing monster kills on my current character / achievements.

Cleric 1 > Priest 1 > Priest 2 > Krivis 1 > Dievdirbys 1 > Krivis 2 > Cleric 2 > Plague Doctor 1 > Plague Doctor 2 > Whatever circle 10 there may be.

Stats wise, originally I was planning to do 1:1:1:1:1 of str, con, int, dex, spr, but I’ve narrowed it down to con, int, spr.

I’m not planning to take any r9 classes no matter how nice they are.

I need your critique, aye. Thanks.

Well you see, if the game keeps progressing like it is now, by rank 9 you won’t really have any choice other than the 6 new cleric classes (not counting hidden) that will pop up at rank 9.

Right now, the 6 rank 8 classes (druid 3, pd 2, inqui, taoist, etc) have so much base atk on their skills that it doesn’t make any sense picking something outside of those 6 classes choice.

For pure support builds, you can even consider skipping a rank 8 choice in exchange for more supportiveness. But remember, no matter what you do, you won’t be able to make quests or kill stuff solo lvl 280+ if you don’t pick one of the 6 rank 8 classes.

In this game you can pick any class path you want. But the thing is, some classes simply don’t fit. The reason why picking a physical and a magical focused class together isn’t a good idea is because you have to separate your stats around (into int, dex, str and con) while you could of stood with either of two sides and not needed to spread so many stat points all over the place.

If you’re picking a path that needs 1:1:1 spr / int / con, you might want to revisit your choices and cut out whatever needs spr or whatever needs int to be able to make a more focused 1:1 (int or spr) / con build. As an example, Stone Skin won’t be very good without a heavy SPR focus, and Cure will deal a lot less damage because every point in INT matters.

Zalciai debuff alone is not a good excuse to separate 1/3 of your points into SPR. Especially now that it’s getting a hard nerf to not allow crit resist to go below zero.

I honestly don’t really like your build. Why priest 2 and Krivis 2? I would prefer something like Diev 3 for supportivenss or Krivis 3 for melstis and a stronger Zaibas.

Not to mention neither Priest nor Krivis combos really well with PD2. You could pick Diev 3, Bokor 2/3, Pardoner 1/2 or even Paladin 3. Krivis 2/3 will be better with Taoist while Priest 2/3 will be better with almost anything else. You can keep Priest 1 with PD 2 for ressurection alone.

Krivis2 along Priest2 is missing either Stone Skin or Melstis. This, along with your mix of stats points at “jack of all trades but master of none”.

Do agree with @mrshadowccg on the other points

I don’t really see what you’re trying to accomplish with this build.

I think we can help you better if you tell us what type of character you’re trying to make

Also, you either go priest 1, or Priest3>Chaplain, no in betweens.

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Do you mean taking Priest C2 is a waste when you can have Revive, Aspersio lvl 10 (+38% PDefense), Mass Heal (18% of your max HP) and Sacrement which improve your Dark Property resistance by 25 (amazing ;d !) ?

Why would you go Priest 1 only ?

You either do it for the res, or stone skin and the rest of the kit. Halfway in is just a waste

Priest3 with no Chap is fully ok. Chaplain is not a mandatory thing for Priest3

But, tell us why it is a waste. You just need to explain why it’s a waste to take Priest 2 which give you Revive, a powerful skill for PvP.

You’re one rank from stone skin super useful for pve as well, and a higher level mass heal.

Almost everything in a Priest’s kit is useful for pvp/pve (I’m definitely not saying revive isn’t useful), but by skipping out a rank, the potential cost is way too high.

Here’s the problem, youre looking at a single class while I’m looking at the whole build.

Ok let’s try Priest c2:
Cleric c2 > Priest c2 > ??? > ??? > PD > PD2 (you should not be using a rank 7 slot for anything that’s not a rank 7 class as a cleric btw)

What can you get for those remaining 2 ranks. Diev c2? You lose out on high duration world tree and ausrine by doing this (I also would not recommend having Diev at c2 for ANY build, c1/c3 or bust). The only real utility is laima but that’s a waste of 2 ranks just for laima and some owl damage when you’re not built for int.
Krivis c2? Again, by spreading your stats out to spr con and int, you lose a lot of damage. Bokor c2? lol.

Read @mrshadowccg 's post regarding this.

Think about it though. Cleric c2 > Priest c3 > ??? > PD
What’s the biggest bang for your buck you can get at rank 6? Diev c1? Yeah but the support you get from Chaplain overshadows that. Druid? Priests are usually not int built. So yeah while it isn’t mandatory, that’s probably the best thing you can take at rank 6 for support.

Mass Heal is a great skill but is hard to aim. Stone Skin is really good in PvP too if you are against full DEX builds, now STR adding block penetration, it’s a pointless skill. Do you really need it in PvE ?

It’s depending on what you want to do. I think Priest3 is way better for PvE and Priest 2 is enough for PvP if you need Revive in your build.

Diev 2 World Tree duration is enough at lvl 5, Ausrine is not a must have. There is a topic about Ausrine being too powerful in PvP. People tend to say it can be countered by many ways, including Revive.

