JToS’s 49th Week Report, if anyone is interested.
[The iToS Weekly Round-up]
Welcome to your weekly dose of info round-up on Guild Territory Wars, Boruta Guild Raids, Giltine Guild Raids and Weekly Boss Raids on every server! In here, I will be doing on covering on all servers, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai, Silute and any new happenings in Tree of Savior every week on Monday/Tuesday!
[Quick Links:]
- KToS’s 63rd Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 53rd Weekly Boss Report: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 53rd week: Link
- KToS’s 54th Weekly Boss Report: Link
[April Week 1, March 30 - April 5, 2021]
This week marks week 1 since the recent content patch adding various class changes, additional content and other content changes, and IMC is never complete without their trademark weekly dose of bugs. Along with constant server issues (particularly in Telsiai, still having server issues since late January - early February), some of the bugs also potentially holds significant implications especially towards competitive rankings. I forgot to include this last week too, but Crevox of Klaipeda has recently made a guide for the latest endgame dungeon of the game, Demonic Sanctuary, and will most likely be useful for anyone intending to clear that raid so do check it out at Demonic Sanctuary Guide !
Nothing much going on in kToS land as always, though if there’s anything I can talk about, it would be the kToS player base’s constant feedback on reworking Giltine Raid, IMC’s constant efforts to answer those feedbacks for months, and how Monk Vaivora’s multi-hit effect is truly a bug . Aside from that uh … new Demon Temptation rotation for kToS featuring a Dessert-themed cosmetic set and … Pudding Bird?!
For reference,
KToS’s 63rd Weekly Report, 63rd Weekly Boss: Link
KToS’s 53rd Weekly Report, 53rd Weekly Boss: Link
[Guild VS Guild Content]
[Guild Territory Wars]
GTW References
Klaipeda: Impetus/FMC/Yorozuya/Infinity VS Melody/Tornado/Alpha
Fedimian: Maid Cafe VS CarpeDiev, EriLayne poking the two for fun
Telsiai: Nothing to see here, really!
Silute: Skyline/Australe VS Paradise
[Boruta Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 8
- I heard there’s a bug causing some guilds to be unable to do Guild Raids for some reason
- Yorozuya, CarpeDiev, Megalomaniac and Skyline fastest Boruta times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Boruta Guild Raid received some changes from this week’s patch along with class changes, so expect some shifts in the rankings from the weeks going forward
- Congratulations to Yorozuya of Klaipeda for fastest Boruta timing this week at 20 minutes 45 seconds!
[Giltine Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 8
- I heard there’s a bug causing some guilds to be unable to do Guild Raids for some reason
- Giltine Guild Raid received some changes from this week’s patch along with class changes (particularly summoner nerfs), so expect some shifts in the rankings from the weeks going forward
- Congratulations to FullMoonCafe of Klaipeda for clearing Giltine Guild Raid the fastest this week at 45 minutes 49 seconds!!
