Tree of Savior Forum

The new ideas for cryomancer builds?

I have been checking the options that we can take for cryomancer with the coming rank 9, for now i have been searching a build for solo with cryomancer but i’m not sure what are the options . my recent ideas are:

Cryo3>Chrono3>Enchanter2(but this can’t take bosses as i see)
Wiz2>Cryo3>Kino>RC>WL2(i think warlock 2 is enought WL3 is a waste as i see.

Thank you for the help :D.

i think cry3>chrono3>ench2 with good gear can solo boss easly ;3

Well, with 9 ranks now, we can go Wiz3>Eleme3>Cryo3
It would add some CC in exchange for DPS to the actual elememe build.
Also, you’ll be able to execute the frost pillar+icewall+electrocute combo all by yourself.

cryo 3 kino 1 wiz 2 RC Enchanter 2.
I think you can buy PP gem and use it to hit more ice walls?
I think surespell or any kind of concentrate attribute is too good to pass and will be more worth it than pp stun attribute.

@alavien1 why you think that?

@Resonantsoul im not sure if the surespell is necesary or maybe go to the way with sorcere buut that isn’t to much ice skills XD.

if the reason for going kino is to use Ice Wall+pp combo, then I think its better to not have it be interrupted easily. It is better now that gazing golem cards are a thing, but pp is still interrupted when you are hit, hence surespell or concentrate attributes will help.

I play both Wiz2 Kino1 and Wiz1 Kino2. My personal experience finds that the latter build needs good fillers thanks to some useful skills have been rendered unusable due to cast time interruptibility. On the contrary, with Wiz2, you can use Snow rolling, Rune of destruction, or casting Rune of ice mid battle without the fear for being interrupted.

Well if you go Wiz1 Kino2, I suggest you consider going for Sage. I find that the number of walls hit by PP will not be that much than 9-11 slots, due to the area of effect of PP, with Sage casting duplication on the wall however, that number could go to 14-16. Beside, Sage has a few more attack skill to fill CD which do not require casting time (there’s a discussion right now about the usability of Sage C2 skill, but I don’t think it would be much of a matter since all we need from that skill is not damage but the pulling effect).

Kino2 Stun and Magnetic force have some utility in PvP. Though I would say the same for Snow rolling but with less confidence.

So if you wanna play Wiz1 Kino2, I suggest Sage as your higher ranks.

For Wiz2 Kino1, which your play style won’t require that many fillers, then I would go for Enchanter. Enchanter has a lightening buff for Icewall-PP that could add the damage of each bullet for about 500 unit. Base on my experience, you won’t even need RC with this buff everything molten down like a cake lol. Besides, with lightening hand, your life on the field will be much much much better.

So here is my verdict:
For pvp and burst Icewall-PP damage, Wiz1 Kino2 Cryo3 RC1 Sage 2. If long CD does not annoy you in the fields.
For pve,Wiz2 Kino1 Cryo3 RC1 Enchanter2.

But who knows for the future?

Cryo 3 Ele 3 Shadowmancer 2

Well, Shadowmancer isn’t really in that good of a spot right now. Only 1 really good single target skill and 1 average aoe skill, both of which are c1.

But it’s something to try if you wanna do something new that isn’t a full support or a full dps and a bit of both.

I’m an Archer main but is Kino3 so bad ? What about something like Wiz1-Cryo3-Kino3-RC ?

At least it’s useful to 100% explore the Sanctuary map with Teleport 15/15 :distinguished:

i main a cryo 3 kino 3 RC. I find it very enjoyable.
But as it stands if you want full cryo kino combo then running the build would give you few options at rank 9. Kino 3 does seem a bit lackluster because GP and raise have target cap.

I can take wiz 2 for surespell to make sure ice wall casting, snow rolling and rune casting is not interrupted. But using 1 rank at rank 9 for surespell seems a bit wasteful.

I can also go shadow 1 if its a good filler.

But honestly i think its best to forsake RC and go enchanter 2.

Edit: if rank 10 was out. i might consider cryo 3 kino 3 sorc 2 RC

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maybe but i’m confused

what kind of build mixes Warlock with Cryomancer ?
what would that be for?
how would you use warlock with cryomancer and to what end?

wiz1>cryo3>sorc1>nerc3>shadow or wiz1>cryo3>sorc2>warlock3/warlock2>shadow in my option to mix with shadowmance

cryo 3 thaum 2 warlock 2 full int.

Decent build, not the best but decent. Its a supportive “dps”(DPS is decent but dont expect to compete with elememes)
Can use frost pillar with mastema and PoA. Cooldown is somewhat long but it can work.
Swell arm buffs are good for you and team, shrink body increases dps on mobs.

I dont know if its good for farming because of high dps skills having high cool downs in this build but swell body is your way of farming and the lack of linker makes swell body a bit hard to swell maximum number of targets( you can use frost pillar but thats 45s cooldown)

To be honest, I think its decent in ET. you can buff teamates phy/magic close to 1k, provide more frost pillar and good warlock dps skills. If you have chrono in your party which most likely is the case, you can alternate frost pillars to cc mobs for longer durations.

But like most non meta builds, it needs good weapons.

maybe but i’m confused

what kind of build mixes Warlock with Cryomancer ?
what would that be for?
how would you use warlock with cryomancer and to what end?

Maybe Wiz3>Cryo3>WL2>RC

Good CC with frost pillar, some AoE dmg with warlock, and RC can add 2 damage spells (not so strong tho) to your rotation.
I would go for:
Wiz3: EB 15, sleep 15, Surespell 5, magic missile 5, QC 5
Cryo3: icepike14, ice blast 15, ice bolt 1, snow rolling 5, frost pillar 5, ice wall 5 (just for ice blast combo).
WL2: mastema 10, PoA 10, invocation 10
RC: rune of justice 5, rune of destruction 5, rune of ice 5
Full int
Get hydra cards for extra damage on frozen enemies.

Rune of justice have sinergy with mastema.
Ice rune can raise your ice damage for a minute (better use with snow rolling, I think).
Using snow rolling to move monsters to Invocations can work too.
For some time, dead ice wall would turn into spirit invocations, but they removed this, I hope it would come back on future reworks.

Not a meta build, but somewhat funny to play with, maybe. It’s really hard to build around cryo if it’s not for a support role. The skill factors are just too low.

and add Velnia Monkey+Biteregina or Hydra+Velpede cards.

whats the stats? DEX or INT? i think INT is better. unless you got 450+ dex

its hardo to judge now, we just must wait and see ;p