Tree of Savior Forum

There are too many Doppel builds - help

Hello there,
I’ve been searching for a Doppel 3 build in the forums and I’ve come up that the major sense is:

  1. Sw 1 - HL 3 - Barb 1 - Dop 3
  2. Sw 2 - Barb 3 - Dop 3
  3. Sw 1 - HL 1 - Barb 3 - Dop 3

They are in order of popularity, according to
I skipped the Hop - Dop - Drag however.

I’ve seen too: 4. Sw 3 - Hl 1 - Barb 1 - Dop 3

If I get it right:
• HL3 with Dex builds and glassmole is viable because I can spam everything under 4 seconds
• Barb 1 is too good to not-have it.
• Barb 3 has the extended Cleave buff so Cyclone can utilize it full-time, but Cyclone is underperforming right now.
• Some people say SW3 PB is too good to be true.

You guys probably know better than me, what’s the best performing build right now? I’ll try the class =)

thanks for any help

I would say most mainstream doppel build are equally good on damage output.

I have all three build you stated. Mainstream HL, barb(sw1) focused on cyclone combo and the other barb(sw2) focused on punish.

Based on my experience, barb build hits hard with but requires lots of training and getting used to
. You would deal incredible damage on a successful rotation. But if one of your combo interrupted, beware; Everything will quickly falls apart, leaving you high and dry until your next rotation window.
HL build have large opportunity to do damage pieces by pieces, and lot more forgiving if one of your rotation is compromised.
Highlander rotation mostly long, this after that; Barb is more like short, this after that, but every pieces must be executed in very tight time frame

If you are using controller, you have advantage of generally easier to get precise movement (based on my experience, ymmv) however that advantage is kinda gimped with limited skill slot; in this case you may want to have barb build since it have relatively shorter rotation and lot more comfortable to in tight situation.

So the only performance difference would be the skills and rotations? They all perform equal on PvE and PvP? Or just are >Fun?

Doppels are not good at pvp. HL3 gives more filler skills while barb3 gives more buffs. I think highlander3 will be better overall compared to barb3. WIth hl3 only 2 attacks are effected by dex lowering animations / cast time so if you don’t have alot of crit rate from you gear str is going to still be best.

I used to run the sword3 build and I loved it but after the rework and cyclone being trash now you would have way too much downtime. There is also going to be the boss card rework soon and glazing golem cards could give the other builds more pain barrier uptime.

One thing I wasn’t aware of at first is that although it looks like Zornhau is multihit it is still caped at 555k so I would stop at 6 points depending on your gear.

If your looking into world bosses I would go with a rodel shinobi murm build.


A 2handed sword build without at least 1 circle of HL is a waste… Critical Attack Class Attribute from Highlander is a must, unless they changed it