Tree of Savior Forum

The "Here's Your Fix IMC" Thread

How to Fix iTOS

1. Remove megaphones / announcement from game

Bots can’t advertise. Can’t spam. Can’t do anything. Our games won’t lag. Kill the megaphone! MAKE A TRADING FORUM! HERE! ONE FORUM FOR EACH SERVER!

2. Remove trading restrictions

We can’t even trade Silver with each other even with Token. This is retarded and stops no bots. LET US TRADE WITH EACH OTHER!

3. Remove marketplace restrictions

They make no sense at all. No ■■■■■■■ sense. No one likes them. ■■■■ them. ■■■■ them all. Remove these ■■■■■■■ restrictions. Make Free to Players be able to list 10 and Token guys 20. A game about farming and grinding having these restrictions IS KILL.

##4. Dungeon limits PER dungeon!
I get 3 runs. I get it. But for all dungeons? What if I want to boost a friend later on? I can’t, if I have my own high level dungeons to do? This is a very bad mechanic. The 3 runs per day for all dungeons is way too limiting. If you ever put DUNGEON RESET SCROLLS IN THE TP SHOP I’M QUITTING THIS GAME.

Allow transfers from Klaipeda already

The server is over capacity. Let some of us transfer to the other servers. Just… DO IT!

Or I’ll just wait… for whenever again was it?


Very, very nice topic I mark this topic, serious. And for who want change’s in trade:

I’ve come to terms with not having number 2… but as for everything else pls I beg of u IMC.
(If we did get number 2, I’d be okay with that too, though. I don’t really care. I also understand if they can’t transfer people out of Klaipeda yet. One day).

I agree with nearly all the points of the OP, except the last point, about the transfers.

Well, I agree it needs to happen, but I also followed the messages of the staff on this subject :

They don’t do it yet because they can’t do it yet. They have to invent the transfer system, and it takes time.

But yeah, all of the other points are points I agree with.

PS : Maybe not completely removing the megaphone but limiting it to lvl 100 or 150 ?

Bots will still exist without megaphones. They’ll sit in Klaipeda/Orsha/near dungeons and just macro their thing away. It’s more avoidable, yeah, but I personally don’t think it’s worth removing a mechanic that I find fun in the game (although I did turn it off because it’s unreadable with the bots heh)

I’d support a min level for mics. People might still sell accounts to botters, but it’s mitigated and easier to control for an active GM.

I agree with this! The megaphones are useless for now since only goldsellers use them. Just remove them for now.

I was very surprised to see that I could only list 1 object in the marketplace… This is just very weird for a game like this.

Remove dungeon limiting. I’ve NEVER understood that. That’s why ALL THE BIG GAMES ARE BIG because you spam dungeons, look at ALL the games with dungeon restrictions in EU, totaly empty or botched, that should just explain itself. Either that or force me to pay 30 euro so I can do dungeons whenever/whereever I want. It’s so stupid.

Agreed for everything.
Remove marketplace/trade restrictions!
Didn’t know about the dungeon limit, but that’s also very dumb.



+1: need a trading forum, no use for a world chat if its all filled with useless spam. Its derogatory.

+1: Trading is a basic function and must have for games like this, i have many headgears but i cant give it to my friends without a token and i have to somehow give it to them through auction but thats a big problem in itself.

+1: listing 1 is too litte, not to mention the waiting to collecting gold for something you sold is senseless.

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May I humbly suggest the following also be added?

  1. Remove magic scrolls from the cash shop
  2. Make Tokens less expensive

Regarding microphone use, I would just put it behind a lvl wall, maybe lvl 20-25 or so? That should slow down the message spamming considerably.

I wholeheartedly agree with everything on this list. Especially the removing the dungeon run cap. I like running dungeons in games why should I be limited to 3 a day in a game all about grinding?

The truth is that IMC can’t fix this gold sellers problem, just imagine when it goes free… the Megaphone will be used only by bots.

If they don’t relent, this game will be dead before it even releases. You just can’t have an MMO, namely one with grinding and centered around rare loot, where the majority of players are unable to trade them effectively.

You’re basically hog-tying your own playerbase. Why the hell would you do that?

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I’m agree with that, and i even not know about the 48h delay for silver to come of the auction house…

Agree haha. Trading is like a basic function of every MMO. Stripping basic function to prevent gold sellers may not be a good idea, they should have a better plan.

Some people prefer to meet and buy/sell directly, since the auction has taxes and also waiting time for receiving gold.

Removing the trade function will restrict a lot of social aspects of the game such as people gathering in one part of the town acting like an active market place where people shout out their buying/selling and other people can just hang around to mix with the crowd.

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At least that won’t lag the


Not to mention


You guys do know there is a third town later on that you will literally almost never visit Klaipeda / Orsha anymore, right?

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