Tree of Savior Forum

The New Spring Dress Flower Costumes

Just got posted by byjairothe on Reddit.

He linked here. What do you think?


We already have multiple threads about this. I get that you want to show people but we don’t need to spam the topic.

I searched for “costumes” before I posted, unfortunately I didn’t see anything. As I myself was interested I think other people would want to know what these look like.

You should’ve searched for Spring.

Uhhh :dizzy_face: They look like reskins…

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That’s the only one I like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Can’t wait for the Summer and Winter costumes! But these are very tempting.

Id prefer more c3 costumes personally

If you mean a slightly different costume from C1 to C2 then from C2 to C3 of a certain class, then I’m all for it.

Ah, that helps xD Thanks ^^

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yeah I like the dresses xD I kind of like what (I think) is the male sorcerer one but the arms are too frilly IMO.

Same… I’m hoping that they’ll look good. I also hope that when the game gets into its stride there will be tonnes of costumes. Most of my favourite costumes are female costumes (which I can’t wear cos I’m a guy :yum:) and some mage costumes, like the Pyro, Thaum and unreleased Shadowmancer. Atm I’ve been wearing the only TP Swordsman set because I’m not 100% sure how I feel about the current class sets

Yea you can buy costumes with c3 prepequisites currently we have a priest one and archer one. They just added more on Ktos highlander and something else i cant remember.

That’s awesome. May I get the source?

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Nice! I hope we get it soon :heart_eyes:

Do you have a link to how it looks? I’ve been looking but unfortunately I can’t read Korean… I can only stalk people who release information on Reddit xD

Here it was highlander c3 and wiz c3

As for the priest and archer you can see them in the tp shop when the game comes back up. we have had them since early access started.

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Thanks ^^ :smiley:

And yeah I like these, but wtf is with that chicken suit… lol… I saw it somewhere else… I hope we never get it because I don’t want to see people running around in it ruining the immersion =_=

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Yea i hate â– â– â– â–  like that. But animal costumes are a big thing for korean games.

they need to start selling tp soon cause I don’t got any tp to buy this

lolll true, the last game I played was Dragon Nest and they crossed the line when they introduced racing cars and space ships into a medieval fantasy game. PLEASE IMC NEVER DO THIS!

Yeah xD I’m almost out… no way my TP is going to last until F2P if it’s really in mid-may ><

what’s the price on spring dress flower costumes? ;w;