Tree of Savior Forum

The Current Monk feels Undewhelming

Listen here, you’re stuck with your: ‘Double Punch lvl15 deals a lot of Damage’ thing, but this is NOT what i’m on to Point out here, i’m on to reach the Devs mind, to let that skill have a bit higher reach. At this point you need to stand right on the monster, ot your target to be able to hit it with double punch, it’s really bad, stupid bad, you should atleast have an auto atack reach for it. Aslwell for the Handkinfe.
Don’t bring Energy Blast here, since you have 1 min Cooldown on it, you can’t move while you’re casting it and you need casting time for it, so it’s nothing, compared to the other skills the Monk has. It’s sweet, but i’m talking about the basic skillset of the monk here, not the ‘Ultimate Reck everything skill’.

No you listen here, until you have experienced all the skills the class has to offer. Don’t comment on what the class is lacking.

Because it makes you look dumb as a nail. I’d be willing to listen to your opinion if you had at least circle 2 Monk. As I know myself through experience how lacking circle 1 is compared to circle 2.

However listening to a circle 1 Monk review the class is like listening to a blind man review Avatar.

[quote=“Menech, post:2, topic:213051, full:true”]
Wait until you have rank 10 Energy Blast a skill which is easily one of the heaviest hitting attacks in the game. Wait until you have rank 10 One Inch Punch, a skill so powerful it’s literally a death sentence in PvP.
[/quote]:astonished: jealous because I’ll be going the PD route…

Well at least my Suncus Maul will give me a bit of the taste :stuck_out_tongue:

Again you didn’t payed any attention to the main Topic here, you’re just repeating yourself and you’re not a Dev here, my Topic is for the Devs.
What you know about the Deprotected Zone Debuff? where the Enhancement bonus start to effect the monsters/enemies, where the numbers of that Enhancement are shown exept at the cleric master, or submaster where you can learn it?

No I paid full attention to it, then just thought… Wow this dude misses the point so hard it’s embarrassing.

If you want the devs to listen to you. Try some constructive feedback not whatever the hell you put in the OP.

If you want to talk to the devs, go to the Suggestions subforum, they don’t read the class forums.

I’m repeting myself again: what you’re saying is Redundant: that means: you don’t bring any new informations about the skills, or the game mechanix, or about the topic atall, so i can’t see the point why you don’t do something else instead of Tring to point out something obvious.

Face palm…

Says the guy giving feedback on a class he’s only experience 33% of…

Allready did, allready Wrote an Article there aswell about all the above mentioned, and other problematics, but no reply, no attention payed to it, and i’m not sure how to reach them sir.

I’m giving feedback, yes i do, and i suspect changes whenever someone discovers bugs, glitchez, problematics about the game.

I’m asking you kindly Menech, please, eighter start to bring something creative here, some Constructive ideas, something that’s worth to pay attention to, or just walk away from here.

It’s paid by the way. Payed is a sailing term. Just letting you know.

Unfortunately they can’t take every single suggestion into account.
You have to stand in line behind a lot of whiners who make some silly suggestions because they don’t like trading restrictions or scream about kill stealing.

All you’ll find in the class forums is us foolin’ around.

Thanks for letting me know, i’m correcting it, i’m not native english.
(just searched for it a bit: the term is: ‘to pay attention to something’ seems i was correct)

They’re used differently.

Example: I wish that guy would pay attention in my class.

Example: That guy really paid attention in my class today.

Payed is correct in neither sense.

I’m sorry to hear that, i’ll hope to have some Echo back behind the scenes. Saw multiple problematics, not only about this class, about some others aswell, red a few articles about: how the game should work and how it works in reality, so, hope is the only thing left here.


Good luck with it, i think i’m still right.

Wow dude you ignorance is off the charts.

Pay is present tense… For example: Pay me my money!

Paid is past tense… For example: You paid me my money!

I told you payed was incorrect, not pay. Stop acting like a world class tool.

Once you pay for something, the debt is paid an the transaction in complete.

What you’re saing here, isn’t worth to pay attention to. You better head away from here i think.

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lol inmy monk build im going diev c2 so i dont have to worry about energy blasts cd :smiley:

You really are an idiot of the biggest order aren’t you.

Both pay attention & paid attention is correct. They’re used differently.

Payed attention what I corrected you on isn’t you bloody creep.