Tree of Savior Forum

The sign of the Assassin quest

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : 11^08 am 24/10/16

Server Name: Fedimian

Team Name:RussianTroll

Character Name: POMAH

Bug Description :
Quest not compleated

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I am also stop this task. I do not know what I have to do.

Same problem here, and cant remove it from quest list

Does anyone know what to do?

Same here…

same problem can’t remove from quest list

Sameeeee problemmmmmmm

Same issue, as of 30/11/2016. Any news about it?

I also have this quest with no objectives in my quest log.

@GM_Francis @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy

Yeah, almost 3 months and it’s still bugged

any newws about this quest?

Still bug

Just got this today. Killed the assasin, got the mark, and then a quest with no objective and no ability to drop it.

Come on IMC, this has been an issue for months, and you guys haven’t fixed it?

Posting this so GMs/Staff maybe see this thread.

Also, that level 1 quest in Orsha is like this (Pet trainer).

@GM_Francis @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Letitia

UP! Still unresolved.

Same issue here.

Server: Klaipeda
Team: Adiutum
Character: Brudengahrd

I’m pretty certain that the quest just doesn’t continue anywhere yet. Probably a quest chain that they plan to build upon in the future, it’s been like this since the quest chain came. Some tos databases don’t show a next step either.

Hello !
Did the quest today with 2 friends, we all got this problem.

This is not a problem, the assassin appears on city wall district 8 in a specific time.

BUT, i don’t know the time :frowning:

Any news? Someone discover the server time?