Tree of Savior Forum

The game could be on Playstation PSN

There’re another cross platform games on there, like Rocket League and FFXIV.
The F2P aspect could bring more and more players to it, like it did with warframe, also avaliable on PSN. And last but not least, the game already have a good (and in dev) controller system.


I totally agree with that : the game have full gamepad support and will naturally fit on Playstation
The question is the difficulty to port the game to Playstation systems

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Will be a gold mine if this game shows on PSN…

The problem is the porting costs; debug units and PS development licenses, tons of hours of additional work and further testing. Not to mention that the servers involved are different and don’t communicate with one another. Meshing PC and console clients together is a huge task, very few games out there do this, and those that do (EVE/Dust 514, FFXIV, etc) have subscriptions and you have to buy the game first. It would be entirely impractical for a F2P game to go to these lengths.

I don’t think a port is going to happen.
As a developer myself, it is not that easy to port a PC game with specific game engine to a console and vice versa. I also want to remind you that IMCGames already took many years just to develop this single PC game. The game itself still has tons of bugs. I’ll be surprised if they can port this game to console in less than 5 years after the actual release.

Hows the Steam console sales i wonder… No need to port with that console :grin:

And thw controller looks interesting too.

Would be awhile before they could properly consider porting this game to PSN, and even then, it would only be viable on the PS Vita. PS3 users are slowly but surely moving to the PS4, PS4 requires a subscription to play games online, and then why bother playing on either of those when you have a PC?

They’d be better off porting it to Android (Tablets).

F2P games on PS4 don’t require the subscription of ps+. And yes, why not mobile as well? Ragnarok just moved to this field. We need to offer the right of choice.