Tree of Savior Forum

Theorycrafting Rank 8 Chrono , Help me!

I want to make a Chrono3 wiz , but i also do not want to have “HUGE” problems soloing PvE content , i know that until lvl200 everything is soloabe by most classes , some do better than other. And i don’t know how to build my char , can you guys help me ?

So i far i have this builds in mind for rank 8 :

Wiz3>Linker2>Chrono3 <---- Linked mobs + Magic Missiles is an absolute rape to mobs , a friend tested it on lvl 250 mobs. 50% additional damage is always good.

Wiz>Cryo3>Chrono3>X , sage or what ever <— People tell me that CryoChrono is very popular for high lvl grind and ET , but they have huge problems doing solo PvE content .

Wiz>Pyro3>Chrono3>Sage <— Ppl say that with the pyro class buff and sage Rank skills, pyro will be a little better , but they will still have the Fireball problem ( teammates and kick you FireBalls )

Wiz>Pyro2>Linker2>Chrono3 <----- Some DoT damage with Linker 2 and Pass from Chrono you can set up Double Flame ground , 4 Fireballs ( Someone said 4 fireballs had some problem related to hits being wasted ) and you can use Firepillar more often , and link 16 mobs , 8 link x 2 with Pass.

Also ppl say that Linker 3 is not much worth it , because i doesn’t bring much help.

Any advice ?

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Please get Chrono3 as soon as possible (rank 5 - 6 -7):
Wiz>Pyro2>Linker1>Chrono3>? or Wiz>Pyro>Linker2>Chrono3>?

Wiz3>Linker is strongest vs mobs due to the current (bug?) of Joint penalty (+hangman’s Knot) + Magic Missile.

Wiz>Cryo3Chrono3 is the most difficult to solo.

Wiz>Pyro3Chrono3 is a strong gimmick PvP class too (Stop + Firewall, Flame Pillar, Flame Ground). Mind you, 4+ fireballs will waste hits on themselves, link:

Wiz>Pyro(1/2)>Linker(1/2) is okay to mob, and ok vs bosses, easiest to solo.

How about Cryo>Kino2>Chrono3>Kino?

I didn’t heard any Kino have a problem with solo yet
but it will take a long way before you get all Kino CC and i’m not sure is it viable enough compare to Cryo3>Chrono3>x and Chrono3>Linker3 (any opinion?)
also would like to know which class will current Cryo3>Chrono3 take as for rank 8?

Until you reach kino3 and have GP farming PvE as kino is a pain (espicially boss). Need To wait every 30sec to do dmg(and can be interrupted and need another 30sec) except you have other class that can do dmg in the build. most of time jump around and AA.

But kino3+chrono3 seem to be interesting in pvp

Go for pyro3 - chrono3

If u have problem with fb at group…

Then take firewall 15

It has lower damage, but your problem solved… U will easily get full hit of FW without your teammate kicking / moving the firewall

I think theres no perfect class at ToS, each class has its weakness (zaibas strong endgame but hit limited, bokor strong effigy but high sp, at pve wugushi strong poison damage but at pvp easily countered by 0cd antidote, cryo nice CC but nerfed, kino godly cc at pvp but nerfed, druid nice carnivore damage but hit limited, oracle useless pve but very nice pvp, musketeer strong 1vs1 damage but lack of aoe, sorcerer strong temple shooter summon but lack of C3 skill, hunter nice cc but low damage and aoe, diev nice owl statue damage but easily get knocked back, ele nice damage and aoe but long cd and long casting time)… And moving FB is one of those weakness… Either u deal with it or find other way (which is FW) but sacrifising it damage… U have to choose…

Wiz3 linker chrono3
Very nice damage with magic missile… But thats it ur damaging skill will be only magic missile

Wiz cryo3 chrono3
People will love u for cc ing mob… But then again hard time solo pve

Wiz pyro3 chrono3
Easy at early game… But at end game ur damage will be decent and u can increase ur damage but u need a lot of set up

U need to choose which 1 suit ur style…

But my suggestion is u can choose ppyro3 chrono3

I think the damage will be decent and need a lot of set up… But people will love to invite u their party