Tree of Savior Forum

The lack of Reincarnate and player reactions

Today I’ve been insulted for the umpteenth time for not having Reincarnate on my Chronomancer.
You can be as useless as you want on your character on normal dungeon or Saalus runs (I have never seen anyone getting shat on for that) but not having Reincarnate on a Chronomancer is an unforgiveable sin that will frequently earn you mini-shitstorms on public daily runs. After boss fights many people obsessively scan the chat for the Reincarnate message and when they can’t find it they will demand to know why you didn’t use the skill. And at this point things tend to turn sour. It’s honestly better to just play dumb and ignore the request.

I don’t quite understand why they get worked up so much over it. It’s a tiny chance for the reincarnation to occur to start with (10 % on normal dungeon bosses I’ve heard), then you also need to kill the boss within the time limit before the instance closes and if you screw up the timing your skill will also expire before it can even trigger. Sure, it’s great when it works. I’m always happy when a Chrono delivers me another box but it’s a rare occurance and just a little extra for me. Nothing I naturally expect. But apparently a lot of other players see this differently for some reason.

Let this be a warning to future Chronos. Put a point into this skill to please the apeman players or constantly suffer insults for all eternity.

t. n00b f4il Chrono

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Here are some possibilities how you can respond:

  1. Tell them to shut up, they have no right to tell you what skills to pick.

  2. Tell them you didn’t get it yet because other skills, like Stop, Haste, Quicken and Pass are more important

  3. Just tell them you used Reincarnate but no message popped up.
    This happens to me quite alot, even when soloing a dungeon on my chrono and standing right next to the boss. I’m not sure if in these situations reincarnate lands on my fireballs… which would be stupid.

  4. Tell them the boss interrupted your casting animation

  5. Tell them its their fault for killing the boss too fast without giving you the chance to move closer and cast Reincarnate in time

Yea, some of those are lies but if they behave like jackasses and want to dictate you how to skill your character i don’t see any reason to be nice to them.

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Thanks for the tips. The reply is not so much the problem though. I usually go for option 1 but that leaves a lingering bad aftertaste that annoys me and ruins the game for me for a while. It is good to know about the other mechanics how it can fail though. One of these excuses may come in handy every now and then.

My post was probably quite pointless but I was driven to write it anyway. At least it might serve as a warning to aspiring Chronos. Most ingame interactions are of the nice sort, but this somehow really brings out the bad side of people (or maybe I’ve just been quite unlucky).