1 ms ping korea server! I wish we had this kind of ping.
Haha, its just something I started after seeing how KToS and even JToS have their own “weekly reports” but we have no such thing in IToS. To be honest, I’m just making this hoping IMC sees this thread one day and decides to revive their “ToS Magazine” to do these “weekly reports” instead.
All the best for your WBR, and hope you found these round-ups helpful!~
[The iToS Weekly Round-up]
Welcome to your weekly dose of info round-up on Guild Territory Wars, Boruta Raids and Weekly Boss Raids on every server! In here, I will be doing on covering on all servers, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai, Silute and any new happenings in Tree of Savior every week on Monday/Tuesday!
[Quick Links:]
- KToS’s 51st Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 41st Weekly Boss Report: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 42nd week: Link
- KToS’s 42nd Weekly Boss Report: Link
[January Week 2, 2021]
This week seems to be a little quiet in the servers of IToS, pretty much since everyone’s most likely in hibernation saving up resources for future patches. Along with the ongoing Happy 2021 Festival event, maybe IMC picked up on this, and decided to bestow despair in the form of more RNG content AKA an updated Demon God’s Temptation prize pool and another round of Leticia once again, but with 10 Archstone Fragments as one of the prizes in the prize pool (IMC, really?). While there are no class changes as always AKA no meta shifts expected, there has been player feedback that the servers are running very smooth this week, especially for Boruta Raid, so we may expect changes unrelated to meta shifts.
Meanwhile in the lands of KToS, IMC shared their intentions to make their “Hope to Development Team” updates (basically IMC’s Q&A with players) into weekly instead of monthly, and I may be interested in linking them here in the foreseeable future. Given all the patches they have done to KTest and KToS in the past few weeks, they may also be taking a break with the patches this week. I was personally confused by why no KToS guild did Giltine’s Guild Raid last week, but it seems they have finally attempted the raid this week sporting times of over 1 hour, so we may be in for a very rough fight in future. Find out more at KToS’s weekly report, 51st Weekly Boss: Link.
(For reference, KToS’s 41st weekly report: Link)
[GTW and Boruta Raid]
[Guild Territory Wars]
Once again, all is well in the lands of Telsiai where the world knows no pain and I don’t have to expect any changes which makes my information gathering so much easier. Of course, this is never the case for the other 3 servers, as Klaipeda sees the guild Melody being kicked out of Champion’s League this week and being unable to secure a Challenger’s League Map as well. Melody’s constant appearance and disappearance in these GTWs does make me wonder if the guild is in rivalry with the guilds that usually dominate Klaipeda’s GTW. Fedimian seems to have some guild rivalry going on with Maid Cafe and CarpeDiev, with both guilds constantly trading blows and taking over each other’s territory as observed from previous weeks, but the bigger stand-out (personally) would be EriLayne’s complete domination of Fedimian’s Challenger League, taking all 3 maps for themselves. Congratulations to EriLayne for this wonderful feat!
I was sent a few memes about Silute’s GTW for this week’s round-up, and I was indeed surprised to check Silute’s GTW and see that Paradise has been wiped off Silute’s GTW this week. The bigger surprise though, was that it doesn’t seem to be something solely caused by Skyline’s victory this week, but rather an uprising of various guilds outside the Paradise-Skyline rivalry, with Australe and LIMIT taking Aqueduct Bridge Area and Baron Allerno respectively. With how strong Paradise had been showing in previous weeks, it really brings into question what in Silute’s name happened to them, be it the birth of an alliance or miscellaneous troubles. Do tell if anyone knows .
- Aqueduct Bridge Area: FullMoonCafe (previously Melody)
- Nuoridin Falls: Impetus (previously Variant)
- Sventimas Exile: Alpha (previously Infinity)
- Salvia Forest: Tornado (previously FullMoonCafe)
- Genar Field: Maid Cafe (previously CarpeDiev)
- Aqueduct Bridge Area: CarpeDiev (previously Maid Cafe)
- Sventimas Exile: EriLayne (previously Eternity)
- Salvia Forest: EriLayne (previously Eternity)
- Aqueduct Bridge Area: Australe (previously Paradise)
- Baron Allerno: LIMIT (previously Australe)
- Nuoridin Falls: Aqua (previously LIMIT)
- Salvia Forest: FireEmblem (previously Aqua)
[Boruta Raid]
Servers were reported to be running smooth (as feedbacked by other players), and it definitely shows in some guilds. Most Klaipeda guilds seem to be running very well, with times very close to the 10-minute mark for most guilds, and Fedimian timings seem to be improving with every week. 2 guilds have surpassed the 10-minute mark this week with Paradise of Silute and especially YN of Telsiai being the fastest guild this week with a time of 8 minutes 0 seconds, almost breaking through the 8 minute mark. With such stellar and fascinating results, one can only wonder how they did it, its like YN had something important to them taken hostage every week to push such a zealous drive into their Boruta Raid timings.
[41st Weekly Boss Raid Results]
I’ll fully admit, I’ve been busy this week and lack much free time to make any analysis into this week’s WBR to make any proper comments about it for all classes, so I’ll probably not be writing as much in this section as I’ve always been, apologies for that. Overall, my shallow impressions of this boss is its iffy traits that’s probably hard to work with for most classes, and its Sandstorm-Eye Light mechanic, something I am not a fan of. -Asuna of Telsiai edged out and topped the WBR rankings this week for all class trees and servers, dealing 12.3 B damage with a Fencer | Matador | Barbarian swordsman build.
- Top Swordsman Build:
- -Asuna [Telsiai], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 12.3 B
- Top Wizard Build:
- OldFlame [Telsiai], Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Taoist, 12.0 B
- Top Archer Build:
- DestinedWing [Telsiai], Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser, 12.0 B
- Top Cleric Build:
- RoseQuartz [Telsiai], Plague Doctor | Druid | Miko, 7.4 B
- Top Scout Build:
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Schwarzer Reiter | Enchanter | Assassin, 6.5 B
Once again, no surprises that the toothpick build is in top form this week and many weeks to come as observed from KToS rankings. -Asuna of Telsiai has taken top spot for damage for all swordsmen and class trees this week, dealing 12.3 B damage with a Fencer | Matador | Barbarian build. All swordsmen rankers on all servers run the same build, as always.
(YN-sponsored meme)
Bossing build meets Boss as the Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Taoist build once again tops the Wizard rankings, with OldFlame of Telsiai taking top spot for wizards for all servers with 12.0 B damage. Even in current KToS patches, Shadowmancer-focused builds still dominate the WBR rankings there (though some builds have started popping up to overtake it at times), so we will see Shadowmancers for the long time to come. Every wizard ranker runs the same build except Klaipada’s top ranker who runs a Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot.
Just like the Swordsmen and Wizard meta, the Archer meta will not be changing for the long time to come as the Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser build once again ranks on top for archers. DestinedWing of Telsiai, in particular, has topped over all archers with the most damage dealt by an archer, dealing 12.0 B damage this week. As always, Archer rankers on all servers run the same build, and this won’t change for a long time until Appraiser nerfs (currently in KToS) arrives to IToS.
Unlike the first 3 class trees, the meta for Clerics seem to be more diverse with various builds popping up each week. The Plague Doctor class has really taken off in IToS as a strong magic cleric damage dealer, as RoseQuartz of Telsiai has dealt the most damage as a cleric on all servers, dealing 7.4 B damage as a Plague Doctor | Druid | Miko. Klaipeda’s and Fedimian’s top cleric ran Inquisitor variants, Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid and Inquisitor | Zealot | Monk respectively, while Silute’s top cleric runs the same Plague Doctor build.
Scout diversity exists in the name of Assassin, and Tyhz of Telsiai (boil this scout in a pool of lava, please) has taken top spot for Scouts with a Schwarzer Reiter | Enchanter | Assassin build dealing 6.5 B damage this week. Oh, how I wish the Scout buffs come sooner and see anything but Schwarzer Reiter on top. Klaipeda and Silute ran the same Bullet Marker | Sheriff | Assassin build while Fedimian runs the same Rangda | Linker | Assassin.
[42nd Weekly Boss Raid Information]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 42nd week: Link
KToS’s 42nd week: Link
(Irrelevant Round-up content)
When projectile persistence bug meets Assistor Solo CM stage 7 boss …
Welcome to a game of Projectile is Lava, where every enemy projectile does not despawn after the skill ends, and each projectile does 1/3 - 1/2 your HP per second or half a second every time you touch it!
[Round 1] Mothstem (easy mode, dodge them properly and stay in the middle)
[Round 2] Lepus (medium mode, boss starts dashing and running away)
[Round 3] Denoptic (hard mode, boss flies away and leaves bigger projectiles in worse spreads)
(No, this isn’t a graphic bug, they still do the full damage when you touch them. Just kill these stage 7 bosses as fast as possible before this happens to solve the problem )
JToS’s 38th Week Report, if anyone is interested.
Klaipeda is a bit odd in that we have two competing alliances, Impetus/FMC/Yoro/Infinity, and Melody/Tornado/Alpha. It was sort of how old GVG Boruta shook things out. Wild to think that it’s been almost 2 years.
[The iToS Weekly Round-up]
Welcome to your weekly dose of info round-up on Guild Territory Wars, Boruta Raids and Weekly Boss Raids on every server! In here, I will be doing on covering on all servers, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai, Silute and any new happenings in Tree of Savior every week on Monday/Tuesday!
[Quick Links:]
- KToS’s 52nd Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 42nd Weekly Boss Report: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 43rd week: Link
- KToS’s 43rd Weekly Boss Report: Link
[January Week 3, 2021]
(An alternate future that never happened)
Nothing too eventful had been happening to the IToS servers lately, and this will probably stay the same for some time, especially with the game’s current meta, at least until another major patch comes. IMC has initiated a Quiz of Savior event on their facebook page where winners will get free Attribute Points and Anvils, so go on and participate! Contrary to expectations, the Leticia cube containing Archstone Fragments did not cause any decrease in Archstone Fragment prices as the rates for Archstone Fragments are said to be so low to the point some players have taken to forums to voice their disdain towards it.
IMC released a new KTest patch containing several miscellaneous changes, but its biggest changes are the Magic Cleric changes that are sure to shake and change the Magic Cleric meta going forward. Meanwhile, the KToS player base will be getting used to the repeated changes they have received few weeks prior, and are improving in their Giltine Guild Raid times. Find out more at KToS’s weekly report, 52nd Weekly Boss: Link.
(For reference, KToS’s 42nd weekly report: Link)
[GTW and Boruta Raid]
[Guild Territory Wars]
Some information has made available to me regarding the GvG situation of Klaipeda and Silute, where Klaipeda has two alliances consisting of Impetus/FMC/Yorozuya/Infinity and Melody/Tornado/Alpha while Silute consists of Skyline/Australe against Paradise. I am not aware of any alliances on Telsiai and Fedimian, so do tell if anyone knows. Hopefully this brings more context to the GvG situation on these respective servers (feel free to correct me on these information).
GTW on most servers seem to be alive and well in most servers, with constant changes in territory ownerships every week. Chaos ensues in Fedimian as CarpeDiev and Maid Cafe traded territories again while EriLayne moved up to Champion’s League to take Baron Allerno. Taking that chance, Eternity and CarpeDiev was able to take Nuoridin Falls and Sventimas Exile once owned by EriLayne.
Silute’s GTW seems to be heating up with some new memes sent my way for this week. Paradise has bounced back following last week’s GTW to take Genar Field away from Skyline, leaving Skyline and Australe to take Aqueduct Bridge Area and Baron Allerno respectively. This leaves LIMIT to settle with Nuoridin Falls, while Paradise took a step further to take Salvia Forest. Aqua, which usually takes 2 Challenger’s League Maps, is in a rough spot taking the remaining Sventimas Exile.
While not much went on in Klaipeda’s Champion’s League map, Challenger’s League maps sees some activity, with Variant taking Salvia Forest from the two alliances. With the information of alliances in mind, it seems that the Impetus/FMC/Yorozuya/Infinity alliance (lel how do I abbreviate this, IFYI alliance?) are usually the stronger alliance, even now taking 4 of the 6 maps while the Melody/Tornado/Alpha alliance (MAT? TAM? ATM?) takes 1. It would be interesting to see how Variant fares in the GvG situation between the two alliances in Klaipeda going forward.
Oh, and yes Telsiai is as peaceful as always.
- Nuoridin Falls: FullMoonCafe (previously Impetus)
- Sventimas Exile: Melody (previously Alpha)
- Salvia Forest: Variant (previously Tornado)
- Genar Field: CarpeDiev (previously Maid Cafe)
- Aqueduct Bridge Area: Maid Cafe (previously CarpeDiev)
- Baron Allerno: EriLayne (previously Maid Cafe)
- Nuoridin Falls: Eternity (previously EriLayne)
- Sventimas Exile: CarpeDiev (previously EriLayne)
- Did you expect anything else here?
- Genar Field: Paradise (previously Skyline)
- Aqueduct Bridge Area: Skyline (previously Australe)
- Baron Allerno: Australe (previously LIMIT)
- Nuoridin Falls: LIMIT (previously Aqua)
- Sventimas Falls: Aqua (previously FireEmblem)
- Salvia Forest: Paradise (previously Aqua)
[Boruta Raid]
From all the round-ups observing these Boruta Raid timings, it seems hard for even great guilds to hit below 10 minute timing, which really brings interest to how some guilds can do so consistently. There aren’t too many highlights for this week, but to name a few, FullMoonCafe takes first place, beating Impetus in Klaipeda (apparently Tornado ran at the same time as Impetus, screwing their Boruta times), Fedimian finally (I think) sees a 3rd guild participate in Boruta this week while Maid Cafe’s time improves as the weeks go by. YN still holds first place in Telsiai, though their timing has stumbled this week (to be fair, still under 10 minutes), but it is Silute’s Skyline achieving the fastest Boruta Raid time this week at 9 minutes 26 seconds! It is rather amusing how Paradise last week and Skyline this week has technically the same Boruta Raid clear time though (plays illuminati music).
[42nd Weekly Boss Raid Results]
This week’s WBR seems to be on the easier side (with a side of random bursts od damage), having a lower critical resistance and being weak to Holy/Psychokinesis/Strike/Cannon to allow more builds to shine. With that said, the meta will be meta, and the toothpick build points the way ahead of the pack. Kirarin of Telsiai has dealt the most damage among all class trees and server top rankers this week, dealing 12.1 B as a Fencer | Matador | Barbarian.
- Top Swordsman Build:
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 12.1 B
- Top Wizard Build:
- MiyukiSAMA [Telsiai], Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Taoist, 11.4 B
- Top Archer Build:
- DestinedWing [Telsiai], Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser, 10.8 B
- Top Cleric Build:
- AntiVirus [Telsiai], Exorcist | Miko | Crusader, 11.0 B
- Top Scout Build:
- StHeaven [Silute], Bullet Marker | Sheriff | Assassin, 7.2 B
Even with the Strike advantage, it would seem that the meta toothpick build is much too powerful for Strike Swordsmen to compete in, as Kirarin of Telsiai topped the rankings on all swordsmen and server rankers this week, dealing 12.1 B as a Fencer | Matador | Barbarian. It would be nice if IMC can buff Strike Swordsmen, and Strike Swordsmen are getting buffed in future, so hopefully it changes things then. All server swordsmen top rankers used the same toothpick build.
The dark property disadvantage never seemed to hold back the meta Shadowmancer bossing build, as MiyukiSAMA of Telsiai has topped the wizard rankings on all servers, dealing 11.4 B damage as a Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Taoist. Other Wizard archetypes are getting buffed in future changing the meta in KToS, and I hope that patch comes sooner. As expected, all top wizard server rankers used the same build.
Likewise with what happened with Swordsmen and Wizards, the Cannon advantage does not seem to hinder the meta Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser build from taking top spot this week. DestinedWing of Telsiai has taken top archer spot for all archer rankers this week, dealing 10.8 B** with the Mergen build. There does not seem to be much changes outside Appraiser nerfs coming our way in future so the meta will not change much in future, however, unlike with Swordsmen and Wizards. It is also of note that DestinedWing is the only Archer dealing more than 10 B this week. As with the last 2 class trees, all top archer server rankers used the same build.
Dark property meets the holy identity class tree as AntiVirus of Telsiai dealt the most damage among top cleric rankers this week, dealing 11.0 B damage this week as an Exorcist | Miko | Crusader. With that said, IMC just released a KTest patch that is very likely to shake things up for Magic Clerics in future, so watch out for that! While Telsiai’s and Silute’s top cleric rankers use the same build, Fedimian’s top ranker used Crusader | Druid | Miko while Klaipeda’s top ranker uses an interesting Exorcist | Miko | Sadhu build.
Ok, just joking … really. The top scout ranker for this week is StHeaven of Silute, dealing 7.2 B as a Bullet Marker | Sheriff | Assassin, putting Silute on the rankings, enough said. Silute’s and Klaipeda’s top ranker used the same build, Fedimian uses Rangda | Assassin | Linker and Telsiai uses a Schwarzer Reiter | Sheriff | Assassin build.
Oh, its a dark property boss, Bullet Markers have holy damage, and the top rank was ahead by a very small margin?
… I’ll pretend I didn’t see that.
[43rd Weekly Boss Raid Information]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 43rd week: Link
KToS’s 43rd week: Link
Out-of-context KTest memes:
Skippy cant catch a break PepeHands
U forgot to write tornado ran boruta same time as impetus so they screwed each others times
Apologies for the numerous mistakes pointed out on this week’s Round-Up (quite a few people PM’ed me about it), my only excuses are:
- I wrote this while half-asleep and didn’t proofread
- I spent most of my efforts into the class memes (… especially the scout one) rather than on the Round-Up
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JToS’s 39th Week Report, if anyone is interested.
Things which would be resolved by IMC actually adjusting server time with daylight savings…
Join Impotato Become the potato you are ment to be
No, no round-up yet, le monk jebaiting people like IMC jebait the player base into thinking EP 12-2 and EP 13 is coming today.
Long story short, I’m down with a fever since yesterday so expect the round-up to come much later than usual, sorry about that.
[The iToS Weekly Round-up]
Welcome to your weekly dose of info round-up on Guild Territory Wars, Boruta Raids and Weekly Boss Raids on every server! In here, I will be doing on covering on all servers, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai, Silute and any new happenings in Tree of Savior every week on Monday/Tuesday!
[Quick Links:]
- KToS’s 53rd Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 43rd Weekly Boss Report: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 44th week: Link
- KToS’s 44th Weekly Boss Report: Link
[January Week 4, 2021]
(Warning: This week’s round-up is very bare-boned as I’m feeling under the weather from being much busier than usual IRL, but it IS supposed to be a weekly post, so I prioritized getting the round-up out quicker over adding any form of commentary and analysis etc. I really apologize for that, next week will be back to proper )
While there haven’t been much things going on from IMC, there had been a lot of excitement in the IToS community this week, be it Boruta Timings, forums being rife with unsatisfied players voicing their opinions over the game and over articles about IMC, and also the fact that IMC basically baited the whole community into thinking that IMC is bringing the EP 12-2 and EP 13 Content Patch over this week only to bring an empty patch note with a TP package. However, they also implied (or potential bait) that the long-awaited content patch will be coming next week, so the meta changes will probably shift the rankings drastically in the following 2-3 weeks onwards.
From reading comments on IMC posts, there also seems to be dissatisfaction in the KToS player base on how often IMC puts out fashion content as opposed to class balance content. The KToS server has also recently received the KTest Magic Cleric changes this week, along with new Demon’s Temptation fashion content, which is probably one of the reason why players are speaking out.
Find out more at KToS’s weekly report, 53rd Weekly Boss: Link.
(For reference, KToS’s 43rd weekly report: Link)
[GTW and Boruta Raid]
[Guild Territory Wars]
GTW References
Klaipeda: Impetus/FMC/Yorozuya/Infinity VS Melody/Tornado/Alpha
Fedimian: No clue
Telsiai: What is Alliance?
