Tree of Savior Forum

The real problem that needs fixing!

I can see many topics i nthis forum section with suggestions and complaints about the game, but I haven’t seen a single one touching the REAL problem.

So far I have discovered 2 collections that require the desert chupacabra ears to complete!
This is totally unacceptibabile IMC, need to fix it!!111oneone
I mean, given how cute those ears look, and the fact that each player will need 2 more to complete the collections, you are basically asking us to drive those poor little furry bastards extinct! With all the desert Chupacabras I have to kill to get 3 sets of ears, when the FtP players come in, there will be no more Chupacabras, and the Chupacabra will be just a legend, a rumor of this animal that supposedly existed and killed goats and sheeps alike.

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Got one of those ears on my head, i will kill more of these little cute things to have more ears! MUAHAHAHAHAHA (Evil diabolic laught) =)