Tree of Savior Forum

The Future of SAGE

Thanks for your insights, I’ll probably hold back on my advancement for now, and wait for kTos to release the full Rank 8 skill detail and see how should I go. Kinda struggle between going Warlock c2 / Sage at the moment.

maybe pyro3>sorc3 if sage can duplicate bats

I’m a pyro 3 and i’m definitely looking towards becoming a Sage. Really interested in the attributes tied to micro and ultimate dimension(if any).

pyro3 sage gonna be a waste

How can u say so??

No prove No explanation about the waste??

Lol u must be joking around kiddo

Fireballs’ trigger each other so they eat up each other’s atk ratio, so no point in more than 4 fireballs

Pyro’s real issue is damage, not aoe, so even if you increase aoe, it will not really give you an advantage, except for fire pillar, which eases cc-ing mobs.

and btw kiddo, i already rerolled into another character when you’ve just started playing pyro

Ummm… We dont have any complete info about Sage class… Even no complete info about 1sage’s skill…

And u already judge the use of 1 class???
For me that sounds like how “kido” think about something lol…

dont just come into conclusion when something even has not been released yet.
And it is okay to argue but please give a strong theory for your statement…

Do u know this ?
Ultimate Dimension maximizes the portion of space to attack enemies. One attribute of this skill can also increase its perimeter and POWER.

it may increase the power of a skill (waste?). Still we dont know the complete info yet

U said it urself : Pyro’s real issue is damage, not aoe, so even if you increase aoe, it will not really give you an advantage, except for fire pillar, which eases cc-ing mobs.

So theres an advantage there in synergy of pyrosage with fire pillar cc ing mobs (waste??)

And ummmm lemme tell u… Pyromancer is not all about Fireball lol…so by knowing FB, damage each other, and judging that this class is a waste?? (u must be kidding me kido)

Yes we know pyro has decent damage for end game… But if you know how to compensate its weakness (instead of complaining) by having other class speciality… It can boost pyro damage or even support other player

Please read other thread about pyromancer combo with other class to boost its damage or support before judging this class is a waste ^^

Sorry bad grammar

hey what is u build??

And you can read other thread about pyromancer combo that I actually share my experience with it.

tbh, starting with pyro3+some support classes will make you feel more of a support. Try making pyro until 280, then have a conversation with me :slight_smile:

You can super stack fireballs and have them reliably do damage to intended targets.

Fireballs don’t prioritize targets like most aoe attack ratio skills. Instead of prioritizing high aoe defense ratio targets. They prioritize proximity to their caster.

For instance if 6 fireballs are stacked in one location. As long as the caster is closer to the enemy than their fireballs they will deal damage. Unfortunately using this on bosses would require someone else to push the fireballs into the boss while the caster stands on the opposite side. Otherwise damage is wasted based on the time it takes to move around the boss.

ok i am gonna say it now, pyro will never be meta.
IF and i say IF, the add a way for fireball not to be pushed around by other member of the groupe, it will get slightly better. but i can assure you with 400h on my first char that was pyro, it’s a joke past 230.

Pyromancer C2
Pyro hits hard at early and mid game, and has a nice synergy with linker.
But the class has 2 main problems:
First. The physical status of the fire ball, mainly any party member that will TOUCH the ball will throw it to oblivion. So if there is ONE melee player it’s done the skill is useless. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to play in a group, like NO, sometimes you will try but every freaking time it will be mana lost. And that is a major issue because the dps lost is insane.
Second. The damages falls off late game, and GOD its falls of pretty bad… So combine the facts that one skill is useless in group and the rest does low damage, and the fact that you will perma groupe past 210…. There you go your class is kinda garbage.
Oh and it’s garbage in pvp for obvious reason, but then again pvp in this game is a joke.

tl,dr: I’d rate pyro 4/10, would not recommend

Pyro3Chrono3 is a gimmick cheese pvp build with Stop though. But yes, fireball random party play is very bad.

Pyro3>Chrono3 work Fine in PVE

Sure you do less than Meta wiz3/elem3/warlock
But you also got more support than them. (Who don’t like Haste / Pass ?)
And honestly if it wasn’t from FC damage.
Pyro Dps isn’t that bad at all. (Currently grinding in storage perfectly fine, people like me in general and can clear 1 group myself if need and can boost Meta warlock dps with Pass when they use FC + my own dps)
Fireball hit 15 time 1500% Matk Ratio !
Flameground hit 1/sec 100% Matk Ratio/Sec
Firepillar a bit faster and it a cc !
Flamewall is pretty dam strong with linker
(Right now pretty much anything is strong with it but flamewall work kinda how they work right now with linker once they put the nerf back)
Well… Hellbreath damage isn’t that bad but it still a Filling spell (Still nice to tank melee mob !)

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All of this theorycraft is going to pull a 180’ after we get the complete picture of sage and enchanter skills.

Except for what has been said of pyro. I highly doubt sage will be enough to salvage pyro at 300+.


Wow very nice explanation of a Pyr3Chro3
Thank you @momory32 for encouraging pyro newbie player… And furthermore you describe it well with your own Experience… Very nice…

I think its not bad to make pyro3 but not too good either… This class is made for a reason and this game is yet from complete

So this is very wise for an opinion that is base on experience and complete build (pyro3chrono3) instead of just judging by 1 class only (pyro3)

These guys still wanna go despite the warning signs =))

Honestly at this point the color of your class’ icon doesn’t really mean anything.

That said, i do think Sage will be a DPS class. I’m rather sure the 2nd skill you mentioned is actually supposed to be a damaging aoe that also happens to enlarge other aoes - but the gif they posted only featured flying mobs, and seeing as the skill is a hole in the ground and they love to make Wizards struggle with flying mobs… then yeah, that part wasn’t showcased.

▲ Ultimate Dimension maximizes the portion of space to attack enemies. One attribute of this skill can also increase its perimeter and power.

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