Tree of Savior Forum

The "Pay-To-Win" Token Scandal

Those things remind me of how SoJ’s were in Diablo 2 and became the currency standard for trades. This game is heading that route with hyper inflation soon.


The inflation is already there, the market already is crumbling.

When Agnis Neck appear, it will be a short lived rage, if it will really be, then it will go back to what it is right now.

Lots of useless crap + expensive useful stuff that there is no buyers since who really have money already have it.

I for one, don’t even bother with it anymore, i just buy the recipe for something with a pricing range of 5k-300k, go out and gather the mats (which generally cost 4mil depending on the recipe requirements), but i do search first where the mats drop, so i don’t have to deal with bots or afkers.

I learned that after i bought a sissel brac recipe and noticed that i got fked up by BB being farmed 24/7 by botters.

The new currency now are the blessed shards from saalus, talt is useless basically, you won’t see new guilds, at least not how it was 3 months ago.

The only other use i see for talt is the homunculus recipe, which is not implemented yet here.

And to complement all this crap, we got a developer that don’t give a ■■■■ about it and let things turn the way they are right now.

All this situation above scare even more new players since to acquire something they need to their char is almost impossible to who just started.


talt is still 5k flat. It’s for small exchange.

Bless shards for big exchanges (200~220k)

Gold bar and silver works too if you have plenty of them off the Halloween event.

25k and 50k?

Do you see anyone in shout trading stuff for talts?

I haven’t see it for more than 2 or 3 months, in Klaipeda.

Tbh with you, even trading items i barely see, except costumes for costumes (armor and hats).

Yea they still do for SEA servers.

Talt is still widely use to purchase lowbie items or mats like Vubble blood etc.

It’s the only form of exchange that bypass tax for lowbies (or new players)
like 75 talts for vubble blood instead of buying through auction house for 400k (which they only get 360k off it minus the 1%/3% tax input)

Arde are still being seek or in demand after for new players. so yea.

I see, well i guess SEA is more populated, or more active than Klaipeda.

I have lots of talt spread across my alts only taking space in storage, and since i am not under token, i can’t even transfer it to a single char to sell it and get money to buy what i need.

It was already boring before, now it is even more. lol

I still haven’t find something to give me fun.

Yea, more populated server will still have usage for those.

any way these day people use token at 3m~3.2m for trades as well like T> 4 token to 1 bb etc.

TP item demand are high but the supplies are kinda low here as well due to population issue.

I am curious to know how they do the trade, i mean, Token is not tradable through 1:1 trade. Put in Market for low price? I find it risk if that is the case.

token is instant selling (Basically there will be no X time delay and will be immediately up)

Most likely to various means of communication like discord.

I often trade my token to my friends through communication and market placing on time exactly.

There is a risk definitely but if you can synchronize well. The double risk is either one of them go rouge.

It’s up to the player if he want to take the risk. Some is more cautious and will only give up the item at half way or at least half of the token traded etc.

Mostly those who is ultra whaler (you can most likely trust them since they have a reputation to maintain and staining it won’t do them good)

It will work, or just do it at unearthly hours. Most will agree to that for SEA side.

(2am +++ gmt+8) etc.

I would guess it is the same for Klaip timer, i will try it tomorrow and see. Thanks for the answer.

well it’s technically IMC form of rmt so lulz.


I heard people are talking about talts…sooo

sorry, can’t resist

anyway OP I get what you mean, one look at Bee farm and DP2 you will know why prices have inflated. Even high level maps don’t gain that much, the mob density+silver per trash monster on DP2 is just good.

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That’s as much as what i have but i am still pondering to throw it to my mini home or to sell it lol.

You know, I’m impressed how legit afk farmers have outfarmed bots…

Bot have diminished purpose and “legit” afk nerco are way better and more efficient.

All they need is create multi account of nerco and let it run through virtual PCs rofl.

So basically there is 0 manpower effort needed cut cost and more “profits”

too bad my i3 8gb ram cannot install hyperv on win10


might try virtualbox instead…

is vm-multi tos client even allowed?

silly question…bots and hook arent “allowed” either

i know…


I want tokens to reach 20 million…IMC remove price cap please…:heart:

Well basically when there’s no cap anymore in item prices on market, stuff like this can happen so quick lol. Ppl who buy premium stuffs gotta adjust their price too lol