Tree of Savior Forum

The Market UI needs serious work: List of problems

Problems with the Market UI. I’ll add to this as I go along. Feel free to add your own comments. I realise this is probably useless as it’s a big feature and therefore probably only Korean feedback is listened to, but hey, you asked. A couple of these are also bugs.

  • Selling items don’t fill the whole screen and there’s no numbering system for pages in this screen, so it’s not obvious when you have multiple pages of things for sale.

  • Silver received for the sale of items gives no indication of what it was for, and it isn’t obvious what the cut from selling things on the market actually is before the thing is sold.

  • “Items for Sale” covers your inventory pane, meaning you have to tab back to “Sell” if you can’t remember how to spell Infrorocktor or Chupacabra.

  • Related to that, having to type out the name of each thing you’re selling is slow and boring. It would be nice if there was an item box in the search tab that would do a market search when you dragged an item into it, similar to the one in the sell tab.
  • When in “Items for Sale” the third tab option is “Item Cabinet” for no discernible reason.

  • When trying to sell a recipe, it was counting the number in the bank as well as the ones in my inventory, and then erroring when I tried to list too many.

  • There’s a “Type” option in the For Sale pane that doesn’t seem to do anything, yet recipes cannot be searched based on level or type.

  • You can interact with the outside world while viewing the market, meaning you can talk to the NPC again and open the market window multiple times. Hitting backspace by accident will also warp you away if you have quest-warps.

  • Text search doesn’t allow nearly enough characters.

  • Hotkeys such as ctrl+a don’t work in the market search box, which is kinda annoying.

  • Purchase Quantity should automatically be 1.

  • Some of the market search options do nothing, or don’t even have anything in due to the items being untradeable.

  • It’s not obvious when you’ve typed in the wrong name, an untradeable item, an item that doesn’t exist, or just an item that doesn’t have any entries in the market, they all bring up the same blank page.

  • Erroring due to “too many items found” is annoying, if I type in Infrorocktor, I want to see everything that comes up and then have some way to filter it down to specific items, especially since the search box is so limited in characters.

  • The opacity of the window makes it hard to read item names sometimes, if I can turn this off, I haven’t found out how yet.

  • Random Last one - Your item has sucessfully been added on the market, should be “to the market”


I have to agree with most of what you said.
It is also very annoying having to change to Sell window to see how is spelled an item name, plus
now knowing which item gave you all that money you found on the cabinet.

Also, a few things you didn’t mentioned.

  • Some of the market search options does nothing, or even does not have anything for sale due to the items being untradeable.

  • Recipes cannot be searched based on item level, or type.

  • If you want to search for a item that begins with a certain name, you will be asked to be more specific because “the game found many of this entry”, it could offer a suggestion of items names to the player be more specific.

  • The market could tell how much silvers are discounted when selling the item.


Added them in, thanks. :slight_smile:

There should be a way to search for the item “Hook” without bringing up “large hook”. I recommend surrounding the item name in quotes to search for a specific name. So typing in


will show hooks and large hook. While typing in


will show only hooks.

There should also be a Reset All button to clear search filters. The button would clear the level range boxes, search box and return any dropdown menus to the Search All option.