Tree of Savior Forum

The possibility of Puzzle quests or mini-games

Now I played the CBT and enjoyed it to the fullest with what limited time that I could alot to it. But I felt there was something missing.

Now drawing back to my experience with other RPG games. I thought it would be a nice addition to the game if there were puzzles or quizzes to the game. Like for example a certain quest that would ask you a series of questions pertaining to the “Story so far” , and if you happen to answer all correctly you get some bonus exp and maybe some potions (maybe open up new quests too forming chain quests)

Now if the player doesn’t “remember” the events properly they forfeit the reward and the NPC just explains what actually happened, then they continue on. I don’t want quizzes to be “too” hard (though maybe puzzles/quizzes that gain you important items like recipes should be) It should just reward players for actually reading the story.

Now as per puzzles and mini-games this can be a nice addition to maybe instance dungeons and maybe party dungeons, maybe to open new areas or hidden bosses. or maybe a new chain quest.

Simply put I want players that explore or poke around stuff be rewarded. I want quests that have to be “interpreted” and would need critical thinking and common sense to figure out. I dont want it to be game breaking though, so maybe the rewards would just be keys or chests to open and stuff like that.

I just really like games that make people think, is all I’m saying.


There are puzzles in ToS ! I mean, I’ve seen multiple of them in ICBT, they were rewarded with a Zemyna’s statue or access to a field boss.
But we definitely need more of them !

I haven’t seen any quizz though, and I don’t think they are good :

  • You can’t ask for something too hard because you don’t want to give a big reward to a player who just googled something for 10 seconds.
  • You can’t give a small reward for a hard quizz, because it would be unfair for those who don’t cheat.
  • The only solution is to give a small reward for a easy quizz, but that would be really boring and would be ignored by players.
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I did see some puzzle type things too!!
Especially figuring out how to access certain areas type of thing…
It was pretty fun. – I hope to see them add even more as they move forward in development.
They make the world less mundane imo. ^ o ^

Quizzes are kind of cute so I wouldn’t mind them, but puzzles are more engaging/rewarding!
(& more platform jumping please!!)

How about jump puzzles? for example in GW2 there were platforming puzzles you had to do to access a treasure chest that gives random stuff daily.

hahah I was thinking the same thing! I liked that kind of puzzles, but I’m not sure if they can implement those on ToS because of the fixed camera :o

But it would be niiiiice n_n

I’ve been to 4 dungeons that have puzzles in them. The first one was at Guard’s Graveyard, which is a lv 53 dungeon. Then there was the other Royal Mausoleum dungeon at lv 73-83 which I mentioned in my Day 9 Review on Tumblr. And finally, the other two I’ve seen are Residence of the Legwyn Family (lv 132 I think) and the Roxona Reconstruction Agency at lv 178. What all these dungeons have in common aside from the puzzles is the lack of NPCs and quests, and they all play two of Symphonix’s soundtracks, Dirty Minds and Feel Free.

I’ve only managed to solve the puzzle on the second floor of the other Royal Mausoleum dungeon. The rest, I’ve only either partially figured out, or haven’t figured it out at all. Maybe next beta, I’ll form a party to solve all of these puzzles :smile:

Oh? can you elaborate what kind of puzzles they were? I’ve only reached up to level 43 and didn’t encounter any puzzles D: .

@Anansu well a simple way to do it would be like back RO’s Swordsman job change test , where they had planks and if you fell off you get placed inside a maze and then try again. maybe a party based puzzle where they have to unlock doors for 2 separate parties to proceed.

I did found the dungeon for Legwyn Treasure Puzzle in my iCBT playthrough.

But…couldn’t solve it entirely. xD