Tree of Savior Forum

The Strongest Wizard Build? Necromancer!

For PVE I’m building this
Pyro1 is necessary to carry 2 lvls of linker since they do almost no damage, Sorcerer gives the strongest summon (Templeshooter) and Necro gives tons of summons and towers. The idea is to use linker so every summon will hit all the mobs you’re against making it unstoppable.

For PVP I’m not building this.
In this case Cryo 1 is only used for the Ice wall spell, and linker 2 is necessary to link both your wall and your enemies so the sheer amount of summons hitting your ice wall will obliterate your enemies.

What do you guys think?

It still can’t reach the dps of a wiz 3 ele 3 wl.

Also, in pvp, your enemy will just close in during your setup and finish you.

Sounds good in theory isn’t it? The amount of time you need to be able to pull this off is quite long. And yes only in movies, series and anime an opponent will allow you to setup for something extravagant.

Well thats why you are a linker, you get your chance after using joint penalty with hangsman’s knot

I’ll care about minmaxing when we hit a true lvl cap, hopefully the original plan of r 10 lvl 600. Reasoning is that build paths between now and then could be A) drastically different even with just early rank selections, and/or B) much more balanced after series of patches. afterall, true endgame content could be much more expansive than the temporary content of WB/ET atm.

So, my wizard toon is lvl 102 going Wiz3/Link/Sorc/Necro2. For now its dungeon rush slave 2 until I can raise the money/drops for 2+ lvl 10 cards or i start lvling the archer again and get it to some sort of grind wall.

Good luck using Flesh Cannon without Quick Cast and Surespell I guess?

I would rather go Wiz3-Link1-Sorc1-Necro2 or Necro1-Warlock1.


Clearly you haven’t played much about this game :)) Good theorycraft tho but this game is all about killing mobs fast

Your summons and towers won’t do any good if they can’t kill mobs within 10 seconds

Wiz 3 Ele 3 can melt down mobs as fast as 5 seconds, goodluck competing with that

I can only refer to my previous experience in obt from choosing similar build like you (Pyro/Linker/Sorc/Necro) and honestly, the sp from casting the summon is just too much for me to do skills from other class. Of course you can just spam loads of condensed sp potions, if it’s really your play style… but I think there are times when it is just too difficult to constantly rely on your Templeshooter, while your sp is draining, and your Pyro circle 1 is weak at later stage. Necro is quite decent for solo dps though (with some skills are just meh).

Linker 1 don’t help you to increase your DPS. In fact, your won’t increase as much DPS as having an ele 3 in your party.

Also, most people just use dispeller or PD’s bloodletting to resist your hangsman’s knot. It also don’t last long enough for you to finish your enemy even if they don’t have resistance.

The cast time you used to cast your hangman knot is enough for any wiz 3 warlock to finish you.

Sorry but my flesh Cannon with Quick cast can burst down mobs way faster than elementalist Frost cloud. Oh but hey, people only see meta builds arround, how can they compare?

Yes, Flesh Cannon burst down the mob faster. But, can you kill as much mob with flesh cannon?

Ele 3 can easily solo in evac/storage/workshop/maven abby, one shotting multiple mobs with frost cloud. Can Flesh Cannon do that?

Flesh cannon is great by itself, that I agree. That’s why Wiz 3 any Necro 2 is a meta build. However, if the mobs are immune to CC, your flesh cannon will most likely fail (which is the case in later game).

Meanwhile, Frost Cloud last for 10 seconds, which means there are a tolerance frame that if the monster is not in the aoe at the beginning, you can push/lure them in, and still kill the mobs.

Meta build is a meta build for some reason. If you can show that your build is better than a meta build, then your build will be the new meta build.

You (like most of people here) are just used to play with the 1 button Wonder. And Yes, lategame necromancer can solo EASIER than elementalist because the amount of meat Shields he has. Not saying it will be better for earth tower and stuff, but for solo play you just cant compare.

Then why do both your builds not have wiz3? Are you trolling or just stupid?

What? Where did i say i’m not a wizard 3? I’m w3-linker-sorcerer-necro 2. Before saying people are stupid at least read the whole thread…

You do know that Linker is nerfed in iToS, so it will break much faster than the video right?

Also, to play ele 3 warlock solo in workshop, it’s not a one button wonder. You have to make use of your earthquake, Energy Bolt, Dark Theurge, Invocation, Pole of Agony, Prominence, and Electrocute to effectively solo the workshop at a fast rate. But there are just too many ele 3 warlock that’s bad at using their character that people thought ele 3 Warlock is not viable as solo.

From what I see the clearing speed of that is similar to my ele 3 Warlock soloing the place. So I will agree that it’s viable as solo build, but not really as good due to ele 3 Warlock is still versatile in many other place.

He never said that.

I agree that overall ele 3 - Warlock is better (besides cooldown increase, damn, link having a hit limitation suck) but having all those mobs to tank for you is just a unique sensation and you dont have much to worry about losing money for dying on some high level maps. But as I said on my first reply. Flesh Cannon can BURST down faster than Frost cloud (not talking about the whole kit, so i was not considering electrocute and magic missle), i was replying thst guy talking about burst. But for AoE we cant deny ele 3 is much better.

Oh hey I’m talking about this particular build

Your build with wiz3 is something else ofc

And when did you became vicente_mimica lol

I do agree that the build is actually FUN to play, I wish that I have one too. Lol.

This is my exact build, currently lvl 232 because of lack of time to play. This build works well and what I love about it is that its a jack of all trades. You can solo, group play, sustain dps, aoe dps, support (sorta) and farm. Yes, you suffer from the lack of quickcast but I’m going to tell you a secret…you can just get it from partying with ANY other wiz using spiritual link from linker C2. You won’t get the +50% damage attribute BUT since you can farm so very well, you’ll be able to max out the % damage attribute for flesh cannon so… just do it. It’s hella fun.

Recently i met a guy with the following build;

Like it more than build through sorc1.