Tree of Savior Forum

Things that should have been on the F2P patchnotes

First, I understand some of these tasks may be difficult. But with all of Early Access up til this point, it’s actually pretty unforgivable that some of these things are not part of the game yet.

  1. Addressing all the server issues, and stating what is being done. Doesn’t even require a solution, just addressing the problems is all we needed.

  2. Changing the patcher for the game, to be a patcher that also has news/patch notes on it, so more players are more aware of what’s going on, what’s a known bug, events etc.

  3. Events. Will there really be no events during OBT?

  4. Balance changes. iToS is falling very far behind kToS in terms of balance updates. I understand iToS isn’t following kToS exactly, but those are some necessary updates.

  5. Dungeon party system, before F2P this should have been changed to accept roles (cleric/swordsman/3 random DPS), and have a party vote kick system (to kick abusive players).

  6. The introduction of TP packages, but no new TP items? How are you planning on making money again IMC? Most players that planned on spending money are already on EA, with no new cash shop additions, what’s the point?

  7. PvP, doesn’t even have to be cross-server at this point in time since that seems like it’d be another huge issue. This gives people a reason to play or do aside from grinding. The dailies for PvP also help for those that don’t wish to grind a lot.

  8. Addressing big bugs, like concentrate + lunge crashing on screen players, or psychokino skills doing the game.


What gives? I understand your only staff, and don’t have the ability to develop the game, but tell your developers they are killing off the game for iToS and waiting much too long to address huge issues or fix them, and avoiding much needed updates that kToS received. IMC is waiting too long.

On that note, IMC is once again failing to be transparent with us. The dev blog has stopped again, and addressing issues is either non-existent or very late.

With F2P tomorrow, it’s almost too late to do anything about it. Also publicity is another huge issue. F2P is tomorrow, but who cares? It’s hardly addressed on MMO new’s sites, new players have no events to look forward to and any player that wishes to get informed and goes to watch a stream, will only hear bad things about the game.

Seriously. You should have hired someone to publicize the game more, interact with players, create events, interact with players that stream/create content for the game, etc.

We don’t even have GM’s appear in-game? kToS has GM’s that do fun little things, but it feels like our game is empty.


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