Tree of Savior Forum

The new reflect shield

The new reflect shield (aka magic shield) now reduces damage by 20%.

What do you guys think about this? I personally think it is a nerf for SPR build. With high SPR, most of the time damage received drops to 1. But I think it should be a big improvement to INT builds?

The hitcount is way too low to be of any significant use imo, 15 hits at lv15 isnt a lot

this right here.

20% is way too low. If it was 20% for the whole duration, no hit counts, fine. But it’s 20% with limited hit counts. Nope.

Hyped for what seemed like an improvement but ened up disappointed by IMC yet again.

Sigh… So in the end, the revamp did nothing to reflect shield except made it worse for SPR builds…

The only thing i can say is that, it is a buff for higher end content such as world bosses and ET. This is because 20% from a high/hard hitting attack is major when it comes to being one shot or not. However if you do not regular do these forms of high level hard hitting parts of the game, then it’s an all around nerf.

Pretty useless i think.
not gonna compare to safety zone btw.:haha:

Probably not even worth for these.
Its SkillLv = HitCount so the buff will be gone very fast.

Elem-lock has wiz3, can get lv15 reflect shield :sweat_smile:

Yes, but if its really weak … maybe better to use points at other skills.

Stop. Considering other wiz skills got buffed, I’d rather spend the points on them than waste 15 points on a shet skill…

True. Not even worth wasting 1 sec to cast the useless buff

I’d rather max Lethargy instead of Magic Shield.
I was a deep fan of Reflect Shield on my SPR wizards, it now is useless.
If we have to compare “reduce 20% damage for X hits” versus "Reduced 15% (up to 17% with DM and Gem) from Lethargy, then definitely I’d go for Lethargy which on C3 even has both extra magic circle damage (C2) and extra strike damage (C3)

20% the whole time would be absurdly broken…
Imagine that with a decent CON build or Transpose + Ein Sof + Rune of Giants + FF recovery = ultimate tank