[53rd Weekly Boss Raid Results]
Top Build of the Week
- Mercies [Telsiai], Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor, 19.9 B
- Top Swordsman Build:
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 16.4 B
- Top Wizard Build:
Mercies [Telsiai], Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor, 19.9 B
Mercies [Telsiai], Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor, 19.9 B
- Top Archer Build:
- xTsuyuri [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher, 18.0 B
- Top Cleric Build:
- Ariez [Telsiai], Priest | Druid | Kabbalist, 14.5 B
- Top Scout Build:
- TyTyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 16.5 B
Quick disclaimers:
As with every content patch, the first week of WBR results after huge changes are usually unreliable to gauge the strength of the builds used in the rankings. On top of that, the server also faced some bugs with significant implications on the rankings, so the abilities of certain builds (especially eccentric ones) are probably over-exaggerated while others may look like they’re underperforming. IMC has also changed the damage compatibility table for attacks as well, so do check that out as well (refer to https://treeofsavior.com/page/news/view.php?n=2244 for more information). As such, I believe its best to take this week’s results with a spoonful of sugar and a huge cup of salt. (Also finally having more free time in my IRL schedule to do Round-Ups properly)
Top Swordsman of the Week
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 16.4 B
- Klaipeda:
- 1st to 3rd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Fedimian:
- 1st and 2nd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- 3rd place: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Telsiai:
- 1st
to 3rd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st to 3rd place: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
Top Wizard of the Week
- Mercies [Telsiai], Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor, 19.9 B
- Klaipeda:
- 1st and 2nd place: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- 3rd place: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Fedimian:
- 1st place: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- 2nd and 3rd place: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Telsiai:
- 1st
to 3rd place: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st and 2nd place: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- 3rd place: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
Top Archer of the Week
- xTsuyuri [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher, 18.0 B
- Klaipeda:
- 1st and 3rd place: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- 2nd place: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
- Fedimian:
- 1st place: Mergen | Ranger | Wugushi
- 2nd and 3rd place: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Telsiai:
- 1st
place: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- 2nd and 3rd place: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st and 3rd place: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- 2nd place: Mergen | Ranger | Wugushi
Top Cleric of the Week
- Ariez [Telsiai], Priest | Druid | Kabbalist, 14.5 B
- Klaipeda:
- 1st place: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- 2nd and 3rd place: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Fedimian:
- 1st place: Inquisitor | Krivis | Zealot
- 2nd and 3rd place: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Telsiai:
- 1st
and 2nd place: Priest | Druid | Kabbalist
- 3rd place: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st to 3rd place: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
Top Scout of the Week
- TyTyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 16.5 B
- Klaipeda:
- 1st to 3rd place: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Fedimian:
- 1st to 3rd place: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Telsiai:
- 1st
to 3rd place: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- 1st
- Silute:
- 1st place: Clown | Ardito | Assassin
- 2nd and 3rd place: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
[63rd kToS Ranking Translations]
*courtesy from an unnamed source
[54th Weekly Boss Raid Information]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 54th week: Link
KToS’s 54th week: Link
As many have noticed, I’ve started to include translations for kToS’s weekly reports for that week even though I initially started the thread not wanting to do so. My reasoning would be that I came to a sudden realization that the person writing that report is getting paid anyways while I’m doing this voluntarily without earning anything and every serious guild in the community already documents the translations on their own anyway, so I simply started including it for easier referencing while not earning any monetary gains from doing so. Of course, if the kToS’s weekly report writer wants me to take those translations down, I will, but until then …
With that said, its not like I have moonrune-reading abilities so I enlisted the help of someone who keeps changing his/her name and doesn’t want to be named for the credit of these translations, so a huge thanks to Unnamed Person/Source A for the help!
Also, JToS’s 50th Week Report, if anyone is interested.
bump 4 moar kek
impressive as always
not enough Silute memes we need more memes they are very funny xd
[The iToS Weekly Round-up]
Welcome to your weekly dose of info round-up on Guild Territory Wars, Boruta Guild Raids, Giltine Guild Raids and Weekly Boss Raids on every server! In here, I will be doing on covering on all servers, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai, Silute and any new happenings in Tree of Savior every week on Monday/Tuesday!
[Quick Links:]
- KToS’s 64th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 54th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 55th week: Link
- KToS’s 55th Weekly Boss Report: Link
[April Week 2, April 6 - April 12, 2021]
This week marks Week 2 since the latest content patch as IMC attempts to iron out every new bug they introduce into the game while ignoring the constant server issues that have long been plaguing the iToS servers, especially Telsiai. Also, this week also marks the end of the month-long ToS 5th Anniversary Event, so do not forget to farm and spend all their event items maintenance! With that said, IMC seems to be having fun over-complicating the recent series of events with the new Medeina’s Arbor Day Event, sporting all these seemingly convoluted lists of shops and systems along with puzzling tables and flowcharts just to explain the event. While the event contains wonderful rewards worth getting (especially for new/returning players), I sincerely hope that IMC stop with this trend of making events so confusing and relying on all these tables and flowcharts to explain it, such things can really scare away new/returning players as if Tree of Savior itself isn’t complicated enough.
