Tree of Savior Forum

This person literally just afks in tbl every time

  • Reason for report :
    This person ALWAYS queues into TBL, and then sits there and does nothing. everytime 5v5 he doesnt move from the starting point for entire match, this happens in 2v2 as well. he does this to get “free” pvp points, but it makes the tbl experience very annoying to both his team mates and enemies. basically its always a 1v2 or 4v5.
    This has been happening for months/weeks now and im surprised no one else reported him, for the past months and weeks ive returned to play, this person has been repeating this every time in tbl.

  • Server : Klaipeda

  • My Team Name: PaleMoon

  • Offender’s Team Name : mrpoopybutthole

  • Location : TBL

  • Approximate date / time (EDT) : 7:20pm server time, but he does this EVERYTIME in tbl for the past months/weeks

  • Evidence

This screenshot shows the state of world chat after he does this everytime, but if you need concrete evidence i can easily make a video, considering he does this literally EVERY TBL MATCH, it will be very easy to record him doing this.
Also if you need further evidence you can always ask anyone who plays tbl regularly in klaipeda server,
Such as: Bhikku, Donada, Narcissus, Starkisch, Ritsu, Sarutobi, Lazully, Voxandra, Loonita, 808K, CupNoodle, Psera, Lionly etc(the list goes on)


he a pacifist that wants the point but doesnt want to hurt people.


Can’t you see he is hurting alot of people with his behavior ? Probably even more than if he was really trying to play tbl with his character.

And if he was really a pacifist and didn’t want to hurt people, he could just do uphill.


or be a healer and buff his teammates to keep them alive :smirk:

It pains me that people afk with their high tech compu and their 1000000GB connections, when I struggle to play with my shitty laptop and connection :confused:

makes me want to slap them all for real :sweat:


he is a druid/cleric class, so yes he can heal, but he just stand there afk everytime so yea


Just posting to confirm that he does in fact do this every game I’ve ever seen in.

Glad you’re reporting it!

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The only games where he does not afk he runs up and uses telepath on someone for the full duration to delay/extend a match as long as possible.

I would say that is 1 in 10 games, and usually for only one round, where he then proceeds to afk after dying for the remainder of the match.

Every match. And he requeues instantly after matches. All night. Every day. Like cancer.

edit: I would also like to point out that his primary purpose originally was just to talk as much ■■■■ during the match to the enemy team as possible, which was why most of his behavior was looking like it was afk. He had to be told that the enemy team can’t read /say, and since then he just sits there almost every match.

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In general it happens a lot.
I never complain about people afk, because they can be bugged, the game just broke or sometimes a phone call.
This type of things happens to me too.

But there are times where the player does that intentionaly.
In Saalus Convent on the easy missions some players do that a lot too.

This player was completely afk since the beggining, after he saw that other player was Archer doing Kneeling Shot, then when I started to complain guess what he did???
He moved to behind the Statue to be afk more covert/Camouflaged

He moved to behind the statue like: "ok then, you dont see me anymore"

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i dont blame if its like a few times too, and if they bugged/crashed but in this case, the offending person does it EVERY DAY, of EVERY WEEK for the past few weeks/months. he has also admitted to afking to get “easy” pvp points and also just types to trashtalk people on his team in tbl.

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I can confirm this report, that kind of behavior is unfortunate


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it’s OK everyone, gm pm’d me already, Gona record him the next time I see him in tbl and spectate as well.


Afking in tbl …

if i had to guess why he is intentionally doing so i would guess the following:

he probably does afk tbl thinking [i can’t uphill, i can’t uphill more than 2 times and much less reach the 30 stages, and i can’t do uphill when it’s convenient for me and gotta wait for a party on /y shout, i can’t win at tbl cause i lose and consumes less time to just lose fast for more points.]

following this logic he probably told himself it makes sense to afk tbl.

huh, this post is seriously making me consider creating a Character Just for Uphill, gotta Read Builds for uphill [ideally a build for excelent uphill and Decent pvp.]

anyway, i get it. it’s harming other players who want to win their run when they end up teaming up with him, afking on tbl isn’t proper conduct.

Name shaming should be a terrible offense.

it is…

but we have an official ban list on this game and exploiters call outs…

I think it’s more healthy than hiding potential jerks under a rock :confounded:
if the person named is indeed doing wrong, then they should feel the shame (most people have no shame to begin with) and if the person is “innocent” then the one calling name should feel the shame instead…

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he could also be a masochist and only real player character can do massive damages to pleasure him.

If only there wasn’t this board here explicitly for that purpose.

Who cares? 4 could be afk and it would easily be cleared…

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+1 there, convent scriptorium is a joke of challenge.