Tree of Savior Forum

Thinking about Infernal Shadow

So, we already have some videos showing the skill in action. For what I’ve noticed it’s a 2x damage to aoe skills (even the low aoe ones).

So, I’m thinking if this new skill would give us new build tendencies to shadowmancer.

I think about Wizz3-Ele3-Wl-Shadow3

Hail - Storm dust- Pole of agony (to set some pre-damage that will last until the activation of Infernal)

-Infernal Shadow

Then Shadow Condensation - conjuration 2x

I believe that this sequence could give us huge dps.

What else you guys can imagine to use during infernal?

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Imho, don’t think much about it for now.
It is still in ktest, there is a chance of skill(s) getting rework before hit live server.
like…uhmm zendhu.



Wl1 is kinda off
would be better to pick FF1 for the +50% dark-damage bonus on cursed enemies

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Wait… what is infernal shadow? New shadowmancer skill? Can you share a link please? Thanks.

Thanks a bunch, but unfortunately I have no idea what’s going on in that vid lol…

Is that some kinda combo? Or just a really powerful skill?

It’s literally all over the place, forum threads, youtbe, dev blog…

I think we can just change the thread to shadowmancer.

I really want to run away from elememe build. Still looking for good class synergy but it’s hard to beat eleme dps potential.

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Infernal Shadow steals the enemy’s shadow, then all the damage applied to the shadow is applied to the owner too. On a first look it seems just for pvp when people try to run away, but the “trick” is: if you hit the shadow and its owner with the same skill, the damage of the attack will be applied twice to the same target.

In the video you can see the monster’s shadow, then the player uses some linker skills and shadow thorn.

I know nothing about linker, but… it’s correct to assume that link+infernal = 4x damage?

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That’s right 4x damage hence the reason few of us expect this skill will get nerf.

Idk, either shadow can only be damaged by caster or shadow immune to link or both.

I only hope they don’t change the shadow duration based on hit count.

wow! This is beautifull! But 4x is really to much haha.

I’m crossing my fingers for the link immunity. This skill can finally make shadow desirable in party content.

Another good way: the shadow can only be afected by offensive skills. This would prevent another classes exploits or debuff accumulating.

It’s not just 4x. The Shadow is technically a non-boss mob without link resistance. It can technically be also affected by Thaum’s Shrink Body for a 220% boost to damage not counting double hits from AoEs.


0:25 above : Take note of the debuffs that apply to the Shadow. The bonus comes on top of the 2x bonus to Magic Missile

Boss no longer has link immunity. It’s just that boss normally don’t have another target to link and this skill is the only way to link boss to another target don’t die fast.

Shadow +Magic missile and rune of destruction is bug atm. Bong’s video wipe boss with just those skill.

I’m still not crafting any build until they done with the test.


I see…

Well I really do hope they make shadowmancer specializing in single target/bossing, whereas elelock is more focused on AoE. Hopefully the 4x damage combo doesn’t get nerfed. Imo shadowmancer should have the highest single target burst.

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I don’t think that Infernal shadow makes shadow an aoe class. Actually it’s functional against just one character per use.

I agree that shadowmancer deserves the highest single target attack, but even if 4x is too much, I hope that they don’t take too much out of the burst in order to rebalance the skill. Would be sad to see it turning in a bad version of join penalty.

besides that,

the beauty in build that I propose is to have the best aoe class + filler that increases to both + the best one target class in the same character, and the bonus of having them both acting with synergy to beat the hardest opponent. So lovely, isn’t? :3

I really hope link and infernal to be nerfed, more to keep my dream possible than any other thing haha

The problem with shadow comes from the fact that it doesnt inherit resistances/immunities of the original: so thauma’s shrink body+swell arm attribute shenanigans work on shadow and that means they work on boss itself. Then you [Joint Penalty] that shadow with boss itself and the result is some nasty damage numbers (if done properly).

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Ah, I see. Just to make sure, can bosses be affected by Shrink Body? My concern was that Infernal Shadow might make this possible, increasing the overall damage a Shadowmancer might be able to do

Yes, I remember someone mentioning it on the KToS thread. You sure it isn’t the MM + Thaum combo though? If so, I hope they are aware of this.

You can still go Featherfoot since you can get Pole of Agony scrolls for cheap. The bonus you get from Curse is far better (+50%) than the combined effects of the Invocation attribute (+30%) and Warlock class skill (+10%).

I’d personally go Warlock 2 at R10 (Have Shadowmancer 2), though, since my build mostly uses DoT’s compared to yours which happens to center around burst damage. :no_mouth:

Shrink body can’t affect boss, only the shadow affected.

And I didn’t bother to know the details. It’s a bug and it should be fix. Even if the skill nerfed to the ground, I’ll still play shadowmancer.

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Shadow + MM is bugged that it deal infinite stream of damage. 20M HP boss dies in seconds.

Fair response.

Ah. Thanks.