Over at kToS, IMC may have finally found some success in reworking Giltine Raid: Demonic Sanctuary after what is probably over half a year’s worth of reworks with the latest rework. Players in kToS have been livid and outspoken with their dissatisfaction on Giltine Raid: Demonic Sanctuary since its release into kToS last year, and feedback about the reworks so far have actually been favorable. With how IMC had to focus their resources into fix this problem, hopefully they now have some breathing room to finally fix other issues such as the recent Attribute Art bug that have been put on hold to fix Giltine Raid: Demonic Sanctuary.
For reference,
KToS’s 64th Weekly Report, 64th Weekly Boss: Link
KToS’s 54th Weekly Report, 54th Weekly Boss: Link
[Guild VS Guild Content]
[Guild Territory Wars]
GTW References
Klaipeda: Impetus/FMC/Yorozuya/Infinity VS Melody/Tornado/Alpha
Fedimian: Maid Cafe VS CarpeDiev, EriLayne poking the two for fun
Telsiai: We’re so peaceful we have cultural exchanges and loan others our lands!!
Silute: Skyline/Australe VS Paradise
Meanwhile in the ever-so-peaceful lands of Telsiai …
All is fine and well in the ever-peaceful lands of Telsiai!
[Boruta Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 9
- FullMoonCafe, CarpeDiev, YN and Skyline fastest Boruta times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Congratulations to YN of Telsiai for fastest Boruta timing this week at 15 minutes 34 seconds!
[Giltine Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 9
- Congratulations to FullMoonCafe of Klaipeda for clearing Giltine Guild Raid the fastest this week at 38 minutes 27 seconds!!
[54th Weekly Boss Raid Results]
Top Player of the Week
: xTsuyuri [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi, 28.5 B
- Top Swordsman Build:
- Myz [Silute], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 17.3 B
- Top Wizard Build:
- OldFlame [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 23.8 B
- Top Archer Build:
- xTsuyuri [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi, 28.5 B
- Top Cleric Build:
- iGoQuackQuack [Klaipeda], Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis, 13.3 B
- Top Scout Build:
- TyTyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 19.0 B
Top Swordsman of the Week
- Myz [Silute], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 17.3 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1-5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1, 3-5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 2: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1-5
: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 1-5
- Silute:
- Rank 1-5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
Top Wizard of the Week
- OldFlame [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 23.8 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1, 2, 5: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 3: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 4: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1, 2: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 3: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Rank 4: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 3: Pyromancer | Taoist | Elementalist
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1, 3
: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 2, 4, 5: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 1, 3
- Silute:
- Rank 1, 2, 5: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 3, 4: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
Top Archer of the Week
- xTsuyuri [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi, 28.5 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1, 3: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 2, 4: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 5: Arbalester | Ranger | Quarrel Shooter
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 2: Mergen | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 3-5: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1, 2
: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 3, 4: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 5: Arbalester | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 1, 2
- Silute:
- Rank 1, 3, 5: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 4: Mergen | Ranger | Wugushi
Top Cleric of the Week
- iGoQuackQuack [Klaipeda], Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis, 13.3 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1, 3, 5
: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 2: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- Rank 4: Inquisitor | Krivis | Zealot
- Rank 1, 3, 5
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Inquisitor | Krivis | Zealot
- Rank 2-4: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1, 4, 5: Inquisitor | Krivis | Zealot
- Rank 2: Chaplain | Dievdirbys | Krivis
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Silute:
- Rank 1, 2, 5: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 3: Inquisitor | Krivis | Zealot
- Rank 4: Exorcist | Miko | Krivis
Top Scout of the Week
- TyTyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 19.0 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1, 2, 4, 5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Ardito | Rogue | Assassin
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1-4: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 5: Rangda | Linker | Assassin
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1-5
: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 1-5
- Silute:
- Rank 1, 3-5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 2: Clown | Ardito | Assassin
[64th kToS Ranking Translations]
*Left: Vakarine Server, Right: Ausrine Server
[55th Weekly Boss Raid Information]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 55th week: Link
KToS’s 55th week: Link
I want to give my thanks and a few shout-outs to Yorocademy for the kToS Ranking translations and Flu of Telsiai for the kToS Ranking graphics, it really helps out a lot!
Also, JToS’s 51st Week Report, if anyone is interested. Apparently, the top Swordsman user on JToS was banned on both servers due to doing Challenge Mode with 5 PCs and is now banned permanently.
Very good many memes i like it xd
good meme read
I love these round ups. Keep it up <3
[The iToS Weekly Round-up]
Welcome to your weekly dose of info round-up on Guild Territory Wars, Boruta Guild Raids, Giltine Guild Raids and Weekly Boss Raids on every server! In here, I will be doing on covering on all servers, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai, Silute and any new happenings in Tree of Savior every week on Monday/Tuesday!
[Quick Links:]
- KToS’s 65th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 55th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 55th week: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 56th week: Link
- KToS’s 56th Weekly Boss Report: Link
[April Week 3, April 13 - April 19, 2021]
Trying to go light and finish the Round-Up this week as fast as possible to get the word out that IMC is doing a livestream later. Since last week, IMC has released an announcement on their Tree of Savior KR main page with their intentions to open up a livestream today (4/20/2021) and another event on 4/22/2021. While not much information is known about its contents, it is extremely rare for IMC to even do something this showy (unless its something important), let alone actually engaging with the playerbase via a livestream with how passive they usually are. The kToS player base, in particular, are expecting a lot out of this livestream due to various issues plaguing the game that is causing the game’s decline, and there are expectations that IMC will addresses these issues and more with this livestream.
Details of the livestream are in this link (http://tos.nexon.com/news/tosnotice/view.aspx?n4ArticleSN=2344), so do head over to check the livestream out!
For reference,
KToS’s 65th Weekly Report, 65th Weekly Boss: Link
KToS’s 55th Weekly Report, 55th Weekly Boss: Link
[Guild VS Guild Content]
[Guild Territory Wars]
GTW References
Klaipeda: Impetus/FMC/Yorozuya/Infinity VS Melody/Tornado/Alpha
Fedimian: Maid Cafe VS CarpeDiev, EriLayne poking the two for fun
Silute: Skyline/Australe VS Paradise
[Boruta Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 10
- Yorozuya, CarpeDiev, YN and Skyline fastest Boruta times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Congratulations to YN of Telsiai for fastest Boruta timing this week at 17 minutes 31 seconds!
[Giltine Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 10
- I’ve got to stop having fun meme-ing Fedimian but I can’t stop, help.
- Congratulations to Aqua of Silute for clearing Giltine Guild Raid the fastest this week at 34 minutes 51 seconds!!
