Tree of Savior Forum

The function still cannot be accessed even after the penalty time has passed

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) :gmt+7

Server Name:sigita

Team Name:watanabe

Character Name:akihiko

Bug Description :the function still cannot be accessed even after the penalty time has passed
(letting us know what you were doing before, during, and after the bug happened will help us a lot)

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. the function will be available after 20-04-10 07:28
  2. but now 20-04-10 08-35 n still cant use market

Screenshots / Video :
(attach screenshots or videos regarding the bug)

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :


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  • Country, Region :

Hi @stefanus.adi3393

Kindly send us a support ticket with details about the matter for us to further investigate your concern

how to send support ticket?
idk how to report bug in game lol. iam new player :smiley:

Support at top

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ahhhhh thank you bro :smiley:

remember that 8pm clock is 12 hours behind gmt+7 timezone (or was it 13 hours), that means to the sever, it is still 8pm at evening of 9/4 instead of 10/4
so :haha:
it say 7am, that means you have to wait till evening at your timezone

:haha: ohh man. i hope so, so iam only need w8 little bit. i hope that not error. i need market :haha:
btw what time zone server?

Severtime is GMT-5 or something i belive, cause since you are in GMT7, just take your current time and minus 12 hours or so.
PS: why did you cross out your teamname when you already wrote it in report description, lol

lo, omg iam really dumb. :rofl: :sad: