Tree of Savior Forum

The hype is really real!

drums a death march

Sooooo IMC still busy at it seems. Maybe we will get some info this week…

I really start to dislike they’re community managment xD.

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What community management!?!? :’(


They added two more of Packages an hour ago.

Maybe some kind of Starter Pack or something.

ps. “Packages” is a “Product” that will appear on the store, for example, Fal_out4 and it’s Season pass that show on it’s store page, are count as two Packages.

Tree of Savior (English Ver.), This is definitely the Base game.
Developer Comp maybe just the Tools for Dev to manage their game, not for customer’s side.
And the CD Key type that on the bottom of the list should be Beta code management.

Those two on the top is the new one.


so is now end for today… -sigh- and not news so… maybe tomorrow again?

I’d give it another week. But I’m usually wrong, so maybe not :smiley:

The fact that there are some progresses is enough. We will hear more from them when it’s the right time to announce it, instead of unofficial news from the staff.

they’ve updated on steam just a couple of minutes ago

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Announcement on Thursday for the three-week anniversary of “soon”?


this game is dead already

When the staff show them 4 a while…

It Looks like they update the language Files on the Steam Test Server

Thats all :slight_smile:


Are they done?

We are done, The hype is dead…

—Insert coin(TP) to continue—


No date yet. I’m fine.


If there will be anything said this week; it will be on Friday :expressionless:


asrasdasdasdasdasfdsfsfdsfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfASDASDASDASD UPDATE AGAIN