Tree of Savior Forum

Thoughts on Build? (My thoughts in OP)

I haven’t really been keeping up with the Korean OBT, but I did hear about the linker nerfs. So, my original plan to go pyro 2 linker 1 seemed kind of iffy. I considered linker 2 pyro 1 instead, I guess it’s still on the table, just, pyro 1 is really underwhelming, you can’t even keep up fire ground continuously. So, I thought I might just go ahead with Pyro 3.

Of course, the issue with Pyro 3 is, partying. Melees hitting your fire balls out of place will happen unless you don’t play with melees and it’s really annoying. With that said, Pyro 3 solo, is a monster, dealing huge damage with little sp cost.

I know a lot of people are going for wizard 3 instead, and I get why, really. I’m not sure if my later class choices compliment that path well though. As you can see, I’m going for the Sorc 2 Warlock 1 path. I like this path because the attributes of Warlock look like they will help Sorc a lot while giving you some new attack options and a neat new mechanic with Innovation.

This is a class I probably will go into circle 2 with because being able to keep Innovation up continuously would be a big plus.

The neat thing about the buff is it works will all kills, and so, I thought being able to combo some of the pyro 3 skills with the Warlock ones and with Temple Shooter, that it would stack to a lot of raw damage and keep the innovation chain going.

That’s the concept anyways. I also think I’ll have some variety in how to kill things which is a plus to me personally just to be able to mix it up with lots of skills.

I am a little bit worried about sp management. I’m also not 100% sure on my warlock skill line up. Being able to use Pole of Agony with Fire Pillar and other multi-hitting aoes seems like it’d be pretty cool, although the cooldown is a bit daunting. I do like the idea of combining Familiars with Dark Theurge. With Evil Sacrifice, it seems like there would be a lot of burst between the two, especially with all the dark attack modifiers possible.

I’m not sure how I feel about Mastema. It’s one big AoE Hit, and the cooldown isn’t that bad, but the total damage of the other 2 skills per use seems so much higher since they multi-hit. They also seem like they have more synergy. But, idk, maybe it would be good having a larger one hitter mixed in, I’m just not sold on it so far.

Those are my thoughts though. Linker, even with the nerf, I think is decent, but I really feel like you need 2 now which I really think is going to dip into my solo play compared to Pyro 3, which is amazing for solo. I can’t begin to say how happy I would be if allies couldn’t move fire balls, hehe.

But yeah, those are my thoughts, in detail.

For tldr: Linker nerf makes me iffy of it since I don’t want to depend on pyro 1 for solo. Wizard 3 doesn’t feel like it has a lot of synergy with my later class picks. I wish allies couldn’t move fireballs.

Is Linker1 that bad? I am also torn between Pyro2 or Linker2. Non-perma flame ground is so sad.

I think without Linker, there might be some problems getting into parties since a Linker is essential for most parties =X.

it doesnt multiply AoE damage anymore, only spreads damage to linked monsters that are not directly affected by damage ability (so it is still useful for single target skills). Also they increased CD on JP and HK and greatly reduced HK’s root duration.

I didn’t have any issues in Closed Beta getting parties on builds without linker. I mean, not all wizards are going to be support, so it seems kind of silly to worry that only support wizards will get parties. Which, even if a party wanted a linker, there is no real issue with having two mages in a party.

As for Linker 1 being bad… I’d say it’s pretty rough to only get Linker 1 post-nerf. You only have a 2 second long Hangman’s Knot for instance, and your cooldowns are 7 seconds longer for both Joint Penalty and Hangman’s Knot. It’s not impossible to work with, but it is tipping the scales to just going full pyro for me.

Pyro 3 is really, really good for soloing, and if you party with a group that is able to avoid hitting fire balls out of mobs, you are contributing a lot of raw dps to a group, especially for around that level range. Not to mention, if you party with a linker, you can coordinate and get the best of both worlds.

With that said, Linker 2 is certainly more party oriented than Pyro 3. But, I’m someone who values both Solo and Party playing, so I have to really consider the pros and cons of both.

Yea I know about the nerf, but 3 more targets(2 if using JP gem) is that impactful? 3s vs 2s Hangman is almost negligible IMO.

I was in Cbt2(I went with Pyro2 in cbt) too and every party I been with just hits my fireballs away so…it is mainly my summons and flame ground doing damage. Fireball is great for soloing though lol.

I actually just found out that psycho got a few good buffs. I might end up ditching this build and making a psycho build since I played pyro-based and summoning-based builds a lot in the CB.

The damage and sp efficiency of pyromancer is very respectable. But,you’re mostly relying on fire ball and fire ground. Fire ball requires you to hit it into enemies and other players can knock em around while fire ground doesn’t work on flying targets. Fire pillar is amazing but has a terribly long cooldown. Fire breath is also really good, but it throws sp efficiency out the window making it more of an emergency burst option.

Originally I wanted to play as a pycho sorcerer because the themes of those two classes were really cool to me. But, Pyscho was a real disappointment. The only skill that seemed to have any practical merit was psychic pressure, with magnetic force failing to connect and doing poor damage when it did, swap being very situationially worth using, teleport being too random and too short in travel, and the later skills just not stacking up to other support classes while still offering nothing new for damage. Telekinesis was very impractical as well, being very one on one focused and having a long cooldown and a random fail chance. It was only useful in sometimes (due to fail chance) getting rid of a problem monster in dungeons for allies.

With the new buffs though, pressure is even better, magnetic force now does more damage (not sure if they fixed the bug with missing targets though), gravity pole now does damage, and telekinesis got a damage and cooldown buff. I’m not sure if it still randomly fails though.

It might actually be viable to go that route this time around. I wonder if there are any other important notes I missed. I did also read up on how quick cast increases the rate of hits for hold-skills, making it very useful for pycho now since I believe both pressure and gravity pole work like that (pressure for sure).

If anyone has a copy of all patch notes for wizard classes, please post a link.

Edit: I actually did find a copy of patch notes from the obt. I wonder if there will be further changes with our release. Here is the link for those curious.

Damage wiz should look like this for the initial ranks (considering you will have 10):

Wiz 3 > Kino 2/3 > Something

Wiz 3 > Linker 2/3 > Something

Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Something

Wiz > Pyro 1/2 > Linker 2/3 > Something

you can also go Cryo + Kino + RC but it’s Ice Wall combo, just that, other stuff is CC, not damage.