Tree of Savior Forum

The "Pay-To-Win" Token Scandal

Do you believe in dead markets too?

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I need the ā€œdonā€™t believe his liesā€ one.


the market is dead? weird because iā€™m still making gold (silver*) and buying stuff.

the most bought item in the tp shop in klaipeda is token followed by the enchant scroll pack followed by individual enchant scrollsā€¦ assuming imc is not lying to us and actually coded it to work right

Where are people getting this ā€˜necros nerfedā€™ from. All I could find was mention of skellies max hp now going to be dependant on the skill level?

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What happens when itā€™s just you, yourself, and I playing along with the maybe 50 other people buying tokens selling them amongst yourself? Does the market still stay pure and free? After the population dwindles will some guy just make alts and sell tokens to himself to keep the market going and profits coming in?

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dunno but it is logical to assume such since they attempted to do something with sorcerer. if they really did nerf necro then I expect them to eventually do something with warlocks as well. however this is IMC so who the hell knows.

at that point we will be playing some other game crying about how the BRS power abuse us all and donā€™t let us hunt in the best hunting spots.

and what is with the people saying low lvs canā€™t make silver to buy tokens? I bought two and iā€™m a low lv.

because u sir, noxot, is a veteran who read forum more than 6months n u know what to do n where to do it

newbie who just downloaded the game n didnt so much reading also cheapskate dont wanna buy first 100tp

they dont deserve the 1mil token.

with current 3.9k players, i think there are less than 1000token for sale monthly

hense the race to buy all the available token among veteran


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you have a point. donā€™t worry the instance clear vouchers will teach them (the newbies) how to avoid mineloaders attacks. :upside_down:

anywaysā€¦ plenty of people are helpful if only you would but seek out their help.

but this game canā€™t be pay to win unless you first learn how to play. people concerned about winning are gonna be concerned about how to properly distribute stats and what skills to pick and what builds are decentā€¦ what person has started to play an mmo and not understand that they have to learn about it? most of the people playing this type of game are constantly drifting from one mmo to the next.

At this rate, I honestly want EXP tomes being tradable when Token adds nothing to my own gameplay. Giftful season give me a lesson on how token-less characters level up fast and efficiently. Why you bother getting Token, play 24/7, and get IMC-ed?

As long as there are whiteknights, there are people doing this.


bro, do u even tos?

tos is literally pay-to-play coz the following

  • 3extra token movespeed, and windrunner +1 movespeed or manamana selling for more than 5milā€¦ if u walk slower, u cant rockman-jump-evade attack as effectiveā€¦
  • teamstorage bro, do u even make alts?
  • 10market slot bro, do u even matket? also less tax for token userā€¦
  • 30% extra exp, means, whatever u killing, i get 30% more
  • instant learn attribute, did u know rank8 skill could take more than 12hours learning time without token?

bro, without token, u might as well play something elseā€¦



You guys are damn lucky. In TOS INA, literally 0 (zero) token is sold in the market.

not reallyā€¦ things are dying here as wellā€¦

but jo, why play indontos if u can play steam itos? unless u r from indon, imc ip block indon playing itosā€¦

also, i dont think indon has gaming culture selling things with real money for things in marketā€¦ i think indon culture appreciate rmt locally (fb pm trade or meet in cybetcafe)


I did ToS better than way you didā€¦

  • Movement speed --> is it matter? Even Cyro can make this useless. PvE grind is not noticable unless itā€™s chronoā€™s buff
  • 30% exp buff -> never use x4 tome eh? Again, itā€™s not noticableā€¦
  • Who needs market with Scout and Pardoner farmer? Not to mention other classes that can farm betterā€¦
  • Who needs team storage with same concept?
  • Instant learn actually traps you. Rank 8 attribute cost 1 mil with 10 hours delay, if you can play 24/7 10 hours is enough to make another 1 mil with just casual grindā€¦

Youā€™re getting IMC-ed because youā€™re relying too much on all of themā€¦

The truth is like this: You are getting IMCā€™ed cause you try to play without relying on token benefits.



Iā€™m from Indonesia bro. I missed buying the founderā€™s pack, and the ping here is better without vpn. :slight_smile:

Itā€™s completely possible to play without token benefits to begin withā€¦

Because this thread opens with ā€œI canā€™t buy token with silverā€ sentence than you need to research for how surviving without it, rather than complain and quit but itā€™s a sad fact to deal with 1000 people believe token is a mustā€¦