[55th Weekly Boss Raid Results]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 55th week: Link
Top Player of the Week
: Mercies [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 7.9 B
- Top Swordsman Build:
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 6.1 B
- Top Wizard Build:
- Mercies [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 7.9 B
- Top Archer Build:
- xTsuyuri [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Quarrel Shooter, 7.6 B
- Top Cleric Build:
- Zygozenith [Telsiai], Chaplain | Dievdirbys | Krivis, 5.8 B
- Top Scout Build:
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 7.0 B
Top Swordsman of the Week
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 6.1 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1, 2, 4, 5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 3: Lancer | Hoplite | Dragoon
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 2-5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1-5
: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 1-5
- Silute:
- Rank 1-5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
Top Wizard of the Week
- Mercies [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 7.9 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1, 2: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 3, 4: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 5: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1, 3: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 2: Sorcerer | Necromancer | Featherfoot
- Rank 4, 5: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1, 3
: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 2, 4, 5: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 1, 3
- Silute:
- Rank 1, 5: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 2: Onmyoji | Psychokino | Runecaster
- Rank 3, 4: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
Top Archer of the Week
- xTsuyuri [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Quarrel Shooter, 7.6 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1, 4, 5: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Quarrel Shooter
- Rank 3: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1, 4, 5: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Rank 2: Mergen | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 3: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1, 3
: Arbalester | Ranger | Quarrel Shooter
- Rank 2, 4: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 5: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 1, 3
- Silute:
- Rank 1, 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 3, 4, 5: Mergen | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 4: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
Top Cleric of the Week
- Zygozenith [Telsiai], Chaplain | Dievdirbys | Krivis, 5.8 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1, 2: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 3: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- Rank 4: Inquisitor | Krivis | Zealot
- Rank 5: Chaplain | Kabbalist | Krivis
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1, 2, 4: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 3: Plague Doctor | Druid | Krivis
- Rank 5: Chaplain | Krivis | Zealot
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1
: Chaplain | Dievdirbys | Krivis
- Rank 2: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 3: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- Rank 4: Inquisitor | Krivis | Zealot
- Rank 5: Exorcist | Miko | Krivis
- Rank 1
- Silute:
- Rank 1, 4: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 2: Inquisitor | Krivis | Zealot
- Rank 3: Exorcist | Miko | Krivis
- Rank 5: Plague Doctor | Druid | Krivis
Top Scout of the Week
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 7.0 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1, 2, 3, 5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 4: Ardito | Rogue | Assassin
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1-5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1-4
: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 5: Clown | Rogue | Assassin
- Rank 1-4
- Silute:
- Rank 1-5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
[65th kToS Ranking Translations]
*Left: Ausrine Server, Right: Vakarine Server
[56th Weekly Boss Raid Information]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 56th week: Link
KToS’s 56th Weekly Boss Report: Link
JToS’s 52nd Week Report, if anyone is interested.
Exo-Miko-Sader is back. Looks like more players are using the piano builds with Ring of Light combos. Neat. I guess there won’t be any arquebuiser for Archer… kinda sad that new class didn’t get through the debut
Very bold to assume
ah yes the real endgame
Nice round up~
That week was really special, our Guild (Eternal Glory) was the fourth one of the server doing Giltine as a Guild, so it was really a huge accomplishment for us~
Let’s see how it goes when we get Territory again :x
[The iToS Weekly Round-up]
Welcome to your weekly dose of info round-up on Guild Territory Wars, Boruta Guild Raids, Giltine Guild Raids and Weekly Boss Raids on every server! In here, I will be doing on covering on all servers, Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai, Silute and any new happenings in Tree of Savior every week on Monday/Tuesday!
[Quick Links:]
- KToS’s 66th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- KToS’s 56th Weekly Boss Report: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 56th week: Link
- Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 57th week: Link
- KToS’s 57th Weekly Boss Report: Link
[April Week 4, April 20 - April 26, 2021]
In lieu of the various events in kToS and IMC that has started to affect them negatively, IMC did a livestream last week to ensure players of their dedication towards the game and outline a roadmap of their plans for the year, including new story content, a new Goddess grade and system for equipment, class changes, major class system changes and more at https://treeofsavior.com/page/news/view.php?n=2264.
With that said, with such huge plans in the works, the plans they have highlighted are bound to bring some confusion with their kToS player base as well. IMC has posted a FAQ to address these problems as well, you can read more at https://treeofsavior.com/page/news/view.php?n=2267.
