Tree of Savior Forum

Thinking of coming back

I I am thinking of coming back to the game but before i come back I need to ask some question I hope you will be able to help me
1)how is the state of the game is it better then when it was realesed or is it worse
2) I live in Israel so what server will be the best for me to play in
3)can someone suggest me a class that will be easy to lvl up with or at least now to hardcore
4)can someone give me a lvling guide and stuff

so are you saying that you played the game before and you just randomly picked a server?

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  1. The state of the game is better than when you left but still needs improvement.

  2. SEA server

  3. here’s some easy classes that I use for my alts:

  4. nope

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  1. better than when u left

  2. SEA

  3. any build is good as long as it isnt full support, especially the wizard full supports (how do they live with only 1 reliable dmg skill?)

  4. no

Guide: Xan's Leveling Guide

(never used any so use it at your own risk :wink: )

  1. Game still need alot of optimization, which they are working on, i dont know when you left but it has slowly gotten better, but again, much can be improved still.

  2. EU Fedimian is probably your best option for decent Ping.

  3. Archer is probably the easiest to level, visit the specific class forum subsections if you wanna find a build that suits you.

  4. They’ve added more Quests and Repeatables across all levels, and also tweaked exp earned on certain maps, you can purely Quest to 140, grind to 159-161 in Demon Prison, Quest to 210ish, grind Alemeth Forest (Truffles) to 220-221, quest to 265, then grind Mavens Abbey to 280.
    Thats how i’ve been doing it, and it works fine for me, if you wanna grind more or do Monster Hunts for more cards, thats also good, whatever you prefere.


ive used it, around demon prison it starts to outlevel you a little for a while

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I left something like less then a month after it was realesed
yeah I will look into the archer quarrel thing but I remember before it was somewhat hard to lvl with I’m in the beginning is it still like that
and how is warrior archtype doing

Eh, archer is easy to level if you put 1 skill point into oblique shot and spam spam spam. (Made easier if you can afford hats with sp regen, they’re generally cheap compared to bonus damage hats)

Swordsman classes are tough to level if you’re not paying attention to weapon requirements to skills across the different classes. But there are some weird synergies from buffs across classes that you wouldn’t notice unless you looked into those weapon requirements.

I’ll just stick with question 1.

We have minor FPS improvements. With some major FPS improvements from multi-threading in the works. But it’s probably going to be months till we see these improvements.

We’ill be getting it soon. Census is IMC is taking a long time getting our R8 patch done because they’re spending time balancing the R8 for kToS or fixing up jToS(their largest body of players).

PvP is in the game but with some balance changes going on here and there but R8 threw a wrench in balance and it’s still not very good. You do get some balance patches and ones that affect only PvP frequently but PvP has a long way to go. That all said GvG has very big rewards your guild gets a giant pot of TP weekly for winning the event or scoring high.

Pretty cheap. With how heavy we are on silver sinks market prices never inflated. You should be able to jump in fresh and do ok if you read a guide on how to make money.

We still got em… Mostly in a couple level 40 zones. Don’t often see them as much in the higher level zones. We have a auto-bot detector that disables accounts that seem bot-like. And the GM posts a list everyday of the banned bots and exploiters.

Exploits are being patched recently and a witch hunt is on. This was a major issue for awhile and will be until all holes are plugged.

Last hot issue is there are classes that can farm completely afk. It’s not very much but you can do it unattended. Opinions are mixed about the practice but the most vocal are against it (probably should have a census thread). The money they make is relatively small potatoes as the few zones that are afk friendly are choked by over crowding. If you played RO think Zenorcs.

The state of the game is NOT BETTER than when you left.

Nothing’s really improved, aside from the 7% nonexistent optimization.

There’s a new class of bots, the AFK sorcs and necros, that seem to have replaced a lot of the ‘past chaplain bots’ for silver farming.

New bugs with every new patch as usual.

Because there are TP rewards for GvG, players are compelled to cheat and use exploits to win. Very unbalanced with some guilds making alt guilds to feed the main one…

We have a auto-bot detector that disables accounts that seem bot-like. And the GM posts a list everyday of the banned bots and exploiters.

@DeliciousCroissant Where is this everyday list? WHERE? You mean that weekly list that doesn’t even contain 10% of the bots we report and are still there after months?


So much hate, why do you waste your time with the game or it’s forum?

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hes a Doomsayer, only want the game to get closed.
All of us, or most of us acknowledge the game has plenty of issues, but its still enjoyable and we know improvements are comming


If you’re going for the quarrel shooter build, take note of your ping since it’s quite ping Dependant.

If your ping is 200-300ms then don’t go for that build. I’d pick something else that isn’t ping Dependant.

there’s a difference between hate and truth.
why don’t you waste your time in game to find out :smiley:


correct term is hue knight.
get it right



Can’t handle the truth? hue

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