Tree of Savior Forum

The invocation + Evil sacrifice dream

Invocation + Evil sac dream, just testing some damages on album bosses.

The Invocation Skill is quite strong in Earth Tower/Solmiki, but is is highly under-rated as its easy to not notice the damage when you have multiple spells up. Also Evil sacrifice is basically useless at ET, and is only good for bossing and dungeon.

The estimated(?) damage numbers for invocation(per spirit) are :
lvl 1: 550%
lvl 2: 580%
lvl 3: 610%
lvl 4: 640%
lvl 5: 670%
lvl 6: 701%
lvl 7: 731%
lvl 8: 761%
lvl 9: 791%
lvl 10: 821%
Now you have to remember that each normal spirit hits 3 times, and each Greater Spirit(red) hits 6 times, so for example…

EACH Normal SPIRIT AT LVL 10 INVOCATION will hit for 2463%
EACH Greater SPIRIT AT LVL 10 INVOCATION will hit for 4926%

For context, in this vid, the summoned boss has 8,019,000 H (8m hp)

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So leveling invocation does increase its damage? I thought it only increased duration?
Also, the spirit skills are actually nice, problem is that they bug a lot. I made a id of ghastly trail bugging when you have too much spirits. They dont follow you anymore XD. Another thing is, if you use ghastly trail, your invocation spirits will lose their additional dark damage attribute.

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yea, i tested both trail and drain earlier with skill resets, and with how buggy trail is, and how its kinda weird to use effectively in most situations, i opted not to level it, drain is just straight up useless so we dont talk about it ;3,

Also, yea levelling the skill DOES increase its damage; i tested this earlier with using each level of invocation and looking at the damage increase with each level. the number estimates i put for % though, were given from a frnd and i think he found it somewhere on forums here or ktos forums.

Besides its bug, Trail duration is really bad…:expressionless:

Funny thing. GhastlyTrail works fine 90% of the time for me…except when in small spaces…

Very nice!

OOT question:
Where do you get albums? The patch note says fields and dungeons above 100 but I have never gotten a single one yet.

It does drop from mobs in fields and dungeons above lvl 100, but its a very low drop rate. i think it was 0.3% or 0.03% drop rate. therefore quite rare.

That explains it. Thank you. :slight_smile:

duration would have been fine if the cooldown was lower XD. Like around 15-20 secs would be useful enough

I think it should have at least 3oh to be worth it…:sweat_smile: