Tree of Savior Forum

The report "First CBT Tree of Savior Indonesia" from the Publisher


  • Publisher is Gemscool Indonesia
  • CBT only held from 27 August to 30 August 2015,
  • Server opens only at 10AM until 9PM Indonesia time (11 hours per day)

Report :
- Data traffic 8TB.
- Comparison of male and female gender is 6 : 4.
- Selection of 28.65% Class Swordsman, Archer Class 26.70%, 25.35% Class Wizard, Cleric Class 21:30%.
- Quest resolved : 343 436 quest.
- 70% use the Keyboard Mouse and 30% using the joystick.

Source Link:


Man… not many people like Wiz and Cleric :confused: I thought magic was … magical :sunglasses: Oh well.

And like half of the female characters we’re g.i.r.l.'s lol maybe

Shhh a family in IMCgames (Well… all I have experience with is Granado Espada) aren’t meant to be just made of dudes… then again my Barracks are filled with Female characters only :flushed: DEM COSTUMES JUST LOOK TOO GOOD! If only I could make a male char with some of the fem outfits or vise versa :cry: Would be funny to see Male Sorcerer with panties lol.

Even is was short, a lot of freebies were given.
I wonder if the publisher is good

Careful, you may stay a girl if we get stuck in the official release and sucked into the game. XD


Kinda impressed that only 40% of the characters were female. Also, Archer’s being more popular than Wizards? Whattttt?


What is this useless comparison for? xD
353, 436 Quests Completed!
That’s more than the number of people who die every year in Indonesia!

Thanks for the information.
How do they know who used keyboards and who used joysticks, though?
Was this from a survey?
Where is the option for both? I’m pretty sure some people used both.
Negligible? I doubt it, it’s hard to use the non-combat UI on gamepad. (least, so I’ve experienced)

The males look like females, anyway.
Plus young males have been growing in popularity among the general interwub communities lately.

I think the reason that cleric is the least played class is because everyone wants to be the dps god but not nearly as many want to be a healing support role. That is just what cleric and some of the wizard classes are seen as I assume.

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Afaik they’re using analytics to analyze player behaviour. So it’s easy to get those numbers.

It’s sad to know the females ratio was just 40% due to the fact that some of them were actually dudes.

I’d say 60-70% of the females were dudes. I won’t like I’m also one of those dudes that likes looking at female characters in video games.

That’s surprised me as well.

I don’t know why when I read that post I felt creeped out even though I’m supposed to be the creeper.

What?! Those numbers are perfectly fine. Do you expect that it will be 25%-25%-25%-25%? All of them are above 20%. It means that every class is quite popular. So just because Cleric and Wizard is not the most popular it doesn’t mean they aren’t popular enough as I see.

This. They might as well label the choice as “female wearing male clothing” and “female wearing female clothing”.

Naw I was mainly joking because it is fairly even in distribution but the graph’s curve is fairly high for around 2-6% difference so unless looking directly at the numbers, you’d assume that it’s significantly lower than swordsman and archer. If you actually add up the wizard and cleric bars together, you’re actually fairly close to the swordsman’s :stuck_out_tongue:

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lol srsly?

My reason for not playing wiz and cleric outright was because a typical melee is my way of getting a feel for the game first.

Cleric is melee, they just don’t hit for as much as swordsmen ;w; Also Monk is a deeps, and isn’t achievable until Circle 5 xD

Well I said “typical”. I should have said sword wielding characters instead or something. lol

Yeah fair enough.

Monk is the lets be a drgonball super sayian class in this game! Kamehamehaaaa am I right:P

Guy In Real Life ? lol