Tree of Savior Forum

The Possible Future Of Archers- Future Class Suggestions


I’m here to offer a suggestion of future hidden classes or set ranked classes for archer. Now, archer is a flat-out mystery to most players because much isn’t revealed when it comes to future classes. Not necessarily game-play, but the reveal of costumes shows that archer has Pied Piper, Hackapell, Appraiser, and Mergen on the list of future classes. It’s a low number compared to wizard and cleric branch. Swordsman isn’t that far ahead. So, I’ll bring three new classes to the table that can be messed with or thought about for future growth of archer branch if there is a mystery to how IMC may want to create archer classes. @GM_Erick @GM_Fuji :smile:

Enjoy the pictures~


Weapon: Crossbow/Gun

The Marker/Bloodhound is a class that specialize in hunting especially. They are somewhat mercenaries from a steam-punk styled background that use the blood of their enemies to forge marks. These marks are something similar to Fletcher’s arrows. The marks are collected, made with materials to create blood arrows for specific skills, and therefore become markers. They are lethal and can gain buffs from the various types of marks from monsters, share them with allies, and even have the ability to recover hp if enemy is bleeding. The marks can be made by Marker and can be sold to other players in a vial.


Weapon: Bow or Crossbow

This class is all about spiritual and warrior-like presence. The Tomahawk specialize in calling on the spirits of his ancestors as spiritual animals to aide him in battle. Such spiritual animals as the Tiger to unleash a flurry of attacks, the Panda to shield his allies with increased defense, or the Bunny to heal the wounds of the Tomahawk. They can call on these animals to battle beside them.

Bounty Hunter

Weapon: Bow, Crossbow, Crossbow&Gun, Rifle, Cannon, Crossbow&Knife/Dagger

The Bounty Hunter is a class that has no weapon restrictions and allows for more prowess on the battlefield. They are hunters who use elemental sigils in battle that have certain battle effects on enemies and allies. The elements are: Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth For example, the fire sigil inflicts burn on enemies, but a burning regeneration for allies if the ability is reversed. This brings forth different stances to which you are restricted to a certain number of the elements’ skills. The Battle or Reserved stance can be used whether you wish to be an attacking force or supportive to your friends. You can only choose one stance as this class, so choose wisely! Also, another thing that separates Bounty Hunter is the fact that they can place bounties on bosses for a gamble of extra rewards. Whether this be silver, item drops, or exp, it’s all random.

These are some of ideas I’ve had for archer because it seems like they are lacking significant classes and it would be amazing to see archer get the shine it needs like the others. Of course, this is my opinion on the matter and I believe archer is growing as of late in whether a small or moderate way, but has a chance of being important down the line. Thanks for reading! :yum: