Tree of Savior Forum

The stupidest questions ever, but I really have to ask lol

I’m Cryo right now and I am not seeing the Attack properly on my spell tooltips for both wizard or cryo going up as I add points into int.

In fact, what is magic attack? I thought it was related to skills but it’s not at all.

Is int actually making my spells more powerful and the tooltips are lying to me? ToSbase also doesn’t have a formula for the spells.

With 30 INT and 81 Magic Attack, Attack: 211

With 35 INT and 94 Magic Attack, Attack: 211

I’m just deciding if I should stop putting points into int. It doesn’t look like it’s doing anything at all… That was just one spell example but they are all showing either incorrect tooltip information or INT is useless.

The Attack from the skill’s tooltip is just the skill’s base damage

int gives Matk. Which does apply to all magic skills ( i don’t think there are any exceptions) and yes the tool tips are awful.

PS. what a stupid question :stuck_out_tongue:

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So the magic attack is added as flat damage to my magic skills? Why doesn’t the tooltip reflect that? Oh wait, IMC lol.

Seriously look at all this dead space on the tooltip:

All that extra space they could use to tell us more information so I’m not looking like an idiot on the forums asking this question lol.

So putting points into INT is going to make my spells stronger? Lol I hate invisible numbers.

I can assume it’s Attack: 211 + Magic Attack? Or + INT?

Yes but generally mages like con because their skills have good base values.

Some skills scale with int and matk such as cure and zaibas. The ones that do usually have it listed. im not sure if the conversion rate is flat.

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(magc attack + base skill damage) * (1+0,01*skill_att_level)

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^ This +

^This and you have your skill total damage - the monster defenses[quote=“FlanFlan, post:4, topic:301952”]
So the magic attack is added as flat damage to my magic skills? Why doesn’t the tooltip reflect that? Oh wait, IMC lol.

You answered yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

I am not sure either, there is some calculation behind like if the monster weak,or strong against certain elemental damage and damage type (strike, slash and pierce), also, there’s still the monster resistances and Lv difference (which i think it is the most retarded thing to be put in the damage reduction calculation).

Take your skill damage add it to your magic attack. Your magic attack goes up with INT, so int always gives you more damage.

The skill damage is there to let you know what is being added to your magic attack.
There are some kind of oddities but its generally simple.


Psychic Pressure: The damage added to your magic attack is actual double the listed skill damage.

Cure, Zaibas, Summon Familiar, Heal all have extra damage from INT (well magic attack in the case of Summon Familiar) and the tooltips will change to reflect this.

Think of skill damage as “additional damage”.
Its shows you additional damage to your normal magic attack damage. The goal is to increase your magic attack via INT and Gear.