Tree of Savior Forum

Thoughts about Linker/thaum/Alche build?

Hey guys,

i’m really excited for the OBT and am already planning out some classes that interest me.
My focus is actually on a supportive character with Alchemist for crafting.

Support/Craft Linker/Thaum/Alche build
^You can see my planned build here. I would appreciate any feedback and thoughts on that.

I know there will be Rank 7 and 8 in OBT and I am thinking about either going Linker C2, Thaum C1 and alchemist c2/c3 for Rank 7 and 8. Mainly because Spiritual Chain is also very interesting. The other option i’m thinking about would be adding Linker C2 somewhere between Linker C1 and Alchemist. That way i would push alchemist c1 to rank 7 and add alchemist c2 at rank 8.

I’m really not sure what to do with Rank 2 tho XD

Note: i didn’t play any CBT yet. That’s why I am now asking for some feedback.

Hope you guys can give me some ideas and feedback for my build.

You cannot share potions with Spiritual Chain.

But it is still able to transfer buffs from my other party members and there are some pretty strong self buffs on some classes. So wouldn’t that be still a good option?

Depend on what play style you want to do, i did Wiz C2 Linker C2 Sorc C1 Alch C1 on last beta, Linker C2 imo is a must if you want to be really useful, the ability of link 8 monsters and pull them to keep them locked for 10 seconds is one hell of a utility, I should had picked Pyro or Cryo C1 but it still fine the way it was, the only downside was the fact that most summons (cards actually) where useless or weak and the only one really good was Temple Shooter.

On the last 2 days i leveled another Wiz, that time i picked Wiz C1 Pyro C2 Thau C1 and was going to pick Linker more 2 times if i had enough time to level, but i can tell you i had a blast with that one and i will play that build on next CBT.

There is a topic about this. Actually the only useful buffs that would be transfered are cloaking and surespell / quickcast.

PS : I wanted to try a Wiz C2 Link C2 Sorc C1 Alch CX as well but now with hold and mount on SorcC2 I’m hesitating quite a bit.

They changed the skills placement? Actually they fixed since we had access to all of them lol, yeah its something to think about, but in all honesty, mount felt useless for me, no by the fact that the shortcut bar get messy when using a controller but the fact that the char is the one who take the hit instead of the summon, hold i think its a useful skill but if you have at least 50 CON you can pretty much take some hits and survive even on a boss fight so yeah, i just hope they fix the summon stats on next test.

Actually if they add some skills and buffs them a bit (and I hope they will take a look at it) then mount might become useful.

Especially if you can get cards of bosses using a buff / debuff.
And example could be the throneweaver not dealing poison damage.
Makes me a bit sad only templeshooter seems great atm.

I want to be more of a Support with the use of Linker and thaumaturge. As this would be more of a utility base character I wanted to add another useful part. That’s what the Alchemist is for. I know i will be useless without a party but that’s actually what i want XD

So it would be better to choose Linker C2 and ditch Spiritual Chain for some points in other skills? I guess i would still choose Thaumaturge C2 after that and then go for Alchemist C2 with Rank 7 and 8.

Most of the ones you get at level 140+ have bad stats, different from the ones from the beginning like Throneweaver, while TW may have around 50K HP, those ones at level 140 have 2K HP and even lower def.

Then you should pick chronomancer C2, the first circle have attack speed buff and the second movement speed buff, and its a hell of nice utilities, at Linker C2 you will have exactly 15 points so you can max Joint Penalty and Hangman’s Knot and max Spiritual Chain (i did on mine) the only skill you wouldn’t pick in the end is Unbind, which is 1 level max. I don’t know about Thau C2, on C1 i think it was pretty nice, not sure if through JT the swelling body would work, but at level 5 you can swell 5 enemies and its a nice boost in exp and it double the quantity of items dropped (not that it don’t increase drop rate only quantity).

If you choose C2, you will have enough points to max your linker skills anyway.

Joint Penalty is a bit OP because it acts as a damage multiplier.

Physical Link on the other hand, is rather bad according to most. It divides your damage so perhaps if you stack defensive buffs on it (reflect shield, ice shield, increase magic defense) it could be useful. Let’s just hope the difficulty of end game content makes this combo useful.

Spiritual Chain could be so useful if it shared secondary buffs as well. Then with alch you could drink a block / crit potion and everyone would benefit from it. I hope they make a throw potion skill for alch C3 just for this tactical aspect.

Thaumaturge C1 could be a good thing for a bit more xp and the damage bonus ( even if I think it looks so bad ^^; ), but if it was me perhaps I’d go Linker C3 instead, because with a 5 members party with the perfect min-maxing, you could make everyone have 300 in each stat.

Alchemist… If you choose this class, maybe go C2/C3 with it. I really hope magnum opus ends up being useful. But for the moment we can only wait and see.

Yeah i know that Chronomancer is actually more supportive in the sense of buffing your party members, but i think that the effectiveness of party play can be increased with thaumaturge as you get the exp boost and drop boost which should also result in more silver.

So i guess I will go for Linker C2 and Thaum C2 cause i feel like Swell Body Lvl 10 is so good cause it targets 8 monster and in party play it shouldn’t be that hard to mob 8 monster together. In combination with JP and Hangman’s Knot this should be quite a good combo. I will definitly use the other ranks to add Alchemist to at least C2 and see what other classes might become available^^

Thank you two for your feedback! :slight_smile:

Np now we just need to wait for the next test.

well i did pyro>linker 3> and alchemist.
tbh linker 1 is all u need. Buff sharing is situational and most often it inteferes with the buff limit and removing important buff from certain character.
Stat sharing is rather pointless unless u are in a specific set of party, and its only 50% uptime. Only really useful for con focus character to get some damaging stat buff from ur dps.
I tried a full con linker it was pretty fun leading the dungeon and buffing the party’s hp.
joint penalty doesnt scale really well into further linker circle starts at 5>8>10. Just get linker 1 and get up to 6 joint penalty with a dandel gem.
And its boring to do boss fight as I have only 1 pyro linker to carry me through to rank 6.
Well cool things i’ve tried is solo grinding demon prison, with the mob density there u can stack up to 3 joint penalty and Hangman’s knot of up to 20+ mobs.

Linker is almost mandatory for any wizard build, i would probably get more dps oriented circle at earlier level and probably sorceress as rank 5, as u will be stuck with alchemist for a very long time without any new tier of damaging skills, it gets really boring lol.

I don’t know much about synergy with thaumaturge but here is the build I plan to test next beta.

thoughts and opinions welcome :smile:

Stop from Chronomancer is looking like a go-to GvG skill. Have a psy swap people in, or do a lvl 1 swap then stop in the middle of a group. I see lots of neat things coming from the Stop skill, and swap haha, imagine having some ground aoes set then swapping someone onto them. drooling