Tree of Savior Forum

The most horrible drop rates in any game?

right! the 4 leaf clover grind, and that 10 week long mistress camp for damascus and tiara during iRO beta 1… lol these people dont know the meaning of low drop rates


1 MVP 1 Card several hours of respawn

stop crying

this game is kind of hardcore and thats good no need for another pussy kiddo game like wow

too bad “hardcore games” are in the past and only “true gamers” complain that games are too easy ( to show off theyre pro). Now when ppl had easier way (if you compare for example 2000 o now) to get pc/console AND net even younger kids are playing so to “let” them play devs are making games easier and easier…well whats better: some ppl that are “hardocore” or bunch of kids thatll take money from theyre parents(and theyll give them to get some silence)?

Im one of those ppl that eat theyre teeth and grinded theyre asses in UO L2 an RO(old one didnt want to go back to iro…idk why) that became too accustomed to games now (so for me personally the middle of the scale between noob friendly and hardcore is the best)

And about that “pussy kiddo game like wow” when WoW started it was hard and challenging but blizz made it more and more toned down to attract more ppl (younger ones) and in peak they had ~14 mil players…Well it backfired but still they have player base counter in milions and its still P2P…devs will adapt to customers not the other way

Not to meantion potential loss. Shrugs

I find it odd people are complaining about comparing games when the original post open it to be compared to other games.

I do agree comparing games is stupid however when people open a topic to compare something too don’t be shocked people compare it to another game.

Anyways, The drop rate isn’t perfect but it’s not the worst I’ve seen in video games. I do agree it sucks when trying to find something and not having any rng however it’s so nice when you do get something which is rare which other people are having problems with finding.

i am 50/50 on it.

I like because it makes me feel like my Brandish and my 2 Arde Daggers in 1 week is something crazy lucky, and i love that feeling.

But it does suck from Farming needs, But then again if they were higher everyone would have them

Killing a boss for 0.01% drop chance in ragnarok was much worse. Trying to find a good ancient set with the right rolls for LON in Diablo was terrible as well.

ToS is okay in my opinion. It’s hard that u feel rewarded once you get the item, but not hard at the point of farming for a week and not getting what you wanted.

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So when will you completely die?

thats why i say its a KIND OF hardcore. the drops in this game are more then fine.

490 tanu that’s it? You cry baby betches… Im over 6k and no flower so stop complaining. Because I surely won’t.

FCK on the contrary I vote for lower rates, so when you get the item you feel like its worth more.

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Eh, I’m not even complaining, but that’s actually the first useless material I tried to farm to finish a collection. Thoughts? never again, I’d just buy them off at market for 50k-100k if they are available, if not, ignore that thing.

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Tanu flower sells for 500-900k

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If I had to kill another 500 or more to get it, I’d buy it for 1m, it’s a done deal.

Try dropping the spearhead from the large panto or the tanu flower then you can talk about bad drop chance.

Vubbe blood is pretty easy i got 12 so far… i dont even need to farm it anymore i got all of that trying to get money to buy other things.

I pray to RNGesus everyday whenever I go to a new map hoping I can finish the collection for it… LOL

But yes, I am all for increasing the drop rate by a teeny bit or you know… increasing the SPAWN RATES (for certain monsters, Vubbe Fighter for example)

Diablo 2 had items that had astronomical odds to drop. and to be honest I always wanted the gear it just never dropped so it ended up not even being a major part of the end game play experience until someone showed me how to bot. I later found out that all the elite end game gear that was in the economy was only there because of bots - otherwise no one would have anything unless they spent 1-2 thousand hrs which even then you’d probably only have half of what you were going for(most likely not even). Which is why I don’t get how people can defend this game play design, it’s utterly absurd. WoW for example, hate it or love it. was very successful. And even though I only played for 4 months total, I can’t say that being able to get the items you wanted was bad in any way. in fact it made the game more enjoyable if anything. I did not enjoy raids however and that was because it was mostly waiting and it takes too long, in a group of 25 people at any given time there was always 2-3 people taking a sh1t. Fortunately the PvP was fun and even your average joe could indulge in it and find some enjoyment out of it, atleast on some of the maps (arathi basin comes to mind).

Another point is people argue “well it keeps the players playing the game”. Not necessarily, and in fact it can have the opposite effect as well, but besides that it also is a huge incentive for bots to exist in the first place. And what about pvp? even if I had everything I wanted (which I’m 100% sure will never happen in ToS even if I put in 5000 hrs + money down) I surely would want to indulge in pvp wouldn’t I? but pvp is either good forever or it’s all crap there is no in between; it’s either fun or it isn’t. If the game is so focused on mind numbing boring and crappy if I may be so bold as to say - pve then there is a good chance the pvp will not be so great. unless you botted everything you needed. And this is probably specifically true about the future of ToS.

I seriously feel the same way I would if I was playing windows solitaire through most of the game play, which is like sleeping. And at least in my server Team Battle League is dead 24/7 which was the only thing that might have been exciting besides the extremely off chance that you get gear worth a dam. So no, I don’t think 1-2 thousand hours is a reasonable time frame. And I don’t concede to the common rhetoric arguments thrown around in defense of that. It reeks of BS.

so you didnt play a vanila and fight in 40 mans…that was nightmare to keep pugs focused as raid leader ;p and about boting for items with low rate drop…100% accurate because if its too rare everyone wants it and if everyone wants its itll sell fast so bots will have ingame money to sell for irl cash(first thing that came in mind…diablo 3 AH ppl/bot kept best items till markeet for real money were opened and after that we had eyegasm of rare items in market for sometimes stupid prices like top xbow for 2k euro)…and the circle is closed IMC want to fight with RTM but in the end they will lose anyway because of overrarity of some items ;] (just checked 4 collections (not counting recipes using the same material) ive left for later completion using market - its 4 m in silver and in my server 200k (or so because the moment i see bot spam im blocking it not reading too much) is ~9$)

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I Second this, well i expected people to say “RO” the moment i clicked this post.

People are still living in RO despire the fact this is Tree of Savior.
I’ve literally even seen someone do “!!” with the text “I miss Prontera”, lol.

Everyone understands this is not RO

but is it not from the same Maker/creator or whatever
regardless of the fact people are just saying Games with these drop rates exist.
Trying camping an MvP for a year straight then tell me about Drop rates.
You just have to keep grinding and push on