Tree of Savior Forum

The "PvP Channel". A happy road, even if you don't walk on it

It’s a deflection, a one note, empty retort to a complex problem. That’s a ■■■■ answer.

But the answer you where given was in fact not a ■■■■ answer it was infact quite relevant. If you can’t handly combating people in a pvp area than you can always just leave, after all it’s a pvp channel and they are just pvp’ing keeping you away from their grind spot or whatever and having fun while doing so. If you aren;t having fun PK or being PK’d then you’re in the wrong channel. Of course you can always keep trying and/or find better ways to combat them but ultimately if that fails you can still just leave.

Except there was no complex problems.

Class Balance isn’t a problem, some are suited for PvP, some are suited for PVE. Understand what each class is for. You think PVE should be changed to accommodate the skills better suited to PvP?

Organized bullying is vague. You mean people who insult you? Not a PvP problem, a whole game problem.
Or you mean them following you and killing you over and over? That happens in PvP, and the actual solution is to leave the PvP channel until they’re gone, or you get your own group to fight back.

Twinking? Seriously? You want people to just not be allowed to upgrade their gear because it’s better than yours? BEcause that’s the only solution that doesn’t involve leaving. Just change servers for a few levels until your stat/skill advantage means their gear changes aren’t an issue if it’s really a big deal.

“Other forms of griefing” Griefing happens in games. Unless you pull a GW2 and make everyone get the exact same reward no matter how little work they did.

Your issues are not really issues. They happen in open PvP and stopping them involves gimping the idea of PvP as a whole.

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To have PVP in this game you would have to fundamentally rewrite the entire combat and zone system in the game. This is also why PVP battles are pointless. You have a guy 200 levels above everyone else instagibbing everything in the arena, because that’s just how it works. Now consider the same level 200 guy camping the entrance to a zone so his friends can run around with your +10% exp rate uninterrupted. Where does that leave everyone else? Ah but they can just log out right?

So remove the 10% bonus. Make the only reason to join it being that you like PvP,

I don’t think OP was saying it has to be this way and this way only.

Then if the guy 200 levels above wants to do that for his friends, that’s his choice. Too bad there are other ways to enter most maps. And it’s not like you can’t have high leveled friends too.

I played a game with a PK channel and it was a lot of fun. Encourages guild farming, guild vs guild wars, teamwork, etc

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Psssst. That’s why they add systems to stop high level players from killing newbies, it’s not a new issue, the solution has been around for many a year. But I didn’t tell you this. Sssshhh!

The only thing it encourages is that people get the highest level by any means possible so they can run around and screw everyone else over. How can you people not have realized this yet? You’re not playing a game with your friends here, you’re playing with the most savage, insatiable internet morons, and the only fun to be had is to lower yourself to their level by ruining their fun the same way they ruined yours.

Pssssst, look to my previous post.

And if people like the idea of fighting against those “savage, insatiable internet morons” over good grinding places and Field bosses?

I’ve played plenty of games involving open world PvP and it’s not like they permanently have a max level character being the gate keeper to the level 10 zone. Sure some dicks do it every now and then, I think it’s funny sometimes. And it’s great trying to get enough lowbies and try to rush past the person.

But you’re right this shouldn’t exist because some people who wouldn’t even play on the channel don’t like it.

People opposing this are basically saying:


I enjoy pvp, but I’m still not sure this is a great idea. First of all, I think the 10% extra XP is actually a terrible idea, and will cause a ton of complaining. Second of all, I’m definitely worried about “1-50 is all wizards!” or “100+ is all OP barbarians that one shot me with auto attack!” posts. If people complain, IMC will probably end up doing something. Personally I don’t really want them to waste their time balancing 1-50 pvp.

How to change the button’s tool tip to that of the A7:

  1. Click your avatar at the header of the page to open the dropdown menus.
  2. Hover your mouse over the Logout button and right click it.
  3. Choose Inspect Element.
  4. You will see < button id="embe … title=“Log Out” > in the Inspect Element window.
  5. Change title=“Log Out” to “Do et!” to resemble that of the OP’s GIF on A7.
  6. Have fun!

P.S: If you refresh the page, it will revert back to the previous value which was “Log Out”.

This feature is only being called because all the OPs just want a freaking PK channel to do pvp, just say it, don’t excuse yourself with “grinding spots” and “over populated areas”, you want PK, cool, fight for it xD

(Almost sure it’s not gonna happen in this game :3 )

Well duh, ofcourse he wants a pvp channel why would he make a thread supporting the idea if he didn’t want one regardless of the ‘excuses’? And though open world pvp channels may not happen it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have a chance. I and many others think it’s a solid idea and can’t think of a reason why it wouldn’t be implemented. Can you? If you can than respond with that instead of this pointless reply :3

Dayumn, all the aggressive answers xD, all posts from this PKTeam seem to go aggressive and only one opinion can exist, PK4FUN MUST BE REAL, you guys keep up, maybe devs will notice

Edit: PK4FUN was my nick in L2, pvp there was great :smiley: , but different game objectives and into pvp community.

My apologize, my intent was not to sound aggressive, if I wanted to I sure has hell could have made it alot more aggressive than that lol. But still yes we do want Pvp in the game and it gets a little tiring to hear poor reasoning one after the other as to why open world pvp is such a bad idea, especially since it’s optional.

Well the request doesn’t seem unreasonable, it’s not like we’re saying “everyone must participate in pvp”.

We’re just looking for 1 channel that allows open pvp so there’s more scenarios for pvp outside just arena environments.

It would be a good idea, if there would be XP for PK, like the exp they will lose being killed.

Problem with that is it’s easily exploitable. You can just keep killing your friends over and over to get exp. Ofcourse they could make the exp lower but then what would be the point in killing players for exp when mob grinding is far more efficient? I think I can talk for most pvp players when I say the joy is in the pvp itself and not so much on the reward.