Tree of Savior Forum

This place is like a graveyard lately (Potatoes)

I’m a vegetarian, so i worship a chicken

And when i see a potato i persuade them to come to my house and * bam * :

Then :

Just a few seconds later:

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You murderer!!!

To begin with Potatoes are amazing! And secondly, it is only natural for this to happen. It is easier for people to talk about something or create new topics when they have access to the game and all the info it has to offer. When the access is denied, the only thing you can talk about would either be theorycrafts or just especulate about some things, things that only a small group of people are willing to talk about or even research upon.


So cute! :heart_eyes:

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right?! right!!? <3 dancing potato~



Come to think of it, though, the forums are still pretty active considering nothing is going on much.
(if you use the ‘Latest’ viewing method, as opposed to by category)


Chips and cheese, Cheese and chips

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Ugh… cheese fries… so gud but so bad… Now I want cheese fries.
This is a better breakfast though. Mmmm Hashed potatoes with eggs inside. :sweet_potato: :egg:


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This thread made me want to plant potatoes in my garden; too bad I don’t know how to grow rootcrops.

To be expected really, I’m sure the next time a CBT starts this forum will have another surge again. :rocket:

IMA ALIVE!!! :3 And i like potatoes too…

Well it’s normal really haha since not all people consider this their priority nor their passion to play as a gamer xD

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we are zombies that requires ToS and now ToS has gone into the shadows, so are we

because reminding ourselves that ToS wont be around for awhile is heart breaking.

You guys know that potatoes are actually poisonous, right?

Depends on the type, where its cultivated and how you eat it.

But DONT WORRY. Ill eat first.

You want me to believe that this guy is poisonous??? are you insane???
Besides for the poison to kick in, you would at least need to eat a few pounds of raw potatoes, do you know how much that is? that’s right, I doubt that a heartless person like you would understand the way of the potatoes, let me tell you, a fully grown potato is roughly around 1lb so a few pounds would mean that you have to eat more than 3 fully gown potatoes, who in their right mind would eat 3+ raw potatoes?
let me tell you something, I’m a simple man, I see a potat… uh never mind. so my point is… what’s… my point again?