Silute: Skyline/Australe VS Paradise
- Baron Allerno: Melody (previously Yorozuya)
- Nuoridin Falls: Variant (previously FullMoonCafe)
- Sventimas Exile: Alpha (previously Melody)
- Salvia Forest: Tornado (previously Variant)
- Genar Field: Maid Cafe (previously CarpeDiev)
- Baron Allerno: CarpeDiev (previously EriLayne)
- Nuoridin Falls: EriLayne (previously Eternity)
- Sventimas Exile: EriLayne (previously CarpeDiev)
- Baron Allerno: GrapeSoda (previously Megalomaniac)
- (How can there be war in the peaceful lands of Telsiai, oh no)
- Baron Allerno: LIMIT (previouslt Australe)
- Nuoridin Falls: Australe (previously LIMIT)
- Sventimas Exile: Australe (previously Aqua)
- Salvia Forest: Aqua (previously Paradise)
[Boruta Raid]
Noteworthy points:
- More guilds, FullMoonCafe, Melody, Paradise, Skyline under-10 minute Boruta timing
- Reports of YN being hit by Gevura bugs that invalidates their DPS, hampering their usual stellar performance
- Congratulations to Paradise for fastest Boruta Raid clear this week and so far since the creation of this round-up at 7 minutes 54 seconds!
[43rd Weekly Boss Raid Results]
Top DPS build for the week: Kirarin [Telsiai], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 14.7 B
- Top Swordsman Build:
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 14.7 B
- Top Wizard Build:
- OldFlame [Telsiai], Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Taoist, 10.9 B
- Top Archer Build:
- DestinedWing [Telsiai], Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser, 13.1 B
- Top Cleric Build:
- Bluvoyei [Telsiai], Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid, 7.6 B
- Top Scout Build:
- Skippy [Klaipeda], Bullet Marker | Enchanter | Assassin, 8.5 B
Klaipeda: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
Fedimian: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
Telsiai: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
Silute: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
Klaipeda: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
Fedimian: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Taoist
Telsiai: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Taoist
Silute: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Taoist
Klaipeda: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
Fedimian: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
Telsiai: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
Silute: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
Klaipeda: Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid
Fedimian: Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid
Telsiai: Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid
Silute: Inquisitor | Zealot | Druid
Klaipeda: Bullet Marker | Enchanter | Assassin
Fedimian: Ardito | Assassin | Enchanter
Telsiai: Schwarzer Reiter | Enchanter | Assassin
Silute: Bullet Marker | Enchanter | Assassin
[44th Weekly Boss Raid Information]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 44th week: Link
KToS’s 44th week: Link
I’m surprises the facts that non of the Taoist-Ele-Pyromancer surpass Crevox’s summon damage even though it’s ice attribute boss. Yikes. Pyromancer need some buff.
Fire doesn’t deal more damage to Ice though, and cloth armor target is quite the advantage to summons. If anything, I’m surprised there aren’t more summoners ranking high.
The ep13 pyro sfr buffs did wonders in ktos, some weeks Pyro ranked #1
It is weird that ice does 50% more damage to fire but fire don’t do increased damage to ice, I think they should introduce new elements like water.
There isn’t that many people playing summoners, the gameplay is very niche and not for everyones taste.
I am looking foward for the wizard changes, this featherfoot kurdaicha buils is boring as hell.
Summons don’t know how to dodge the frost wave and soak it every time it goes off, getting debuffed and losing almost all of their damage every time. We have to constantly either resummon, or rework our rotation around holding/timing Sauk to interrupt it every time. The summons also kill the ice pillars, so you can’t use those to avoid it. This adds a lot of technicality to the fight that ends up being a DPS loss even if you play around it perfectly.
On top of this, the orb mechanic (“Magic Absorption”) is always very bad for summoner. Summoners do both physical and magic damage, and yet you can only pick one orb. We have no choice but to remove the enemy’s physical resistance, but then all of our magic damage gets gutted for a very extended period of time. Ignas himself does a fair amount of magic damage, but then you still have your own skills, in addition to the Skeleton Mage and Corpse Tower, all of which is greatly reduced.
The benefit of fighting cloth armor doesn’t make up for either of these negatives, especially when cloth armor harms us a bit as well.