OP is going INT.

Then don’t waste any points in SPR. Krivis C2 with Taoist might be good.

Lol, why going for Bokor yeh. You just have Revive + Mackangdal. Yeh not really good.

You didn’t mention Sadhu, but Sadhu is actually weaker than Cleric c1 soooo. Now there is Paladin, perfect for a Priest C2.

Edit :

For OP it’s indeed better to go Krivis/Diev 3 if he wants to go with an INT Cleric. Priest 2 would be a waste but only in this case.

OP is going Int/con/spr. I dont get what people saying “Ausrine being too strong” has anything to do with not going diev c3 instead.

No, paladin c2 is horrible in OPs build.

Tell me what part of that is great for a pally (save con)

See, you keep going back to “need” and “nice to have”. “You dont need ausrine you dont need longer duration world tree.” Everything in a priest’s kit is also “nice to have” and not a need.

Priest 2 is good for people who want to do a generalist build for their enjoyment and not to excel in anything.

But from what it seems, OPs enjoyment also comes from being useful and excel at a specific role. So there’s a reason why I said Priest 2 to be a waste (in this situation and in most). That’s what we were talking about right?

To OP: tread carefully, I’m not going to be refuting any more posts as it’s a waste of my time to do so against people who keep trying to argue their way out even though theyre wrong. There’s a lot of posts out there regarding build so check those out. Feel free to message me.

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What support from Chaplain? The only situation it is good for when you really need perma stoneskin. For R6, Krivis1 and Oracle1 overshadow Chaplain. Most likely, the upcoming Miko will also outperform Chaplain in terms of Full Support. If your partyplay consists of running with 4 Quarrelshooters that really need Last Rites, then you indeed go Chaplain.

Put yourself into the shoes of a potential partymember of for example Cleric2/Priest3/Chap/PD. And then consider receiving support from Krivis or Oracle instead of Chap. Krivis particually shines here, cause getting all those buffs on top of selfbuffs of your own class will kill your bufflimit.

The Priest3 Requirement for Chaplain is something that missleads many players to the class. You also made a good statement about using R7 for something R7 only. That makes me remember some Chaplains that took Krivis for it and curse having gone down the Chap path. Cause it made them miss the R7 class, with missing Krivis or Cleric2 being the also bad alternatives.

Ah I forgot about Miko. I guess Oracle or Miko can work
Why Krivis? Arent there Daino scrolls?

I never said to not going Diev C3.

Yes :

Ofc, so what ?

So Monks build are generalist. k’

Really ? :

It is what you said, and it was not about OP situation. Or you had to be more specific. If it’s in most situations then it’s not in all situations, so it nullifies what you said first.

Amazing balls man. I was not even arguing, what you are saying was wrong and you corrected it, bye.

Not everyone can afford supplying them at any time. And the non-clerics dont even think about bringing them. Lets also consider the far future. It has been argued Daino10 might become a requirement in the future. For which Krivis1 would be the basis of, then getting Krivis2.
With Krivis1 you get Aukuras and Zaiciai/Zaibas plus attributes as bonusses depending whether you go SPR or INT. Zaiciai in particular. Just cause it will be nerfed to stop at 0 crit resistance doesnt mean it will be useless. Even INT builds have a bonus from it, cause PD can use the debuffs for Incineration.

At least atm, I dont mind not having daino for dungeon runs. If youre talkig about ET, youre usually organizing it with a group of people. That being said, you should be at least organized enough to bring Daino scrolls for ET.

Well, I never thought the thread would have a lot of critique. Hey thanks for the comments, like @kurayami1234 was saying, my build doesn’t excel at anything. For my previous builds, I tried diev c3, Priest c3, krivis c3, but never get the hang of it, the concept of jack of trades and versatility was applied into the latest one, and for now I’m contemplating whether was it wise to get priest c2 or diev c1. I’m also taking Krivis c2 for aukras 10 and daino 10. I don’t have any problems on leveling since my guildmates can just boost my ass. Plague doctor 2 just for the utility of pandemic, and a solid rank aoe rank 10 to top it off. My main concern for now is the krivis class, would daino 5 be enough for the upcoming classes?

I appreciate every comments, I’ll cut off the 1:1:1 ratio for now and I’ll consider the rest.

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It is quite a coincidence, since I have seen the KR forums talking about concerns regarding Buff Limit too. Especially after rank8…

Also, are you sure a cleric class is for you? You have tried a lot of clerics but you didn’t enjoy it much.

Yup, I really like the support class. I’ve tried archer, swordsman and wiz, probably wiz specifically the featherfoot class would be the nearest among my interests. I don’t mind ditching c3 classes just for universal utility, nevertheless I’m cornered by the humongous power leap introduced by r8.

So you like to Heal.
You are lucky since the r8 taoist and Inqui are mainly used to damage.
Taoist has some utility through invisible charm.

I think you are able to go CON/SPR too if you don’t want some INT damage.