For reference,
KToS’s 66th Weekly Report, 66th Weekly Boss: Link
KToS’s 56th Weekly Report, 56th Weekly Boss: Link
[Guild VS Guild Content]
[Guild Territory Wars]
GTW References
Klaipeda: Impetus/FMC/Yorozuya/Infinity VS Melody/Tornado/Alpha
Fedimian: Maid Cafe VS CarpeDiev, EriLayne poking the two for fun
Silute: Skyline/Australe VS Paradise
[Boruta Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 11
- Yorozuya, CarpeDiev, Megalomaniac and Skyline fastest Boruta times on Klaipeda, Fedimian, Telsiai and Silute servers this week
- Congratulations to Megalomaniac of Telsiai for fastest Boruta timing this week at 18 minutes 2 seconds!
[Giltine Guild Raid]
- No. of weeks IMC hasn’t fixed server issues for guild symbols to appear: 11
- Congratulations to Aqua of Silute for clearing Giltine Guild Raid the fastest this week at 25 minutes 4 seconds!!
[56th Weekly Boss Raid Results]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 56th week: Link
Top Player of the Week
: Mercies [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 28.7 B
- Top Swordsman Build:
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 13.0 B
- Top Wizard Build:
- Mercies [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 28.7 B
- Top Archer Build:
- kubis19 [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi, 16.2 B
- Top Cleric Build:
- RoseQuartz [Telsiai], Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis, 24.4 B
- Top Scout Build:
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 13.5 B
Top Swordsman of the Week
- Kirarin [Telsiai], Fencer | Matador | Barbarian, 13.0 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1, 2: Fencer | Matador | Nak Muay
- Rank 3, 4, 5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1, 3, 4: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 2: Doppelsoeldner | Blossom Blader | Highlander
- Rank 5: Murmillo | Rodelero | Nak Muay
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1-5
: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 1-5
- Silute:
- Rank 1, 2, 3, 5: Fencer | Matador | Barbarian
- Rank 4: Murmillo | Rodelero | Nak Muay
Top Wizard of the Week
- Mercies [Telsiai], Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor, 28.7 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1, 3, 4: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 2: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 5: Onmyoji | Runecaster | Terramancer
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1, 2: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 3, 5: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 4: Onmyoji | Runecaster | Terramancer
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1, 2
: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 3, 4, 5: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
- Rank 1, 2
- Silute:
- Rank 1, 3: Pyromancer | Taoist | Bokor
- Rank 2, 4, 5: Shadowmancer | Featherfoot | Bokor
Top Archer of the Week
- kubis19 [Telsiai], Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi, 16.2 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1, 2, 3, 4: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 5: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1, 2, 4, 5: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Rank 2: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1, 2, 4, 5
: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 3: Mergen | Ranger | Fletcher
- Rank 1, 2, 4, 5
- Silute:
- Rank 1, 3: Mergen | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 2: Arbalester | Ranger | Wugushi
- Rank 4: Mergen | Ranger | Falconer
- Rank 5: Mergen | Ranger | Appraiser
Top Cleric of the Week
- RoseQuartz [Telsiai], Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis, 24.4 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1, 2, 4: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 3, 5: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1-5: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1, 3, 4, 5
: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 3: Exorcist | Miko | Crusader
- Rank 1, 3, 4, 5
- Silute:
- Rank 1, 2, 3, 5: Plague Doctor | Crusader | Krivis
- Rank 4: Exorcist | Miko | Krivis
Top Scout of the Week
- Tyhz [Telsiai], Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin, 13.5 B
- Klaipeda:
- Rank 1, 2, 3, 4: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 5: Ardito | Rogue | Assassin
- Fedimian:
- Rank 1, 2, 4, 5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 3: Rangda | Linker | Assassin
- Telsiai:
- Rank 1-5
: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
- Rank 1-5
- Silute:
- Rank 1-5: Bullet Marker | Clown | Assassin
[66th kToS Ranking Translations]
: Mutant, None, None
*Left: Ausrine Server, Right: Vakarine Server
[57th Weekly Boss Raid Information]
Weekly Boss Raid Thread v3.0, 57th week: Link
KToS’s 57th Weekly Boss Report: Link
Monk Conspiracies (read further at your own risk)
I had a thought the other day remembering about the manhwa competition IMC hosted a while back to promote Tree of Savior (I think), and wondered what kind of story they would even write with how lackluster the lore of Tree of Savior is (The Tale of Olfas is awesome though), and had a sudden realization while levelling a new character …
Aren’t these two dudes basically the same person? In the first place, it makes no sense that the Alchemist Class Master, who is a descendant of the Winterspoon lineage, would be so weak that he actually gets kidnapped by weak, low-levelled Vubbes, and couldn’t get out by himself? With the story always having The Beholder around, sometimes I think that both are actually the same person. With how lackluster the game’s story has been and IMC’s plans to make EP 13-2 and EP 14 story, it would be an amusing twist for The Beholder to reveal he’s the Alchemist master and that he’s been monitoring The True Revelator for malicious reasons.
