Tree of Savior Forum

Things that I would never pay 50 dls to play

1. Not being able to play. Obviously. (Lag, FPS crashes, few channels and a lot of people, and game crash as now)
2. Wait a long time to enter the game (Queue)
3. There are no monsters to kill, the spawn is awful. And we go back to the previous point, a lot of people, and there are not enough channels.
4.* I cannot trade items with friends.
5.* I have to wait two days to get the money from the auction. Right now in two days price objects change very fast.
** 4, 5: You want to fight the gold seller. They still sell, and you just get screwed us, the users.

OH…WAIT… I have already paid for it.
PD: I can understand that it is still OBT, but this is too much

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You might want to look at this thread:

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Actually the server doesn’t have that much lag anymore. Most of the lag are FPS lag from the shout.

I don’t expect it to be bug-free, but I expected it to at least
be playable up to a certain extent. Meanwhile, the server crashed, and your token is ticking away.