Tree of Savior Forum

The hope is real! \o/

i know i know and i hope too the server is open today. (really i want it) but is better not make any delusion about that. then gonna open when then are ready… and i see today the staff are working hard in hours on this. so i can finally say the waiting from 4~3 years is over.

Tree of Savior Announcement!!!

Kim Hakkyu adopted a cat, he named it Toaster.

End of news.

is it true? haha­­­­

than true like the unicorn i had on my right :3

your name is amazing and confuse… youre a vampire nekomimi or a imperial nekomimi?

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lmao le imperial nihongo cat :3 very cute my anime amigos!

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IMC please say something…
“The information about the game being released on March 14th was fake”
or anything
This silence is killing me D:

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the silence dont kill, the ones lurking on it do…hear the silence brother, it has much to reveal…

Please, people, don’t fill the thread with garbage. It’s fine to have a conversation, since we have hype factor and information, but act like civilized adults, not monkeys from the zoo.


So, tell me what the silence is saying because i can t can hear it… :disappointed_relieved:

Free place bruh.

Offtopic after all

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence~


it says something huge is coming… its the calm before the storm.
what itll bring o one knows, it may be great joy or great rage, for now we wait.

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says the smug anime autist

Happened to swing through the Steam app - IMC is still listed as online… That is… Sooooomething… Right?

Yeah, at least it can be contained in one thread.

But still, something can go too far even in this case.


Poorly executed bait, shitposter.


Bah, nothing changed since 3 hours. Imo they just let their gear running, that’s why we see them online

That is not good corpsec!

All they said was that they would announce today,companies work untill 6pm, so theres still some of time for them to say anything.

Oh right they did… say that…