Tree of Savior Forum

Those discounts... Is IMC male chauvinist?

It is safe to read here, not a cyclic lunar post nor the holy bible,yet I noticed:


Can anyone explain me why most of those discounted haircuts are for males? Is my account in danger posting this info here? Will I be muted again? Will Lunar read this thread and reply or he’ll be enough hypcrotical to say that I’m blocked? Stay tunned.

Special addition:


because there are more female toons than males. you know how it goes. its all about the $$$ :V


I like the dreadlocks though. Reminds me of those douchebag guys in our country who’re either entitled but stupid, or stupid and rich. :v

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yet they protest against the system for being corrupt getting money, yea we have those retards here as well carrying 3742 dogs and using eau the weed or something lol

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And owns a luxury or sports car but don’t know how to drive nor don’t know how to beat a 40 year old Muscle car :joy:

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Because the market has always been willing to pay far more for woman cosmetics, clothes, salon services etc


Because women can sell their bodies to get it.
Plus, fishing for those 100 daily likes has a price.

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This is gold;

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Because ‘Discount’ is a marketing strategy to promote sales of less popular products. #TooManyGrills


Old news here and was already brought up as a troll topic but still funny. People relating real life woman hair cuts costing more to a pixelated sprite = lmao

I call it blatant marketing gouging.

I find it funny they even compare real life HAIR CUTS to anything.

With pixels you can add hair, change color, change shape etc. so many options.

Real life hair cut you can only reduce the amount of hair on your head, of course there is hair dyeing and extensions but they get way more expensive than a cut but hey let’s just compare a hair cut cause it makes so much sense right? :smirk:

Wow, it was supposed to be a troll post indeed but this thread made back then when there were some logical and realist people commenting just backups me lmao

By the way, are you a necromancer submaster?

What are you looking at?

It makes sense because the male haircuts are looking stupid, with some of them even effeminating your male character.
None of the male premium haircuts spiked even an inch of interest in me when looking through them, and sadly they all look pretty similar to each other.

Why isn’t there something like that Lous XIVs or George Washingtons/Benjamin Franklins wigs e.g.?
If they are supposed to be wigs,they should give you the option to have an outrageous hairstyle, not some reaggey pants man look or new style of Korean pretty boy actor/singer look…

Look at Shaman King to find some really diversive and funny hairstyles to copy and spark males audience interest to get a wig for some real $$$, but the current ones are just bad.
Even the 99 TP is still overpricing, I wouldn’t even buy them for 20 or 10 TP if I’m honest…

On the female side, meanwhile, you have some really neat-looking premium hairstyles like Long-Wave Perm or Noble-Long.
They are overpriced as well, but at least you get something for your $$$ in contrast to the males side.

but, rather off-topic parts aside, lets check the facts:

Male hairstyles: 10 (each 15 TP)
Female Hairstyles: 12 (each 15 TP)

Male premium hairstyles: 12
6x 99 TP (594)
4x119 TP (476)
2x 198 TP (396)
122,17 TP average

Female premium hairstyles: 12
3x 99 TP (297)
4x 178 TP (712)
5x 198 TP (990)
166,58 TP average

Female average hairstyle costs approximately 1,36 times as much as male if we only consider premium hairstyles. The scale sinks a lot if we take in the normal hairstyles,too,though:
73,45 TP for male averaged and 90,79 TP for female average,
so the female hairstyles overall are 1,24 times more expensive than their male “counterparts”.

So, approximately ~25-33% more costs for a visually better-looking hair style isn’t something worth calling it chauvinistic. Btw, females have 24 different hairstyles while males have only 22, so I’d rather call it “badly balanced”.

Actually, the discounted hairs are all the unpopular ones. Since more people play female characters than male characters, they have less hairs to be discounted because more female characters = more female hair bought, = less unpopular hairs. The male characters have more unpopular hair because there are literally only a few good ones, which is why they have more discounted hair because they have less popular ones. It doesn’t really have anything to do with gender. If gender limits of all hairstyles was removed, and they were just hairstyles anyone could wear, the hairs which received discounts would be the exact same since they would still be unpopular.


No, I was there when that thread was made and lurked for a while because I actually still played. That and have a pretty good memory of little things like old thread names.

Hahahaha. From what anime show is this?

because males only care about color, not about hair cut. so… discount