Tree of Savior Forum

[Theorycraft] auto attack wizard build

Note, I haven’t made this char yet

Here’s the build


  • Wizard can jump and attack (this is a different build, cryo kino)
  • Pyro enchant fire = 1 additional hit, plus AoE from pyro spells to help grinding in crowded places like demon prison
  • Cryo gives some defensive utility (and for PvP as well)
  • Chronomancer is obvious, since we are going auto attack


  • You can auto attack to level 130-ish with ease (see the video). Of course you can also use pyro skills
  • You can reach rank 6 (175-ish) by grinding demon prison and save card, this is where you need pyro
  • After rank 6 with haste + quicken, you should be able to auto attack everything up to alemeth or evac, where people will party you because you are a chrono


  • Cafrisun
  • Maga rod? Or?
  • Arde dagger obviously
  • Elemental hair accessories

Question is whether this build is fun enough to play, since I’m tired of the weak swordman, and going cryo kino seems like a mistake

How is going an auto attack build be funny? you will be tried of jumping AA before reach rank 3.

Cryo 2 isnt good enough, cryo is for hard cc and frost pillar, snow rolling are c3 skills, I know that feel of not going into meta build, but… this game is meta build or re-roll.

Or you can just YOLO and make this buld anyway

Been auto attacking for 7 ranks as a Cryo-Chrono and I can tell you it’s not fun as soon as mobs start getting 40k HP. Sure you can kill things quickly with Sacrament, Enchant Fire and Cafrisun initially but that speed falls off very quickly. Right now in grind parties I don’t even attack anything and just focus on CC.

Quicken does not speed up jump attacks. You will only feel its effect by staying still and holding the AA button. Also, not having Joint Penalty or Frost Pillar will severely gimp your CC capabilities. All this is to say that the 1 circle in Pyromancer is not worth it.

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I have been auto attacking with my cryo kino anyway, since the skills is on long cool down I mostly use them for bosses.

Cryo 2 is ok for CC with ice pike and ice wall.

That’s why I thought of adding a rank of pyro for more AoE damage. At higher level chrono is a support anyway.

But I do appreciate the input

perhaps drop 1 or 2 ranks of cryo for linker? instantly turns mobbing into an easier process for you as an auto attacker.

also do note, i thought there was a weapon that added 200% of your magic attack to your physical attack. this may be bis for auto attacking BUT might be alternate attack button and isnt that melee range?

It’s the power staff

But it only works with C attack so not really favorable

Auto attack can work perfectly fine on even groups of 100k hp monsters, hell you can kill 8 truffles ( 100k hp ) with just 3 auto attacks lol

This is what you need to do:

  1. get ignition rod
  2. get linker rank 2 atleast
  3. profit

Check video:

what happens is:

  1. auto attacks dmg is getting copied to the other monsters, so 1-2k auto hits are now 1-2k x8, ignition rod procs all monsters get a burn effect that eats the whole group hp up massively. 8x 5% proc = 40% because of 8 links.

So good

Also party’s will love you as there dmg will go up massively with a linker.

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Hmm, that looks interesting. So the build should be pyro -> linker 2 -> chrono 3

I’ll give it a try when I have time

be aware of 16/06/2016 ktos patch

They will may fix it in itos as well

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well if the burns share to other monsters, and those monsters burns also link towards other monsters, then the dmg will be about 5x lower then.

Still will do good dmg. Specially if you link it up with a fire wall 15 pyro. It’s still free dmg.

Agree with this build. It has the same auto attack potential as your first proposed build with Cryos, but the pyro/linker/chrono build actually works as the standard chronolinker build which will make parties love you.

Another build I have in mind, which is purely theoretical, is something that has pryo and Thaum3 with Toy Hammer. I’m hoping that the +465 physical and magical attack will help with your auto attack damage and with the Toy Hammer explosion damage.