Tree of Savior Forum

The start of Guild War

This is the start of gvg in iToS, good job IMC…LOL


War does not determine who is right, only what is left!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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In this case money will determine who is right. I’m afraid the f2p crowd doesn’t stand a chance.

History is written by winners.

It’s ok it will be nerf!

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:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: Flag Revolution :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

Non-founder doesn’t mean non-payer heh.

Plenty of others are like me, who have 50+ saved just for this game but are uninterested in the previously announced founders pack. I’d say that by endgame, where the templars are, it’d be cut fairly even.

Also, I’d personally love to see people duke it out ingame for reasons.

Implying I need to save $50 just to have it when it comes out
Implying my account won’t always be above such meager money to pay for the game

Really they should make a game based on this concept… you take a fantasy scenario and divide it into to factions… founders and non founders.

Non founders faction:

  • specific races for non founders
  • free to play
  • free to play server

Founder faction:

  • specific races for founder
  • buy to play
  • paid server

Faction wars:

  • founder Vs non founder global server destined only for the PvP war

That’s it… you have an mmo that is both buy to play, free to play and one thing for sure… PvP in that game will rock xD


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Yes it does. A non-founder is a non-payer. As of right now you’re a non-payer. You’re intentions don’t a damn thing to a company. This is a business and a business cares about making money. If a customer is willing to pay right now it means more to company then someone that may or may not spend money 5 months from now.

Welcome to economics 101.

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In that line of thinking, neither of us are paying players, no? Your intention to spend 50 on the founders pack is more or less as solid as my intention to spend 50+ on cosmetics and token more or less as soon as the game is out.

Either way, we’re both intending to buy a product IMC is offering. Unless there is a superiority in buying a founders pack that essentially gives you more TP in exchange?

someone call?

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There are a lot of systems similar to this, albeit not strictly pay vs free. Lineage 2 had a thing where higher level characters would face off against lower level characters (which were expected to be more and pose a challenge, I guess). Higher level characters won every time (duh), and I think it would go about the same in a p2w scenario because as a company you want the payers to be happy (again duh).