“I have been watching you since the very beginning …”
“You fool … who was it that has supported you with potions and alchemy?”
“I can finally bring forth my plans, I say farewell to my old facade!!”
(Next Maintenance: To be in line with the story, the Alchemist class is now removed from the game)
Heck, I recall some theories that IMC made that manhwa competition to promote the game. With how boring The True Revelator’s story is, they might as well make a manhwa or something with The Alchemist Master, Vaidotas Winterspoon, as the anti-hero main character and pull off the generic weakest-to-strongest trope. An Alchemist Master’s underdog story to rise against the Goddesses (and maybe even demons) really sounds more fun than the revelator’s bland storyline of cleaning up after the dumb Goddesses’ screw-ups (never forget what they did to my boy Hauberk) despite all the warnings Laima gave. It could go something like this:
Title: 最弱の錬金術師マスターが最強になります
Alternate Title: The Weakest Alchemist Master will become the Strongest, Saijaku No Renkinjutsu-shi Masutā Ga Saikyō Ni Narimasu
“For a member of the Winterspoon Family, why are you so weak?”
Despite coming from the fabled Winterspoon Family, Vaidotas Winterspoon has constantly been mocked by his peers for being so weak despite his renowned lineage, his class master status and being weaker than his cousin, Flint Winterwood, who left the family for a different profession to become a top class master. In such circumstances, things took a turn for the worst as Vaidotas gets kidnapped by Vubbes one day while collecting ingredients and got saved by The True Revelator. However, The True Revelator harshly criticized Vaidotas’s uselessness, telling him to just shut himself in the city to make his potions before leaving him behind. In such dark times, the only one to offer help was Giltine The Demon Goddess, as she teaches him forbidden alchemy techniques and blesses him with power, simultaneously unlocking his latent Winterspoon lineage powers which failed to manifest itself until now. With such power, Vaidotas vowed to become the strongest in the world at all cost to bring retribution to those who wronged him, including The True Revelator …
Watch Vaidotas Winterspoon’s journey as he masquerades as the weakest Alchemist Master during the day aiming to create an alchemist’s mafia and monopolize the potion market, and as a servant and direct henchman of Demon Goddess Giltine at night as he stirs mayhem with both good and evil to become the strongest with his new name, The Beholder!
Premiering in Netflix, coming to you in 2222! You can also watch it on your favorite anime streaming website, www.itsarealanime.not or on your favorite manga portal, www.nosuchmangaexist.rly!
If you can’t tell by now, this is just a random sh*tpost on ToS’s Story and the existence of Alchemist.
No, the Round-Up wasn’t delayed due to me writing some conspiracies (I wrote that last week), and no, I definitely didn’t write the Round-Up late because I spent the whole day yesterday wondering what I forgot I was supposed to do and forgot I had a Round-Up to write.
JToS’s 53rd Week Report, if anyone is interested.